Poor comms or just drilling hasn’t started just yet and debt isn’t signed off yet? |
25k seller pushing downward pressure.
Minor retest support at 24.5p
Im guessing the market is looking for news on drilling, debt and central block.
In typical TXP fashion poor comms |
 DH I’m not stating they were wildcats, I was referring to reds comment of random poking of the ground suggests TXP had just been on a spree of wildcat exploration with nothing behind their targets.
The fact SOME are reworked historic wells proves my point even more.
I think everyone knows the issues so far, and they have been discussed on here to the death. Poor management, poor communication, faster decline than expected. All which I agree with, and things they need to improve on. If they can achieve A higher base production with known declines (which they seem to be getting to grips with now after last presentation and info shared, hopefully even on the pessimistic side, with room to outperform!!), better communication and management, some upside with LNG market on new acquisition. Maybe that will be enough to generate some more II interest, or if not then at least a significantly higher share price on the back of this!
I have no issue with people sharing the negatives of the past but there’s a fair few who mislead and exaggerate and a lot of the time are just completely wrong, for the sake of being negative. |
John, I thought these were reworked historic wells? Which discoveries were the wild cats? Re debt, sure get your point but what if one or both the Casca wells don't come off as "expected"?! Have any to date? I'm just wondering if this is such a sure fire way to print money why there aren't more II's onboard? What's your "thoughts" on that or is that just negative clap trap or de ramping (chiggers)? |
 Agree to an extent Egg.
Had a good laugh at Reds recent comment, what a load of nonsense.
“Random poking of ground might just might etc etc”
Why waste time posting ridiculous messages? For a start if you believed it was random poking / drilling based on little geological knowledge why would you still be here? Secondly if it is that then are they the luckiest company in the world to find what they have so far with random wildcat drills? If you’d bothered to watch the most recent presentation you could see the extent of the geological data they now have.
Secondly why are you suggesting there is a problem with the debt they have taken on, they are very comfortably paying that back so why suggest otherwise?
“yield a return of oil and gas the digs us out of the holes that have been dug“
you know fine well Cascadura has produced millions to date ( was it roughly 26 million after 1 year of Cas online from just 2 wells, and the capex had been a similar amount?) if it hadn’t produced that cash how would they have funded everything so far? The facility is now in place and majority of capex in place so that any future drills can be hooked up at relatively low cost. I.e the large costs are already completed/sunk. But you wouldn’t like to mention any of that as it wouldn’t match your misleading and negative narrative.
I wonder if they acquired Rio, (not because Cascadura extends into it) but just for a few random pokes… |
I believe that we are all now hoping that the random poking of the ground might. just might, by some miracle, yield a return of oil and gas the digs us out of the holes that have been dug - before the elastic snaps on the bank borrowing.
red |
I would be more concerned if I was in a trench with Mr Baaaaaayyyy. Biggest worry would be the walls he built. Imminent $ or £200m 'wall of cash'.
Would it qualify as a leading contender for the most famous quote of the 21st Century - so far?
red |
Christ Red and Dudders... to think you are invested here... i shudder to think what the content of your posts would look like if you weren't... remind me never to be next to you in a trench fighting an enemy.... |
Mate I've got more as my "core" holding, lol! But I'm a man of steel, me! |
Today's fall:
1.4m shares at -1.25p = -£17500
Oh dear. Grey trousers with a brown lining inside.
For Clarification
If you bought at £1 the loss would be 1.4m @ -0 .7461p = -£1,044,540 a good lump.
red |
Red I have it on good authority we're only a smidge away! I'm not making a habit of picking on SM (because they are a nice poster) but I cannae help meself, so last post on the subject.
Why no continual Level 2 posts today? Ahem I'll get me coat. |
We appear to be retreating from 31p
Oh dear.
red |
That graph looks like someone just flatlined |
DH "(but I assume you will trade out when in profit some of yours) " I don't want to make it a back and forwards thing as we do share the same end game however with above you have assumed wrongly as there's a large part of my holding that is already in decent profit from purchases from the 22p trades23p 24p etc I will look to sell but closer to 60-70p but that's my thought process literally right now on the spot however that may change as the business grows and may hold out for £1.00 or £1.50 I just don't know yet as I haven't really thought about selling as I'm still in the accumulation phase of my strategy here. Anyway GL to you and all I personally am expecting some good news next week of finance sorted and spud date to be confirmed |
 So am I SM, I'm also very happy to to admit when I've got it wrong so am genuinely interested for you to find any posts where I have? "Recently" I bought at or around early 30s but sold out. Re your trades OK I apologise, I keep mine to myself but am happy to sell at small loss and perhaps buy back later, which was what I thought you were doing? Your total holding referred, is around my "core holding" give or take (but I assume you will trade out when in profit some of yours) but I am also happy to trade around the edges which was why I didn't bother replying what my average was to you when you asked either here or on LSE, I also assume, for keeping in your head for when similar "larger" players may or may not look to sell? I may well add to my "core holding" soon but will wait and see and don't really want to go plus 1%. There are in my opinion much larger bets than you, or I, have placed here, we are just small fry and sometimes level 2 can be easily sold into especially when being sold up by others! All IMHO and best of luck all. |
To insinuate I'm being disingenuous and selling is factual incorrect my holding of 1.4 mln shares remain and is UNCHANGED!And yes of course I understand how level 2 can be manipulated (having traded/invested in stocks for well over 30 years) the support of 30p broke which as you keep referring to my post where I didn't think that it would break below the support ... it did and I was wrong but I then capitalised and loaded up at 22/23p (as posted) but yes I got that wrong, I did think the support would hold as it had for the previous four attempts and for 3 months it proved support at that time extra funding for the shell assets wasn't known and that imo contributed to the breach of support as uncertainty over how we was going to fund it prevailed I am ok with calling it wrong sometimes like calling it right from 22p :) |
 SM, please go back and bring up previous posts where things I have said, have not crystallised and am happy to discuss. It's very easy to say such a thing then respond with "but I can't be bothered". Respectfully as well, why on Earth do I need to "reach out" to you? What can you "teach" me, lol?! I only mentioned the last "it's a snip under 31p post" because of the many times you have said similar and found to be wrong and it just got plain boring, as is your continual "good will spreading" the message across multiple other message boards about TXP! Do you know how easy it is to "manipulate" "level 2" if someone were minded to? FFS. It's a useful (very) short term potential trading indicator. Please also don't "concern" yourself about what I use my phone(s) for either, lol. Are you even at break-even from all the earlier recent trades you had previously called the bottom or indefatigable "value" at that time or did you trade out quickly? To be clear, there is definitely value here now, but how efficiently the management team can produce that, is certainly up for question and one that II's have probably been pondering on for some time, as can be seen by their lack of presence. In the meantime, you (and I) know this is an excellent core holding but better trading stock and to pretend otherwise, is disingenuous, all, IMHO. |
Yes Dundee's the support that had held numerous times did break and we are where we are... if you want I'll go back through a few of your posts and dig out where you've said something that didn't happen and repost that like a child ... fortunately I can't be bothered as it's pointless. GL but have a word with yourself not sure what the issues is but you can contact me directly here or once you've been to your mates and borrowed he's pc to get on to discord (not sure why your phone can't go to discord but hey) feel free to to reach out. |
Do you think we will break the 31p your level 2 was "forecasting" weeks ago? :) |
Nope Dunders still hold my 0.6% of the company ...thanks for your concern.
Waiting for the next leg up next week IMO.
The big rise starts next week :) |
A small buy of 129 just gone through at 28p.
Hmm, could that have been Sirmark topping up again? |
Quick..level 2 please? |