Bought today 65 shares. The world needs Shell. |
 Just use our own gas instead of driving industry and tax revenue out of the UKMarch 14, 2025 The top three priorities for a successful industrial policy are cheap energy, cheap energy and cheap energy.The Uk with the dearest electricity of the advanced economies is performing the last rites for energy intensive industry. There has been a stream of closures of steel plants, petrochemical works, oil refineries, ceramics,glass, aluminium, foundries and much else.The Bowland shales run across England, from Lancashire through Lincolnshire to South Yorkshire. They are thought to contain enough gas to meet our domestic needs for several decades.Cuadrilla spent £200 million on drilling five exploration wells which found gas in Lancashire. Today they are instructed to pour plenty of concrete down two wells that could deliver us gas, to prevent them from ever being used. Mr Miliband doesn't merely want to stop them producing any gas for us now, but wants to stop them however serious our need for gas might become. Tipping concrete down these wells is needless and expensive vandalism.The Uk now imports half its gas. Much of it comes byLNG tanker. It produces three times as much CO 2 as UK piped gas given all the energy used to cool, transport and convert back to gas. It is dearer. All the tax revenue and well paid jobs benefit the exporting country, not us. This is madness, self harm on a huge scale.Developing North Sea oil and gas in the 1970 s helped the UK economy pull through despite the bankruptcy of the state brought on by Labour's over spending. Today the government's growth strategy desperately needs more energy. So drill, baby ,drill. Up would go tax revenues, investment and well paid jobs. Down would go world CO 2 as we stop importing LNG.....John Redwood |
 The costs of net zeroMarch 9, 2025 The net zero enthusiasts tell us the costs of net zero will be low. They say a net cost of around 1% -2% of 2050 GDP. They decline to put an annual cash cost on the combination of investment and subsidies, wishing to net a lot of alleged gains from these true costs and express it as percentage of an enlarged GDP they forecast for 25 years time.There are other estimates. The OBR said the investment cost will be around will be £1312 bn with a net cost of £321 bn. Mr Hammond when Chancellor thought the costs would be £50 bn a year or £1.5 tn over 30 years.Clearly the gross costs will be huge. 30 m motor vehicles to replace with battery cars. 30 m homes to have electric heating. Thousands of industrial plants to be replaced with new electric factories. A massive expansion of electrical generation. The replacement of all gas fired power stations. A Switch to syn fuels for aviation. A switch of food production away from animal products.This investment takes three forms. A small amount will be investment in extra capacity for growth, which we would need to do anyway. A bigger amount could be replacement of existing investment when they are worn out. Again that adds no extra cost if the replacement is as good value as the original or it adds marginal cost where the replacement is dearer or less effective. Then there is the big spend on conversion and premature replacement which is all additional cost.There are large extra revenue costs. The state will pick up large bills for the mounting redundancies as blast furnaces and Grangemouth are closed to be followed by others. There are large subsidies to get people to buy EVs and heat pumps. Renewable generators get favourable prices and terms.There are obvious targets to save public money on this wildly expensive command. Stop the £20 bn on carbon capture and storage. It is all extra cost. Cut the over generous subsidies to renewables, running at several billions a year. Wait for battery cars or syn fuel cars to become cheaper and better before buying them.The £1300 bn "investment" is only part investment. Part of it is a wasteful premature replacement of perfectly good machines, vehicles and heating systems. Making them will simply add to costs and world CO 2......March 25....John Redwood |
The Board of Shell plc today announced the pounds sterling and euro equivalent dividend payments in respect of the fourth quarter 2024 interim dividend, which was announced on January 30, 2025 at US$0.358 per ordinary share.
Shareholders have been able to elect to receive their dividends in US dollars, euros or pounds sterling. Holders of ordinary shares who have validly submitted US dollars, euros or pounds sterling currency elections by February 28, 2025 will be entitled to a dividend of US$0.358, €0.3315 or 27.79p per ordinary share, respectively. |
John Redwood@johnredwoodGlad to read the government is at last aware of the collapse of the UK car industry. The £15,000 tax on each petrol car sold over a low number is a wrecking ball. Most people do not want to buy a battery car.6:44 am · 8 Mar 2025 | |
Nat Gas this (2/3) Q running at the highest levels for 9 quarters, even before todays 8pc rise |
Oil price tumbles after Saudi Arabia and Russia answer Trump's call to ramp up supplyOutput hike comes after Donald Trump showed a more favourable poise towards Russia..Daily Telegraph | |
 The public is watching. On page 51 of the party's [Labour]manifesto, Starmer promised "families and businesses will have lower [energy] bills for good".The opposite is true. The UK has the highest electricity costs in Europe, and prices have increased since last summer. A dysfunctional grid and perverse incentives (at one point at the beginning of the year cloud cover, cold weather and a lack of wind meant that renewable energy supply was so low that gas plants were demanding 100 times the average market price to run) have come together in a toxic mix...Daily Telegraph February 25...Wendy KellettGermany's industrial sector has collapsed,the result of the renewables madness-the energien Gesetz-nowBritain has fallen into the same trap, as Mr Milibean's obsessions override economic, fiscal and social interests.2TK waltzes off to The White House to sell his proposals for a costly award to `Ukraine which we cannot afford-while ourfarms, our industries and our small businesses shut up shop.Why are they so committed to this disastrous destructive lunacy? Added to this the overpopulation resulting from their addiction to. mass migration,yet they still pose as visionary progressives while reducing us to a dysfunctional laughing stock.How can we rid ourselves of this parasitical network of tin eared ideologues?...Daily Telegraph |
Gordon TannerWe've had "Go Woke, Go Broke" so now there's "Go Green, Become a Has-Been"....Daily Telegraph |
BP faces 'existential crisis' after ruinous attempt to go greenThe British energy giant faces humiliation as the oil industry's biggest loser on net zero...Daily Telegraph | |
FWIW :- Berenberg raises Shell price target to 3,250 (3,150) pence - 'buy' |
 Ed Miliband's claim that net zero will create hundreds of thousands industrial jobs is vastly overstated, Sir Tony Blair's think tank has warned.The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI) said investing in green technology was unlikely to reverse the long-term decline of British industry and warned that ministers must not "over-state the job opportunities from green manufacturing".The think tank added that it was a "mistake" to let net zero dominate the Government's entire economic strategy as it would deliver only a meagre boost to growth. It said: "It must be a pillar of the UK's growth strategy, but it cannot be the whole strategy."The assessment comes after tensions emerged within the cabinet over the net zero agenda. Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, said last month that carbon emissions had too often been used as an excuse "not to invest" in an apparent split with Mr Miliband.Labour's election manifesto promised a "Green Prosperity Plan" that "will create 650,000 jobs across the country by 2030". Mr Miliband has also said that the Government's net zero plan will involve "backing our proud manufacturing, coastal and oil and gas communities with good jobs, skills and private sector investment"....Tim Wallace...Daily Telegraph |
Nat Gas up 17pc in 36 hoursUseful for the Worlds largest (15pc) LNG player & trader (20pc) |
Up a day when a seller sold GBP225m worth (absorbed also by previous day/s buybacks) Few companies could have that strength |
Maybe Vegas |
Sort of feel same...getting Battle Hardened....and going to Cash Economy....and USA stuff. |