Hi Bones, yes those were the days |
Gerry those were the days playing with the big fish. What a disaster removing remp was in the end |
SSE gets to work on Beatrice (from Energy Voice) Energy giant SSE confirmed manufacturing and construction work on its £2.6billion Beatrice offshore wind farm has begun ahead of becoming fully operational in 2019 |
Didn't you notice the announcement, JJ? How unobservant of you! LOL.
""I won't post again on this thread until Barryroe is farmed out." The onset of Alzheimer's? Though probably not a good topic for humour. I just forgot; easily done when one gets older. Rather silly of me to comment on bones698 post.
I won't post again on this thread until Barryroe is farmed out. Hopefully I'll remember what I posted this time! LOL. You will notice I've stopped posting on the LOGP & PVR threads. In fact I've almost given up posting altogether; it's a complete waste of time. |
Tell me more about the Barryroe farm out, pap? |
What you say is so true, bones698. Unfortunately! |
Pap 95% of pi's who invest on aim will lose in the end just they won't own upto it. Play this rigged game long enough and you will lose. The shares that take off are very few and far between and the ones that drop 90%plus are everywhere. Very few sell the big risers at the right time either, look at gkp holders as an example. Plus if they did they reinvest it in dogs and lose what they made and more. Mugs game |
 Pap, maybe you lose on everything you touch, but that does not apply to us all you know!! You may want to go over to 88e and check out who set out the first BB there. I sold out too early there but still made more than enough to cover any loss here.
So you see Pap, we're both gamblers, it's just some gamblers are lucky and some are not. You can usually tell the difference by how much the poker player is laying on the table. The unlucky gambler is usually putting the grandkids pocket money down, smaller and smaller amounts each time - you might recognise that person when you're shaving tomorrow!!
You can also tell the unlucky ones as they tend to overstate how much they have lost and sound really bitter about it. Yes I'v mentioned what I 'lost' here, but certainly do not believe I overstated the fact.
So there you go Pap, I rest my case, now if you feel offended by what I say or feel it's too close to the truth that it makes you feel uncomfortable, then filter me - you never know 3rd time lucky (I think you forget that apart from the recent episode of you filtering me you also filtered me in January - you just keep coming back - what's the attraction ...lol |
 bones698 has been right and you wrong, Stockriser, on SEA. You are the stupid one because you failed to listen to him and failed to grasp the facts that the PoO and the companies a/c's were shouting out at you. More fool you.
I've been a stupid gambler over the past 15, or so, years. Putting my money into complete duds like MATRA, XENOVA & LOGP. A monkey with a pin and a copy of the FT's list of quoted companies could have done better than me in stock picking!
I agree with you. I'm stupid when it comes to picking companies to invest in. However the difference between me an you is that I admit I'm stupid. YOU'RE ALSO STUPID, BUT YOU WONT ADMIT IT! that's the only difference between you and me when it comes to stock picking. You're a fantasist dreaming of making a fortune from companies promising the earth (that ultimately end up being buried under 6 feet of earth). I was the same as you, but I've woken up and seen the light. You are still dreaming. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE before it's too late. Now that your SEA dream has turned sour you'll start looking for another fantasy AIM listed company for you to lose money in. |
I'm much better off after listening to him, although I wish I had listened a lot sooner :( what stopped me .......... the constant upbeat ramping that went on. It still goes on across many ...far too many boards. I know read, listen and bin it, much my profitable :) |
I wonder if people sold SEA based on your divine wisdom bones and bought a stock you were mercilessly ramping like AFR or GKP ?? I bet you've made all your followers stinking rich!! ..wait |
OOÒOOO nasty ... lmfao |
Not as stupid as anyone who bought shares in either logp or sea after the warnings I gave. |
Pap, do you realise how stupid you have just made yourself look?!!! |
Looks like SEA's AIM securities will be cancelled tomorrow/Monday! |
He's obviously also a liar - needs to spend more time with those grandkids to take his mind off me....lol |
Jack, I totally agree - what a waste of time and effort - guy obviously wants to put his point across!! |
Mistake to have stayed. Europe will now fail as others chose to leave . Its been in disarray for years , flloded with immigrants, no growth and on the edge of recession . Far better off out of it and at least we can control our own destiny rather than letting others grind us down. |