Swing coming |
At last we might be in some agreement. As an aside, all these companies, Balance Power etc, are all in cahoots - buying and selling projects to each other at various stages of development - taking a cut at every stage. That was how eg Harmony Energy Investment Trust (HEIT)developed. Profits taken along the way by all the pre-float shysters, leaving the end investors (in the float) holding a nearly worthless parcel. (End of that particular rant) A book will be written one day about this particular 'renewables' bubble. Its one reason why I follow it. |
Interesting comment Lurker. MED,albeit still a risk has made itself more attractive in the past few months with the revenue generated from the two gensets at Pyebridge and it was Balance Power Projects Ltd (25% owner of Powertree)who bought the site at Rochdale just recently from MED. Have wondered too why they have shown so much interest in MED and a stock market listing via MED makes alot of sense imv. The site at Bordersley has been written down to nil via impairment and there could also be a hidden value there for the right person/company. |
 Your words " My analysis is correct - as anyone qualified in company finance will recognise. But practically no such look at these boards because they know from experience how the ill informed dominate them."
And who dominates here?? YOU!
So am I to take it that you are therefore admitting to being as ill informed as the rest of us?
Another thing you missed on the income side was the income generated from the Capacity Market contract, regular income £20,000 plus pm added to the Pyebridge bottom line. MED are building quite an impressive monthly revenue streams which Hindlip lane will add to when they are up and running as will the third genset at Pyebridge.
Obviously they know the clock is running, that mistakes have been made in the past, that the immediate need is to increase their revenue - more so in the next six to 9 months - that revenue immediately from up and running sites asap will be crucial. (And not surprisingly that is the one thing that you underwhelm in your contributions too or lack of them).
It remains to be seen whether Powertree continue with Hindlip lane but they have already advanced £70K to show that their intentions are honourable and I would suggest it is far too early to write them off and dismiss their intent - if such was the case we would have to be told by RNS and that hasn't happened in fact quite the reverse its all positive so far (apart from you).
The next four months will prove it one way or the other imv, if they continue with the progress made at Pyebridge to include a third genset up and running together with an increased capacity market contract, start generating a revenue from Hindlip Lane and add to the expansion with one or two up and running sites with the help of RiverFort and Powertree's financial support then they will have earned themselves a positive contribution towards a full recovery and continued success.
All imv. |
 Sorry - pressed wrong key. Dozy is an old moniker you can look up to see how right I was to 'keep banging on' how dangerous to investors was Kibo
And another thing ! Where do you suppose the already operating projects are to come from ? If they're any good (as Pyebridge wasn't) why would they be on the market ? And why has nothing more been heard of the one announced 7 months ago ? If you'd followed Mast (and Kibo) from the very beginning you'd have learned that hardly any of the tie-ups they trumpet ever happen - obviously because those newcomers don't like what they see after due diligence. The only exception was rapacious Riverfort (and the similar Sanderson who lost a packet) who has its own agenda when 'supporting' dodgy companies. Just as Close Bros after four years has never signed up, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Powertree deal goes nowhere. I can't see what benefit Mast with its dodgy track record and extremely shaky finances could possibly bring to an already operating, well funded, company. |
I think my parrot repeats itself less than you |
Classic treeshake before the SOTP kicks in.
GLA LTHers! |
I'm out..... |
Good progress though, and more to come |
Disappointing..... |
What a little boy you are Mr W1il. You've not said anything to contradict the 'economies with the truth' I've pointed out. |
Already have done Lurker, try reading the above posts (you can read presumably - for your benefit I have deliberately not used any long words). |
Oh and Mr Wi1l - kindly point out any 'untruths' I have published. As opposed to those (economies with the truth) perpetrated by the company. Ability to differentiate is a quality of intelligence. So you will be able to display your level in front of us all. We await. |
Well, I would say arrogance is probably more profitable than ignorance. The ignorant remain ignorant because they don't read this thread. Except you who obviously wants to (remain ignorant, that is) |
What utter rubbish - and such arrogance looking down your nose at everyone. After forty years with next to nothing to show for it its no wonder you are left with arrogantly plying your untruths on a thread that very few read and at the end of the day none take any notice of. |
A few lemmings in full cry on a wild goose chase. Impossible to tell how high they will go on such tiny volume and with such ignorance about the enormous elephant trap no-one has noticed. But the implosion will be painful when it comes. |
Hard to buy in size again. Next leg from sub 1m |
Miaow miaow!! |
Dear oh Dear Mr Wi1l. The >£4m hole in the balance sheet is NOW (shown clearly by my post) - even before having to repay/convert the Riverfort loan - which itself has not yet shown in the june 2024 balance sheet. Your total lack of numeracy and inability to understand finance shows up ever more sharply every time you post. As for your condescending remarks, it'sobvious to me that you have very little education, and certainly no ability to read and understand anything more complicated than a John and Jane Ladybird book and maybe not even that. |