vatnabrekk. You, like the rest of us, took a big gamble and invested in very speculative AIM shares. We dreamt of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but 99 times out of a 100 the pot turns out to be empty!! Greed make PI's invest in shares like SEA and fear makes PI's compound their original error by averaging down as the share price falls instead of cutting their losses. A stop loss is a very good idea as is limiting your investment to your original stake. Far better to average up than average down and always have a stop loss. |
Still find it extraordinary the likes of Remp (7.46%)and Lampe (7.13%) couldn't or wouldn't intervene to "rescue" or redirect SEA to a perhaps better outcome. Not a peep from either AFAIK. Funny old world. |
I think we all feel exremely lucky, much in the same way you feel lucky when you have a car crash and lose 4 limbs but dont die. |
you guys are lucky small losses you could have Petroceltic,PVr,Petroneft |
right product, wrong management. |
You pumped the hell out of SEA and GKP in your time bones so zip it. Lampe supported the BOD and refused to back Remp's return, perhaps SEA's one chance of recovery... Now he's lost the lot, that, bones, is worth a lol. |
less of the poor FFS. Half of his bonus or 1/4 of the various payouts would have kept this ship afloat for a year or two. |
JAW's should never be CEO of anything. Poor Steve Remp watching this fiasco. |
I told u so, lol sorry couldn't resist |
Maybe they thought someone was carrying out an investigation into the company and thought fkin hell we better shut up shop quick - they may be right - but surely Mr. Salmon and N. STURGEON Wouldn't associate themselves with companies like that. |
We must be a dead cert for the forthcoming award for the most incompetent BOD. World class incompetence shines through, we can't lose.
How much is JAW walking away with as we speak? |
In my portfolio I expect some companies to fail, bit overall will make a profit. I am reasonably diversified across sectors, but I will let you know in 5 years if I am successful! |
Don't get depressed about it, Stockriser. I've written off my OXS and LOGP investments in the last 6 months. Gambling on AIM shares is only for mugs like us. A few get lucky (or have inside info), but most lose money I'm afraid. Best to wise up and stick to premium bonds and the National lottery (you don't lose so much money!). You have been guilty of wishful thinking in regard to PVR, LOGP & SEA. Again something I've also been guilty of. |
Perhaps you will have to change your moniker Stockriser (80( |
Oh dear - another write off -think I'll start selling cars |
The wise investors, Jack, sold all their oil related shares after the OPEC meeting of November 2014 and stayed away from the sector. They would have sold & walked away from PVR, LOGP, SEA, PCI, AFR, CAZA, etc, etc. |
how much do they owe |
Thanks Papillon. Your wiseness after the event knows no bounds. |
It's all about being in the right sector at the right time, Jack. With all their eggs in one basket (the oil industry) they were in the wrong sector at the wrong time when the price of oil collapsed.
PS. With reference to your post 32255, Jack, the forensic "market" for R2S was always tiny compared with the oil rig "market". Hence, effectively, SEA had all their eggs in one basket and the collapse in the PoO was always going to sound the death knell for a minnow such as SEA which was so dependent on supplying services to oil companies. |
The lesson I will learn from this is that its all about management.
Top management could have made this into a very valuable company; our shower at the top are not 'top management'. |
Ironic that it happens on the day their technology helped bring justice for the 96. |
Show is definitely over :( One to add to my lessons learned :)
Good luck all! |
 SeaEnergy PLC
("SeaEnergy" or the "Company")
Statement re. Suspension
Further to the announcement on 4 March 2016, the Company confirms that it has sufficient funds to remain trading until the second half of May. Since that announcement, SeaEnergy has been in detailed discussions with a number of potential purchasers for the Return to Scene business ("R2S"), several of which are still ongoing (the "Potential Disposal").
The Potential Disposal would be classified as a fundamental change of business under the AIM Rules for Companies and therefore require the prior approval of shareholders at a specially convened general meeting. The Directors are of the opinion that it is now unlikely that a sale and purchase agreement can be agreed and executed in sufficient time to allow the process of shareholder approval to occur while the Company remains solvent. In addition, the suspension in trading of the shares of Lansdowne Oil & Gas plc, a company in which SeaEnergy holds an 18.67% interest, on 13 April 2016 means that it is unlikely that the Company could currently raise funds through the disposal of its interest. The Directors are therefore taking advice from insolvency practitioners.
As a result, the Company has requested a suspension in trading of the Company's shares pending clarification of the financial position.
Further announcements will be made as appropriate. |