Only a question of time before this takes off like a rocket imho. |
Link to the Mukai project. FQM first drill hole assays imminent. Interesting short vid too. |
new stockbox interview
imminent news incoming from FQM on first holes. I had assumed these would be mothballed until all holes drilled. So it's a bonus on the news front for me.
also, a little thing yes, but nice to hear the MD refer to our Zambia projects as very exciting. |
Those are very decent grades of silver in this morning’s RNS and ideal for a low cost open pit operation. Price recovery starts here. |
This company is capitalised at £1.8 million. It is a minnow but it will grow strongly as its discoveries of minerals will become commercial. Get in now at the bottom. |
Further to my earlier posts this is the last update on the Mupala license:
The absence of any follow up to this is clear evidence that they are negotiating a sale or JV on this license imo, and that is why I am now balls deep in this. |
RNS. Standard AGM stuff, but, near the bottom….
“The Company is keen to maintain an active dialogue with shareholders to ensure that concerns around any future fundraising are addressed.”
MD. Get buying
LIGHT this firework |
7 March, 1st official day for the new MD.
I’d like to hear his wallet talk. What a message that’d be. Others and I have got these coming out of our ears.
Cracking assets agree with that skipper
I don’t think it’ll take much to cause a rush on this stock. |
It’s hard to believe that the share price is where it is when this company has so many irons in the fire provided by a raging bull market in copper. The dark horse here is the Mupala license, which is right next door to the Anglo American/ Arc Minerals JV’s Cheyeza license. This has historically produced stellar grades and intervals and is now part of a large scale mining license, so the JV simply has to be going after Mupala imo, and if that brings in cash any fears of a fundraising in the near term should be dispelled. |
The market cap is under £2 million. The company has good prospects in its drilling programme. The new MD will invigorate the company. This is the best time to buy at a low (see share chart), as the upside far outweighs the downside. |
Looks like those who attended the AGM liked what they heard. Anyone care to share? |
The new MD speaks |
Jeff Currie head of Global Commodities, Goldman Sachs “We stand by the view that copper is the single best position over the next year, because COPPER IS THE NEW OIL.
-excerpt from TYM presentation. |
January 25 TYM presentation |
strong hold yes for me too, good shout.
I'm keeping dry powder to add on either, a placing, or great news on the way up. |
Not a bad start for a scout drilling programme. This could get interesting at the next stage imo, but Zambia remains the main course and plenty of news is due from there over the rest of this year, so a strong hold for me, but a stonking buy if I didn’t already have so many of them. |
 Also, this be instantly transformational for TYM in Sweden...( thanks SisMav ) we have appealed it
Interesting that the Swedish mining inspectorate has approved new licenses in areas which conflict with reindeer husbandry, giving priority to mining.... maybe all is not lost there yet?!
"Today, February 13, the Mining Inspector has granted Boliden Mineral AB a mining concession for the Nautanen K no. 1 area. The concession entails the right to extract copper, molybdenum, silver and gold. The area is located approximately one and a half kilometers northwest of the Aitik mine in the municipality of Gällivare. Nautanen will be an underground mine where the ore is transported to Aitik for crushing and enrichment.
– The deposit contains several important metals that are of great importance for a modern and fossil-free society. The ore potential is large and the deposit is one of the largest known copper deposits in Sweden, says Mining Inspector Helena Kjellson.
The area for the planned mining operations is designated as of national interest for valuable substances or minerals. However, the planned operations will, directly or indirectly, affect areas designated as of national interest for the reindeer industry. After consultation with the County Administrative Board, the Mining Inspector has found that it is not possible to conduct reindeer husbandry and mineral extraction in parallel in the area, without giving priority to the national interest for valuable substances or minerals.
However, the decision sets certain conditions to protect the reindeer industry. Additional and more detailed conditions will be needed to limit the negative impact of the mining operations on the reindeer industry and other interests.
– Such conditions, for example for noise, dust and emissions to water, should however be prescribed within the framework of the permit examination carried out in accordance with the Environmental Code, says the Mining Inspector." |
From SeisNAV on lse. Thx...
Brunton Pass assay results due this week according to the last update, lets hope for positive news!
Konkola West: at least 25-225m to reach the target which would be a few days to several weeks based on the recent drilling rate.
Mukai drilling was completed at least 2 months ago, hopefully assays are in progress and news on that in the next few weeks.
Wildcard news... another JV on Mushima North or Mupala? Recent communications have hinted at the possibility |
From Seis Nav on lse:
Potentially big news for Arc at Cheyeza East where assays are showing something big in the making. This is just a couple of kilometres from the TYM Mupala license where they recently found a copper in soil anomaly extending into the Arc / Anglo JV |
Well PC is at the Indaba in Capetown at the moment and so are Kobold, so he might come home with an update imho. |
Big question is when will we post outstanding results. |