The force is strong here.
"Funding the discretionary well would depend on final well cost estimates; the quantum of discretionary cash on the Company's balance sheet in Q2 2024; and the ability for potential early monetisation of gas following a successful Phase 1 rigless testing programme"
Funding for Mou-5?
It's all starting to look very shaky:
"an application by 5 March 2024 for a single Exploitation Concession"
The first to fall.
An inevitable cash raise before any Mou-5 drill.
Be careful. |
So, this comment by PG on the 26th of Jan…. What exactly do you all think this means… this was a week before they began phase 1.
Paul Griffiths, Executive Chairman of Predator, commented:
"We are pleased to be finally making progress on the rigless testing programme. The initial phase is important to us for designing and implementing the Sandjet rigless testing programme which will follow on after the Sandjet operational planning work is completed.
Divmad, phase 2 is where it is at and always has been.. No one is hiding… |
The problem here now is that sandjetting is the last bar in town. Nowhere else to hide if that flops, unless the begging bowl is whipped round again. You can have all the TCFs in the world, but if you can't even confirm the resource size or flow rate, it might as well not be there. |
You're just hangry Jimmie Krankie. Eat another pie, that'll make you feel better lad. |
Not sure the 3 day rule will apply here really, because there was a bit of an over reaction on day 1. I suspect some that sold yesterday will be buying back in over the next couple of days..............
What we need is a timeline (even if it is one that can't necessarily be trusted, based on past experience!). |
3day rule after negative news |
Keith Oz, Jimmy and GRH and other oilers welcome to post here. Some ungrateful goons posting on the LSE. You know the "Told-you-so" who really has no notion and even attack PG and Lonny. Can't stand the heat get out and stay out I say. |
You would have thought the plugged and abandoned MOU 1, MOU 2 and MOU 3 from the share price reaction. Far from it. Where will the share price be during sandjetting?
Gas is very pure. |
The force is strong here.
Clutching at straws.
You can tell it was a stinker.
Didn't meet any expectations.
When the only silver lining is that the gas was 99% methane something is amiss.
Peeps need to get a refund on those satellites.
And those new specs.
The company knows a man who has a new plan.
Be careful. |
Have thr bedwetters gone yet? |
Maybe you guys just can’t read…. |
Thanks, If history is to be a guide, prd always rises into any drill or testing.Also Jurassic drill in the pipeline. |
Good luck but don't think there will be any rise until the results of sand jetting. |
Got back in yesterday about 8p and just added at 8.50p. Imo should see another 50%+ rise from here by the time the sandjet test starts. |
Agree. But they did manage to give a schedule in a previous rns. |
They don't have the prerequisite #4 extension and worryingly don't seem to know when they will, so how can they give a schedule? |
The force is strong here.
There is a myth in the RNS.
"information was critical for designing the Phase 2 Sandjet programme, including perforating parameters, and for evaluating additional potential reservoir intervals interpreted by NuTech but where conventional wireline logs were potentially impacted by deep invasion of drilling mud into these intervals"
If Phase 1 testing was critical as described by the company why was the company going to use "Sandjet perforating technology" without any prior testing for the September execution as mentioned in RNS dated 30 Aug 2023?
A case of putting lipstick on the carcass of the pig when they saw it was dead.
Failed expectations are being assuaged.
There was no gas flow.
Something they might have found out 2 or more years ago if Mou-1 had been tested.
There are some big bumps in the road.
Permitting, time and cash being the biggest.
Don't worry about the latter.
Novum Securities and Jon Belliss are primed.
Be careful. |
Not an awful lot has changed imo. Phase 2 testing was the key yesterday, as it still is.
What i didn't like was the belated admission that conventional testing was merely to satisfy the license. They needed to satisfy it because they ballsed up a few weeks ago.
I also didn't like the belated admission that phase 1 testing started a lot later than they let us believe.
I also don't like the fact that we no longer have timelines for phase 2, whereas we were given timelines a matter of weeks ago. Why? Nothing should have effected the phase 2 testing timelines.
So, all in all, some (more) trust in PG has been lost. But overall all that has happened is more delay. And as the market hates delays, it offers the opportunity to add some more. |
I think griffiths knows just what he's doing. He's lurching quite successfully from placing to placing to make sure he still gets paid no matter how bad the results of his efforts on the ground. |
Lost all confidence the CEO understands what he is doing |
I guess phase1 has told them how deep the formation is damaged.Hence they can plan Phase 2 sandjet |