What about the 150% increase in gas ? Suppose Shell taking 149% of that lol |
Nearly 500p a share in cash alone |
I will have to dig out that post in April 24 when gas plunged to mid 50,s and next door laughed and mocked when I suggested more chance going to 100p than your normalising prophecy of low 30-40s How wrong yet again was he Same again this year chart pattern is exactly the same but this time around more cash, lower PE, higher dividend and about to see a big increase in monthly new contracts |
Especially when you compared to the falling price this time last year when is halved 2025 has started the polar opposite share price Angel already picked up on this in its note |
Gas now over 130. He'll the start to 2025 is going to be mental |
Energy supplied up 78%, but Rev only up 40% yet gas only down 17% compared to FY23. H2 Rev growth only half what was forecast.The market didn't sell on news, it sold because they missed Rev forecast for the year and massively missed during H2. |
Interesting UK Mwh costs Up from £50 to currently £103 https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/electricity-priceWow that is just like gas more than double |
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
Consensus revenue growth for FY24 was 50%, they informed the market that Rev growth H1 was 60%. Thus H2 if in line (which they weren't) growth should have been 40% (60+40/2 =50), but they then informed the market that revenue growth for FY24 would be 40% not 50%, thus H2 revenue growth was 20% (60+20/2=40) not the forecasted 40%, so growth halved in H2 compared to what they were forecasting.Bet the paid ramper and his pet haven't explained why. Too busy posting the usual garbage and obsession with moi :) |
Yep, really sad and just like over there at Echo beach, it has driven away all the decent posters and debates from LSE with it's repetitive, pointless drivel that only a messed up psyche can achieve. LSE = Echo Beach 2 - The Motion Picture. |
Yawn Different day same tripe |
Strange that folks are selling when this will be worth £100 apparently....if folks believe that then they should be certified IMO.Income growth H2 fell off a cliff against what they were forecasting, that's there in their TU for all to see, black and white facts. Not delusional ramping. |
Looks to me like more customers on lower income non fixed contracts and / or fixed contracts that were based on SmartestEnergy pricing are now flipping to Shell based contracts at lower income to YU. Are Shell now taking income thus margin off YU?, IMO wouldn't be surprised. |
So boring and predictable Your losing your touch, paddy rumbled you yesterday for the stupid statements you come out with Sad little man |
Bet the paid ramper and his pet haven't explained this:Energy supplied up 78%, but income only increased 40% for FY24, yet gas spot was only 17% lower.H2 growth was forecast to be 40% (50% for the year) so must have only been 20% half what was originally forecast for H2 - why did growth fall so much?. |
Folks never learn each and every time. Can't tell them, either. Like price of gold. Everyone said I was crazy buying @ $1500/oz for it and Warren Buffet says it's not an investment blah blah....record high just achieved $2805. |
130p a therm just taken out, keep selling nut jobs. Gas hasn't seen prices like this since Feb 23 |
I really do believe it's a bitter ex-employee of Yu. No way would any investor or sb trader go to the extremes Echo does. |
Mr 1k back again |
I find it all funny now especially when gas as an example up from 55p a therm Q1 24 to now about to breach 130p a therm, average for last six months is 105p. The public are going to crucify Labour when the next price cap come out and bills go up yet again. Milliband will get hung drawn and quartered along with the economy zealots. Higher costs = bigger margin, more profits, more turnover, more cash, higher dividends All for a PE of 8 lol.The green dream = higher bills for decades and bankrupt Britain. |
Not too much interest again today. BK needs to do a secondary placing IMO to improve liquidity and entice II's into investing. But he also needs to fulfill his promises to the market which he's completely failed to do - prefers to pocket as much cash as he can so why not do a placing?. |
Indeed it laughable some guy called paddy called him on LSE as utter tripe as the rental cost is actually cheap compared to market rates.The guy is an absolute nut job Keeps going out about missed rev yet fails to point out all rivals had significant declines v YU up 40% never mind the double and triple ratings rivals command Anyone selling at this level is a nut case in my mind |