Well, the data room closes at the end of March. But I presume viewers will have a few (I hope, very few) days to make their offers. Then our Board will have to consider and select one. I cannot believe that will take long!
So, probably not by the end of March. But the end of April should see a lot of progress.
And, hopefully, earlier. |
Are we expexting anything significant to happen at the end of March this year or am I expecting too much from our overworked BOD? |
No worries. ATB with it. Just critical planetary geometry nomatter how anyone looks at it religion wise. |
Rob I think they have run out of options for Comex to continue gold manipulation.I understand that some future contract options have already been withdrawn by Comex.As more contracts expire we should be back to supply and demand. I'm waiting to see how Trump allows the dollar to collapse and how the US plan to replace it. Could it be gold backed again. |
 Remind me never to buy an acre off you Goatie LOL In my humble opinion there will certainly be a much larger cycle at play (tough to pinpoint yet the harmonics much easier) and some great work done by Adam Smith and William Ogilvie (He was a friend of Robbie Burns) back in the 18th C but current day folk like Fred Harrison and Phil Anderson took it all beyond really and there is pretty overwhelming evidence that an 18 year cycle is in effect. Imho it is really 18.6 years and could be considered mundane (IE geographical). I'd actually be interested if you had time to try and correlate the dates you bought and sold to see if I can pinpoint geographically the possible phenomena that were effecting. Again I work on geographical and critical geometry. Feel free to DM me if you have time.This geometry can sometimes be revealed by eclipses believe it or not. Indeed this morning I checked regarding Thailand earthquake (critical geometries and effects a special interest) and what could have been the cause and discovered the square of Sun and Moon - 90 degrees (eclipse within a few degrees orb) to midheaven and IC & directly overhead. (Astro Cartography - geographical - chart attached). All Biblical really. htTps://ibb.co/1GJjjKWrFor example when we were on our knees back in 2008 Australia had only dropped 4%. (Hence mundane) Going back to Gann, it is one of the reasons he produced his financial timetable based on 18 & 19 year cycles every other year. Other factors I won't get into such as the procession of equinox but you get the general drift am sure. |
I think if we get a decent amount for Saudi and TK goes ahead full steam it will eventually to that share price on the back of a rising gold price.
Be interesting to see if they can knock the gold price back under 3000 with the usual end of month shenanigans. |
Good morning, my fellow investors, forgive me for asking the question because I'm not a sophisticated investor got into this about five years ago I think at 2P, if we get funding TW thinks 1 1/2 pence, really hoping for more than that any thoughts people?Would like at least 4p |
Thanks, yes indeed. I think (from memory, so could be wrong) that the land price cycle was 70 years?
I certainly took a lot of advantage of land price fluctuation, but on a very much shorter cycle. I sold my farm on leaseback several times, buying it back two to five years later, usually at about half the price I had sold it at.
Much was, of course, driven by taxation. The classic instance was I got, and accepted, an offer on a Friday. We exchanged on the Monday, completed on Wednesday and the purchaser died on the Thursday. (My solicitor made a modest extra charge for "expediency! :-) ) |
The point being would Kefi have to time the RNS with the timing of the official news release in Ethiopia ??? i think they would. |
Has anyone checked the ethiopia govt news feed to see if ratification has happened :-) |
I'm sure you are correct, all the data suggests a very good return, unless you invested 10 years ago and didn't average down. I acknowledge that he has kept the ship afloat in very difficult times for an explorer but I just do not trust him to do the best for us. |
"My worry is not a placing but a sell out by Harry on the cheap"
HAA has done his damnedest to mark up the value of the company including publication of current gold & metal price NPVs. See the RNS released on 7 January (11.1p at $2600) then RNS 4th February (15p at $2800 just for TK).
There will be a new issue, of course, the prefs at subsidiary level - probably by the sub-holding company but that should already be priced into the NPV.
There doubtless are predators sniffing around but they probably would not wish to rock the boat until the project is funded and the sale of GMCo is concluded. |
(Ethiopian mining)
(Ethiopian mining)
(Copper) |
One good thing is if we get a big wodge of cash for the Saudi prospects it should kill of the need for future placings. |
Thank you for clarifying Rob, you are a wealth of knowledge truly respected, and the gold prices helping us along. |
DD while the rumour has obviously been started on Lse to run the shareprice down kefi has been hit by placing before however "In H2, we estimate that it raised a net £8.8m in equity, followed by a further £4.9m in early FY25, such that we do not now anticipate any further dilutive equity issues at parent company level in the foreseeable future. Companies on the verge of closing large project financing often have small working capital facilities offered to them as bridging finance support."
Then factor in they have the cut of for bids Monday and any potential short term lender will see they will be getting a wad of cash not far off even if you can argue over how much I do not personally see it. |
Goatie, you may well be interested in this podcast regarding cycles regarding land.FYI Fred Harrison was one of my heros and a great proponent of the 18.6 year North Nodal cycle. In fact I don't think he ever missed a beat. Humbly I latterly applied this to the markets and developed the work already founded by McWhirter one hundred years ago in which the cornerstone had certainly been laid. Hence my own cycle work became quite effective and my collaboration with a certain Quant fund at the time rather worthwhile. As ever my job now is to educate and encourage with regards to the markets and expose the real truth and drivers for them so I hope you find it useful and worthwhile and enjoy with the sincerity in which I present it to you.https://shepheardwalwyn.com/duncan-pickard-challenging-the-status-quo-how-one-farmer-is-rethinking-land-ownership-and-taxation/ |
Poor sods that were ramped in in that telegram group. |
from telegram group :
Carlos : im still looking for that famous road btw
Mark Z : Me too, none of the up to date (March 2025) satellite images I've found show the 'New' road |
"Remember Harry has a shed full of shares "
a shed mostly contains junk |
Remember Harry has a shed full of shares - I think they are probably his pension pot. I very much doubt if he will shaft shareholders seeing is such a substantial shareholder himself. |
In the past they've been able to stretch the creditors and short term loan position. With Saudi up for sale imminently they would be pretty rubbish to not be able to get a reasonable amount of short term credit - even if paying high single digits interest. I think placing unlikely this side of closing if can get there in next 45 days. |
First day on this thread, neilng?
Deedee stop reading the rubbish coming out of LSE. A few good posters on there but lots of idiots who argue black is white until it's time to argue white is black. The morons there are probably one or two individuals with multiple names but unfortunately others keep communicating with them and telling them what fools they are. |