Bought value under £100 < hahahahahaha |
The buys just keep on coming in and the next lot of news will make sure Oriole will close at over a penny before the year is out. |
WOW again ????????? |
Looks like 0.5p this time next week. |
Dying dog as always |
Not going anywhere as have hope, but what a depressing watch this is |
Good day for the sellers |
Should be a good day for aim shares tomorrow since the budget went better than expected. |
Yes def looks like it in how the selling limits was not effected today from all the selling. |
That 7m trade a buy Lucky? |
We seen safe now at this level with being able to sell 27k at the full bid price. The price rise was caused by an AT buy on a spreadbet or cfd. AT trades have control of the price, but nothing to do with the buying or selling price. |
Anyone any idea what's happening with price? |
From what I can work out the Lanstead deal is good from the point of view of money coming into the company each month, which keeps us in a reasonable financial position. On the flip side it's the complete opposite for the share price with low volume, and zero interest from investors when no news as they know a relentless seller is on board. Yes, it works out at around 2m shares a day but you only have to look at the share price to see the effects. The board are positive about this situation, so until proven otherwise I'm sticking with their judgement, although with other AIM shares I've been caught out! |
Less than a year left now. |
I wonder how long this lanstead will take to be paid offShare price gagged untilLivesay caused this spiral |
Hope you're right about, not selling but plenty of people seem to think the opposite! Although I have high hopes here, the daily Lanstead selling and people generally losing interest is frustrating to watch. General updates don't cut it unfortunately, news seems to need to be exceptional to have any impact. We shall see what comes next, Martin mentioned a Senegal update a while back, as if news was fairly imminent, still waiting though!! |
Have a feeling here the next news will be material, how far off is another JV or some other form of corporate deal.
The Senala stake has increased in value significantly due to the gold price, totally under the radar this project but Managem (own 60%) have recently sold a project so may be happy to buy out ORR's remaining 40%.
Not a time to be selling out that is for sure. |
Some very positive and sensible debate over on LSE concerning today's news, folks are suggesting with every announcement a stepping stone has been built to larger events.
One wonders how much longer ORR can survive as a listed entity, do you really think there is no major mulling over the potential of a new gold district in virgin Cameroon.
I am quite sure a takeover approach could some when least expected, that is usually how it works, Barrack seems an ideal candidate, if one recalls they bought out Tembo Gold for $100m in stage payments for their land packages in Tanzania, at the time a near 15 fold increase verses Tembo's then market valuation.
Basically Oriole is materially undervalued, the market is woeful but it also creates a buy in opportunity, something ORR directors have been doing historically. |
Can't beat the daily Lanstead 2m to send us red, lol. |
You saved me from writing that.She needs to get on that holiday and chill out as her waffle is reaching a new level. |
You don't half post come cr@p, the budget is not until next Wednesday, the rest of your post is pure fantasy.
Clearly you have no understanding of the stock market, by design the market takes from the inexperienced and gives to the shrewd, |
Held back because of the effect that the inheritance tax will have on every aim company tomorrow. Brokers forcast an average drop of 20 to 30 percent per company. Lucky Oriole is protected to not drop more than 10 percent. |
More good news, can't see it having much impact on the share price though |
I don’t think you need to worry about inheritance tax on AIM stocks, it shouldn’t really affect you. In order for that to happen you would have to make money trading and then your profit would be taxed!! So if you keep doing what you are doing you should be ok 🤣 |
Never mind but at least you admitted it.Anyway I hope it is somewhere nice you are going on holiday.Need as much break as we can in this doom country. |