Name | Symbol | Market | Type |
Icbccss&p500usd | LSE:CHIP | London | Exchange Traded Fund |
Price Change | % Change | Price | Bid Price | Offer Price | High Price | Low Price | Open Price | Traded | Last Trade | |
0.0305 | 0.31% | 9.9425 | 9.91 | 9.975 | - | 189 | 16:35:22 |
Date | Subject | Author | Discuss |
23/3/2025 18:43 | RT Your comment about your kids gave me a wry smile. They might well change their minds as the years roll on. Chip | ![]() chipperfrd | |
23/3/2025 18:40 | Performance of a range of PM stocks over 2025 YTD 22/03/2025 Stock Name Code. 01-Jan. Latest. Change(%) Yield(%) Eurasia Mining EUA 2.22 6.00 170% Cora Gold CORA 2.45 6.5 165% Gold Resource GORO 0.23 0.5408 135% 2.6% Vast Resources VAST 0.10 0.23 131% Kefi Gold KEFI 0.48 1.00 108% Avino ASM 0.89 1.79 100% Xtract Resources XTR 0.50 1.00 100% Altyn ALTN 191 327 71% Greatland Gold GGP 6.36 10.6 67% Panthera Resources PAT 7.50 12.00 60% Orosur Mining OMI 6.75 10.75 59% SSR Mining SSRM 6.96 10.88 56% Harmony Gold HMY 8.21 12.73 55% 2.1% AngloGold AU 23.09 35.47 54% 2.2% Thor Explorations THX 16.5 24.50 48% Fresnillo FRES 622 917.5 48% 0.0% Galantas Gold GAL 3.25 4.50 38% Vista Gold VGZ 0.55 0.7569 38% Fortuna Silver FSM 4.29 5.86 37% Serabi Gold SRB 108.0 146.0 35% Agnico Eagle AEM 78.2 104.3 33% 2.4% Wheaton WPM 56.2 75.0 33% 1.0% Silvercorp SVM 3.01 4.00 33% 0.7% Franco-Nevada FNV 117.6 155.8 33% 0.6% Kinross Gold KGC 9.3 12.2 31% 1.5% Endeavor Silver EXK 3.65 4.66 28% Pan American Silver PAAS 20.23 25.75 27% 1.0% Newmont NEM 37.22 47.36 27% 1.7% First Majestic AG 5.50 6.92 26% Griffin Mining GFM 146.0 183.0 25% Hummingbird Resources HUM 2.20 2.70 23% Barrick GOLD 22.2 27.1 22% 1.7% Sandstorm Gold SAND 5.59 6.79 22% Hochschild HOC 214.0 257.0 20% 0.9% Royal Gold RGLD 131.9 157.0 19% 1.1% Hecla Mining HL 4.9 5.8 17% 0.4% IAMGold IAG 5.2 6.0 17% Pan African PAF 34.35 40.1 17% 3.4% Silver (LBM) $ S$ 28.8 33.5 16% MAG Silver MAG 13.58 15.72 16% Caledonia CMCL 765 885 16% 5.6% Gold (LBM) $ G$ 2625 3028 15% Condor CNR 28.50 32.2 13% Gold (LBM) £ G£ 2083 2344 13% Resolute Mining RSG 18.60 20.9 12% SolGold SOLG 6.92 7.72 12% Anglo Asian AAZ 106.5 118.5 11% 0.0% Silver (LBM) £ S£ 23.4 26.0 11% Coeur Mining CDE 5.71 6.21 9% Eldorado Gold EGO 14.87 15.64 5% Goldplat GDP 7.25 7.55 4% Metals Exploration MTL 5.35 5.55 4% McEwen Mining MUX 7.79 7.65 -2% Jangada Mines JAN 0.77 0.75 -3% Jubilee Metals JLP 3.70 3.6 -3% Ariana AAU 1.85 1.78 -4% 0% Wishbone Gold WSBN 0.19 0.18 -4% GoldStone Resources GRL 1.17 1.03 -12% Conroy Gold CGNR 3.05 2.45 -20% Landore Resources LND 4.05 3.05 -25% Phoenix Copper PXC 5.25 3.90 -26% Oriole Resources ORR 0.26 0.18 -30% Katoro Gold KAT 0.06 0.04 -38% Average of these 63 stocks = 32% | ![]() chipperfrd | |
17/3/2025 13:32 | Chip , interesting post on your strategy re Magic portfolio. Maybe you can give us a synopsis of the positives and negatives in years time when you have had it running for a while. I've got a feeling with Mr Trump in situ markets are going to be v interesting for some time to come... My (grown up) kids have shown little interest thus far in investment and finance generally. I think in this regard the family consider me slightly weird, with the view I should hand it over to some 'Financial Advisor'. RT | ![]() roguetreader | |
17/3/2025 06:44 | Thanks CHIP. | ![]() hazl | |
16/3/2025 19:43 | Performance of a range of PM stocks over 2025 YTD 15/03/2025 Stock Name Code. 01-Jan. Latest. Change(%) Yield(%) Eurasia Mining EUA 2.22 6.81 207% Vast Resources VAST 0.10 0.22 116% Gold Resource GORO 0.23 0.491 113% 2.6% Avino ASM 0.89 1.75 96% Kefi Gold KEFI 0.48 0.90 88% Cora Gold CORA 2.45 4.45 82% Xtract Resources XTR 0.50 0.90 80% Altyn ALTN 191 336 76% Panthera Resources PAT 7.50 12.00 60% SSR Mining SSRM 6.96 10.72 54% Galantas Gold GAL 3.25 5.00 54% Greatland Gold GGP 6.36 9.49 49% Harmony Gold HMY 8.21 12.11 48% 2.1% Fresnillo FRES 622 916.5 47% 0.0% Orosur Mining OMI 6.75 9.50 41% Serabi Gold SRB 108.0 152.0 41% AngloGold AU 23.09 32.23 40% 2.2% Silvercorp SVM 3.01 4.08 36% 0.7% Thor Explorations THX 16.5 22.30 35% Vista Gold VGZ 0.55 0.7303 33% Agnico Eagle AEM 78.2 103.6 32% 2.4% Fortuna Silver FSM 4.29 5.66 32% Wheaton WPM 56.2 73.8 31% 1.0% Franco-Nevada FNV 117.6 153.4 30% 0.6% Endeavor Silver EXK 3.65 4.72 29% Pan American Silver PAAS 20.23 25.78 27% 1.0% Griffin Mining GFM 146.0 184.0 26% Kinross Gold KGC 9.3 11.6 25% 1.5% Newmont NEM 37.22 46.24 24% 1.7% Hummingbird Resources HUM 2.20 2.70 23% Barrick GOLD 22.2 27.0 22% 1.7% First Majestic AG 5.50 6.68 21% Silver (LBM) $ S$ 28.8 34.4 19% MAG Silver MAG 13.58 16.07 18% Hecla Mining HL 4.9 5.7 17% 0.4% Royal Gold RGLD 131.9 154.2 17% 1.1% Sandstorm Gold SAND 5.59 6.53 17% IAMGold IAG 5.2 5.9 14% Gold (LBM) $ G$ 2625 2994 14% Silver (LBM) £ S£ 23.4 26.6 14% Condor CNR 28.50 32.2 13% Pan African PAF 34.35 38.6 12% 3.6% Gold (LBM) £ G£ 2083 2315 11% Anglo Asian AAZ 106.5 117.5 10% 0.0% SolGold SOLG 6.92 7.60 10% Hochschild HOC 214.0 234.0 9% 1.0% Resolute Mining RSG 18.60 20.3 9% GoldStone Resources GRL 1.17 1.28 9% Caledonia CMCL 765 830 8% 6.0% Metals Exploration MTL 5.35 5.75 7% Coeur Mining CDE 5.71 6.03 6% Goldplat GDP 7.25 7.65 6% Eldorado Gold EGO 14.87 15.26 3% Ariana AAU 1.85 1.88 1% 0% Jangada Mines JAN 0.77 0.75 -3% McEwen Mining MUX 7.79 7.46 -4% Wishbone Gold WSBN 0.19 0.18 -4% Conroy Gold CGNR 3.05 2.90 -5% Jubilee Metals JLP 3.70 3.35 -9% Landore Resources LND 4.05 3.30 -19% Phoenix Copper PXC 5.25 4.25 -19% Oriole Resources ORR 0.26 0.20 -24% Katoro Gold KAT 0.06 0.04 -42% Average of these 63 stocks = 29% | ![]() chipperfrd | |
16/3/2025 13:14 | Hi RT, Sorry for delay in coming back to you. I took a biggish hit on HUM in spite of using my 'Staircase' system to reduce holding costs over multiple years - real bummer! Did ok on SHG and CEY but still feel cheated as I had expected to hold them both given their potential growth going forward. Re my new 'Magic' portfolio additions: I have taken positions in 20 stocks so far but expect to take that up to around 30 this year. Could not stop myself adding some DEC and PAF (which don't really meet the Magic ranking criteria, but just wanted them in there anyway. I am roughly aiming to select from the lowest ranked 50 out of the 450 FTSE stocks with Mkt Caps above £100m. However, I am still digging down to de-select stocks which concern me in various aspects. I am also biased towards those stocks which pay dividends, so it's getting difficult to confine my choices to the lowest 50! Anyway, so far not too bad. Dealing costs and spreads have given me a negative start to overcome, only time will tell if 12 months on there are real gains to celebrate. Chances are, I will only trade out the original cash investment amounts when the time comes to switch out of stocks (ala 'Staircase' method) in order to run with 'free' shares of the winners. But already I can see that this may be difficult with stocks like BATS and BHP which will need much larger initial cash investment due to their significant share prices. To be honest, this foray into the whole 'Magic' system is all about trying to prove the system for my (grown-up) children so that they can operate an investment strategy independent from me in my dotage !! Time will tell. All the best Chip | ![]() chipperfrd | |
24/2/2025 14:03 | Thanks Chip, always interesting to read your approach so would definitely be good to hear how the Greenblatt Magic Formula pans out for you. As you said above HUM, CEY and SHG was bad news for a lot of shareholders. I made some on SHG but that was more than off set by HUM losses. Overall keeping my nose above water but not specifically on PM stocks (YET!) | ![]() roguetreader | |
23/2/2025 13:54 | Performance of a range of PM stocks over 2025 YTD 22/02/2025 Stock Name Code. 01-Jan. Latest. Change(%) Yield(%) Eurasia Mining EUA 2.22 4.95 123% Vast Resources VAST 0.10 0.20 96% Altyn ALTN 191 354 85% Orosur Mining OMI 6.75 11.63 72% Gold Resource GORO 0.23 0.3904 70% 2.6% Avino ASM 0.89 1.375 54% Serabi Gold SRB 108.0 160.0 48% SSR Mining SSRM 6.96 10.23 47% AngloGold AU 23.09 31.64 37% 2.2% Greatland Gold GGP 6.36 8.6 35% Harmony Gold HMY 8.21 10.82 32% 2.1% Thor Explorations THX 16.5 21.50 30% Fresnillo FRES 622 776.5 25% 0.0% Cora Gold CORA 2.45 3.05 24% Griffin Mining GFM 146.0 181.0 24% Agnico Eagle AEM 78.2 96.1 23% 2.4% Newmont NEM 37.22 45.33 22% 1.7% Wheaton WPM 56.2 68.1 21% 1.0% Pan American Silver PAAS 20.23 24.44 21% 1.0% Silvercorp SVM 3.01 3.62 20% 0.7% Kinross Gold KGC 9.3 11.0 18% 1.5% Franco-Nevada FNV 117.6 138.7 18% 0.6% Barrick GOLD 22.2 26.1 17% 1.7% Hummingbird Resources HUM 2.20 2.58 17% MAG Silver MAG 13.58 15.755 16% Vista Gold VGZ 0.55 0.628 14% Silver (LBM) $ S$ 28.8 32.8 14% Condor CNR 28.50 32.2 13% Royal Gold RGLD 131.9 148.5 13% 1.1% Gold (LBM) $ G$ 2625 2950 12% Gold (LBM) £ G£ 2083 2335 12% IAMGold IAG 5.2 5.7 11% Silver (LBM) £ S£ 23.4 26.0 11% Caledonia CMCL 765 840 10% 6.0% Conroy Gold CGNR 3.05 3.30 8% Anglo Asian AAZ 106.5 115.0 8% 0.0% Galantas Gold GAL 3.25 3.50 8% Sandstorm Gold SAND 5.59 5.98 7% Panthera Resources PAT 7.50 8.00 7% Metals Exploration MTL 5.35 5.7 7% Hecla Mining HL 4.9 5.2 6% 0.4% Ariana AAU 1.85 1.95 5% 0% Endeavor Silver EXK 3.65 3.84 5% GoldStone Resources GRL 1.17 1.23 5% Kefi Gold KEFI 0.48 0.50 4% Fortuna Silver FSM 4.29 4.42 3% Pan African PAF 34.35 35.0 2% 3.9% First Majestic AG 5.50 5.55 1% Xtract Resources XTR 0.50 0.50 0% Jubilee Metals JLP 3.70 3.7 0% Resolute Mining RSG 18.60 18.6 0% Jangada Mines JAN 0.77 0.75 -3% Goldplat GDP 7.25 7.00 -3% Coeur Mining CDE 5.71 5.46 -4% Wishbone Gold WSBN 0.19 0.18 -4% SolGold SOLG 6.92 6.36 -8% McEwen Mining MUX 7.79 7.14 -8% Eldorado Gold EGO 14.87 13.41 -10% Landore Resources LND 4.05 3.60 -11% Hochschild HOC 214.0 190.0 -11% 1.2% Oriole Resources ORR 0.26 0.22 -15% Katoro Gold KAT 0.06 0.04 -29% Phoenix Copper PXC 5.25 3.65 -30% Average of these 63 stocks = 17% | ![]() chipperfrd | |
23/2/2025 13:40 | Hi RT, Good to hear from you. Yes, the steady improvement in gold wrt US$ and GB£ has finally brought some decent returns from some of the miners. I was a bit peeved to lose SHG and CEY to T/O's and, of course, HUM finally succumbed to an inevitable cheap take out! FTSE looking a bit short on PM miners so I may have to follow you into AUS/CAD/US markets although I had deliberately exited them a few years ago in order to simplify my portfolio. I still hold PAF, CMCL, HOC, SRB & THX in the London market but have been buying more O&G, especially those with dividends. I really do want to reduce the need to spend time on the markets unless really necessary. I am also branching out from my 'Staircase' portfolio model as the amount of DD required is somewhat prohibitive and planning a restricted DD approach to the Greenblatt 'Magic' comparative ranking of the FTSE market. At a £100m Mkt Cap filter it still provides 450-odd stocks for the rankings and my initial 12-month try out will be over 20-30 stocks from the best 50-ish thrown up by the Magic formula. Interestingly, both PTAL and SQZ fall into that filter and they are also stocks which I hold in my 'Staircase' portfolio, so those two are easy choices for me. It would be pretty cool if this methodology works for 20-30 multi-sector stocks averaged out over the full 12 months - but I'm a bit sceptical to be honest. I will let you know how it works out. All the best Chip | ![]() chipperfrd | |
21/2/2025 12:31 | Hi Chip Thanks (again) for your efforts here, always like to look in :). Feels to me as if PM Miners may have started to get some 'long term' traction. On a personal basis have moved away juniors and focused on a couple of large / mid tiers, plus a few streamers. Upside and volatility reduced. All the best RT | ![]() roguetreader | |
09/2/2025 16:25 | Performance of a range of PM stocks over 2025 YTD 08/02/2025 Stock Name Code. 01-Jan. Latest. Change(%) Yield(%) Div/share Eurasia Mining EUA 2.22 5.00 125% Orosur Mining OMI 6.75 12.00 78% Altyn ALTN 191 298 56% Gold Resource GORO 0.23 0.3503 52% 2.6% Avino ASM 0.89 1.34 50% Harmony Gold HMY 8.21 11.99 46% 2.1% AngloGold AU 23.09 31.43 36% 2.2% Greatland Gold GGP 6.36 8.36 31% Thor Explorations THX 16.5 21.60 31% Vast Resources VAST 0.10 0.13 31% SSR Mining SSRM 6.96 9.01 29% Kinross Gold KGC 9.3 11.9 28% 1.5% Agnico Eagle AEM 78.2 98.4 26% 2.4% Kefi Gold KEFI 0.48 0.60 25% IAMGold IAG 5.2 6.4 24% Griffin Mining GFM 146.0 181.0 24% Fresnillo FRES 622 765 23% 0.0% 0.22 Pan African PAF 34.4 42.2 23% 3.3% 1.38 Pan American Silver PAAS 20.23 24.55 21% 1.0% Serabi Gold SRB 108.0 131.0 21% Coeur Mining CDE 5.71 6.92 21% Newmont NEM 37.22 44.84 20% 1.7% Hummingbird Resources HUM 2.20 2.65 20% Xtract Resources XTR 0.50 0.60 20% Fortuna Silver FSM 4.29 5.16 20% Franco-Nevada FNV 117.6 141.3 20% 0.6% Hecla Mining HL 4.9 5.9 20% 0.4% Vista Gold VGZ 0.55 0.6502 18% Wheaton WPM 56.2 66.2 18% 1.0% Panthera Resources PAT 7.50 8.80 17% MAG Silver MAG 13.58 15.77 16% Condor CNR 28.50 32.2 13% Sandstorm Gold SAND 5.59 6.28 12% Gold (LBM) £ G£ 2083 2326 12% Silver (LBM) $ S$ 28.8 32.2 12% Silver (LBM) £ S£ 23.4 25.9 11% Gold (LBM) $ G$ 2625 2886 10% Barrick GOLD 22.2 24.3 10% 1.7% Royal Gold RGLD 131.9 144.5 10% 1.1% Silvercorp SVM 3.01 3.25 8% 0.7% Anglo Asian AAZ 106.5 115.0 8% 0.0% 0 Endeavor Silver EXK 3.65 3.92 7% Cora Gold CORA 2.45 2.55 4% Jubilee Metals JLP 3.70 3.85 4% Metals Exploration MTL 5.35 5.55 4% Caledonia CMCL 765 790 3% 6.3% 50 Ariana AAU 1.85 1.90 3% 0% First Majestic AG 5.50 5.63 2% SolGold SOLG 6.92 7.00 1% GoldStone Resources GRL 1.17 1.18 0% Landore Resources LND 4.05 4.05 0% Goldplat GDP 7.25 7.25 0% Resolute Mining RSG 18.60 18.15 -2% Jangada Mines JAN 0.77 0.75 -3% Wishbone Gold WSBN 0.19 0.18 -4% McEwen Mining MUX 7.79 7.385 -5% Eldorado Gold EGO 14.87 13.93 -6% Hochschild HOC 214 186 -13% 1.2% 2.29 Phoenix Copper PXC 5.25 4.30 -18% Galantas Gold GAL 3.25 2.60 -20% Oriole Resources ORR 0.26 0.21 -20% Katoro Gold KAT 0.06 0.05 -21% Conroy Gold CGNR 3.05 2.40 -21% Average of these 63 stocks = 16% | ![]() chipperfrd | |
26/1/2025 15:11 | Performance of a range of PM stocks over 2025 YTD 25/01/2025 Stock Name Code. 01-Jan. Latest. Change(%) Yield(%) Gold Resource GORO 23.25 48.00 106% 2.6% Vast Resources VAST 0.02 0.02 56% Harmony Gold HMY 820.00 1087.50 33% 2.1% Avino ASM 87.50 116.00 33% Serabi Gold SRB 108.00 139.00 29% Jubilee Metals JLP 3.70 4.58 24% Altyn ALTN 191.00 234.00 23% AngloGold AU 23.09 28.23 22% 2.2% Hummingbird Resources HUM 2.20 2.63 20% Thor Explorations THX 16.5 19.50 18% Eurasia Mining EUA 2.22 2.60 17% IAMGold IAG 516.00 604.00 17% Cora Gold CORA 2.45 2.85 16% SSR Mining SSRM 6.96 8.02 15% Kinross Gold KGC 927.50 1068.50 15% 1.5% Agnico Eagle AEM 78.21 89.95 15% 2.4% Vista Gold VGZ 55.00 63.00 15% Pan African PAF 34.35 39.25 14% 3.5% Condor CNR 28.50 32.20 13% Newmont NEM 37.22 42.01 13% 1.7% Greatland Gold GGP 6.36 7.14 12% Hecla Mining HL 490.50 550.00 12% 0.4% MAG Silver MAG 13.58 15.17 12% Metals Exploration MTL 5.35 5.95 11% Pan American Silver PAAS 20.23 22.42 11% 1.0% Coeur Mining CDE 5.71 6.33 11% Resolute Mining RSG 18.60 20.60 11% Franco-Nevada FNV 117.58 130.04 11% 0.6% Fresnillo FRES 6.22 6.86 10% 3.2% GoldStone Resources GRL 1.17 1.28 9% McEwen Mining MUX 779.00 837.50 8% Gold (LBM) £ G£ 2083.20 2226.10 7% Wheaton WPM 56.24 60.03 7% 1.0% Silver (LBM) $ S$ 28.84 30.64 6% Silver (LBM) £ S£ 23.39 24.76 6% Royal Gold RGLD 131.85 139.44 6% 1.1% Gold (LBM) $ G$ 2624.50 2771.70 6% Eldorado Gold EGO 14.87 15.52 4% Barrick GOLD 15.49 16.15 4% 1.7% Fortuna Silver FSM 4.29 4.47 4% SolGold SOLG 6.92 7.20 4% Silvercorp SVM 300.50 310.50 3% 0.7% Anglo Asian AAZ 106.50 110.00 3% 0.0% Sandstorm Gold SAND 558.50 575.50 3% First Majestic AG 5.50 5.63 2% Caledonia CMCL 7.65 7.80 2% 7.2% Orosur Mining OMI 6.75 6.80 1% Griffin Mining GFM 146.00 147.00 1% Endeavor Silver EXK 365.00 367.50 1% Panthera Resources PAT 7.50 7.50 0% Xtract Resources XTR 0.50 0.50 0% Kefi Gold KEFI 0.48 0.48 0% Landore Resources LND 4.05 4.05 0% Goldplat GDP 7.25 7.10 -2% Jangada Mines JAN 0.77 0.75 -3% Conroy Gold CGNR 3.05 2.95 -3% Wishbone Gold WSBN 0.19 0.18 -4% Oriole Resources ORR 0.26 0.24 -8% Ariana AAU 1.85 1.68 -9% 0% Phoenix Copper PXC 5.25 4.75 -10% Galantas Gold GAL 3.25 2.75 -15% Hochschild HOC 214.00 179.80 -16% 1.3% Katoro Gold KAT 0.06 0.05 -17% Average of these 63 stocks = 10% | ![]() chipperfrd | |
12/1/2025 20:13 | Performance of a range of PM stocks over 2025 YTD 11/01/2025 Stock Name Code. 01-Jan. Latest. Change(%) Yield(%) Gold Resource GORO 23.25 29.25 26% 2.6% Serabi Gold SRB 108.00 129.00 19% Hummingbird Resources HUM 2.20 2.60 18% Altyn ALTN 191.00 219.00 15% Panthera Resources PAT 7.50 8.50 13% Kinross Gold KGC 927.50 1045.50 13% 1.5% AngloGold AU 23.09 25.99 13% 2.2% Resolute Mining RSG 18.60 20.90 12% Metals Exploration MTL 5.35 6.00 12% Vast Resources VAST 0.02 0.02 11% Harmony Gold HMY 820.00 910.50 11% 2.1% Condor CNR 28.50 31.50 11% IAMGold IAG 516.00 566.50 10% Coeur Mining CDE 5.71 6.25 9% Thor Explorations THX 16.5 18.00 9% Franco-Nevada FNV 117.58 127.04 8% 0.6% Agnico Eagle AEM 78.21 84.31 8% 2.4% McEwen Mining MUX 779.00 838.00 8% Fresnillo FRES 6.22 6.68 7% 3.3% Eldorado Gold EGO 14.87 15.96 7% SSR Mining SSRM 6.96 7.42 7% First Majestic AG 5.50 5.86 6% Avino ASM 87.50 93.00 6% Hecla Mining HL 490.50 519.50 6% 0.4% Silver (LBM) $ S$ 28.84 30.41 5% Silver (LBM) £ S£ 23.39 24.64 5% Pan American Silver PAAS 20.23 21.31 5% 1.0% Newmont NEM 37.22 39.09 5% 1.7% Pan African PAF 34.35 36.05 5% 3.8% Orosur Mining OMI 6.75 7.05 4% Hochschild HOC 214.00 223.50 4% 1.0% Gold (LBM) £ G£ 2083.20 2172.30 4% Goldplat GDP 7.25 7.53 4% MAG Silver MAG 13.58 14.07 4% Anglo Asian AAZ 106.50 110.00 3% 0.0% GoldStone Resources GRL 1.17 1.20 3% Gold (LBM) $ G$ 2624.50 2689.30 2% Fortuna Silver FSM 4.29 4.40 2% Royal Gold RGLD 131.85 134.68 2% 1.1% Phoenix Copper PXC 5.25 5.35 2% Vista Gold VGZ 55.00 56.00 2% Wheaton WPM 56.24 57.15 2% 1.0% Barrick GOLD 15.49 15.73 2% 1.7% Sandstorm Gold SAND 558.50 565.50 1% Silvercorp SVM 300.50 303.00 1% 0.7% Xtract Resources XTR 0.50 0.50 0% Conroy Gold CGNR 3.05 3.05 0% Katoro Gold KAT 0.06 0.06 0% Kefi Gold KEFI 0.48 0.48 0% SolGold SOLG 6.92 6.91 0% Greatland Gold GGP 6.36 6.35 0% Caledonia CMCL 7.65 7.50 -2% 7.5% Griffin Mining GFM 146.00 143.00 -2% Wishbone Gold WSBN 0.19 0.19 -3% Endeavor Silver EXK 365.00 354.50 -3% Landore Resources LND 4.05 3.90 -4% Oriole Resources ORR 0.26 0.25 -4% Jangada Mines JAN 0.77 0.73 -5% Ariana AAU 1.85 1.75 -5% 0% Cora Gold CORA 2.45 2.30 -6% Eurasia Mining EUA 2.22 2.05 -8% Jubilee Metals JLP 3.70 3.40 -8% Galantas Gold GAL 3.25 2.75 -15% Average of these 63 stocks = 4% | ![]() chipperfrd | |
30/12/2024 15:57 | Hi wskill, I agree re Bitcoin, but I accept that I am 'old school' re these types of innovations! Sticking with PMs and increasing my O&G, especially those with dividends. All the best for 2025. | ![]() chipperfrd | |
29/12/2024 12:19 | Thank you for all your efforts chip,did think this year would be out time to shine but sadly not, cannot believe that with gold at this level the junior miners have not rocketed.Next year hopefully I have said this many times before I just hope now I can live long enough to see it. Bitcoin seems to have done well much better than gold with no regulation but I suppose that's what it's purpose is .Wish I could bring myself to buy it but sadly not in my DNA as have seen a good few Ponzi schemes in the past. | ![]() wskill | |
29/12/2024 10:52 | Punt money I would go for CGNR and VAST for strong price recovery next year. Assuming they survive, which many do, it is often not a bad choice to take punts in the laggards, one 'popular' retail investor share is VAST (down 85%) which has 10 bagged historically from current levels, another is Conroy Gold (down 79%), at the peak their price was 45p a few years ago, now just 3p. Market caps of these two laggards circa £2m, just one piece of decent news and ! | ![]() thecoyone | |
28/12/2024 20:32 | Thanks chip. Lovely to see OMI right up there, having gained so much, from being in a loss making situation, in your earlier list, as little time ago, as October. Useful to see it in comparative terms,too. | ![]() hazl | |
28/12/2024 17:12 | Performance of a range of PM stocks over 2024 YTD 27/12/2024 Stock Name Code. 01-Jan. Latest. Change(%) Yield(%) Serabi Gold SRB 44.00 113.50 158% Orosur Mining OMI 2.95 7.00 137% Metals Exploration MTL 2.60 5.35 106% IAMGold IAG 253.00 517.00 104% Pan African PAF 16.86 34.10 102% 2.3% Hochschild HOC 107.10 213.50 99% 0.4% Endeavor Silver EXK 196.50 368.00 87% Altyn ALTN 106.00 193.00 82% Anglo Asian AAZ 58.00 104.00 79% 0.0% Coeur Mining CDE 3.26 5.77 77% Griffin Mining GFM 86.50 147.00 70% Avino ASM 52.25 87.75 68% Kinross Gold KGC 605.50 931.50 54% 1.5% Oriole Resources ORR 0.17 0.26 53% Centamin CEY 99.70 146.00 46% 2.5% Agnico Eagle AEM 54.80 78.65 44% 2.4% Harmony Gold HMY 615.00 823.50 34% 2.1% MAG Silver MAG 10.41 13.81 33% Landore Resources LND 3.15 4.05 29% Gold (LBM) £ G£ 1627.20 2086.30 28% Gold (LBM) $ G$ 2062.90 2622.20 27% Pan American Silver PAAS 16.33 20.60 26% 1.0% AngloGold AU 18.70 23.28 24% 2.2% Silver (LBM) £ S£ 18.96 23.52 24% Silver (LBM) $ S$ 23.80 29.36 23% Vista Gold VGZ 46.00 55.75 21% Goldplat GDP 6.15 7.25 18% Panthera Resources PAT 6.25 7.25 16% Wheaton WPM 49.34 57.07 16% 1.0% Eldorado Gold EGO 12.98 14.98 15% Silvercorp SVM 261.50 299.50 15% 0.7% Condor CNR 25.50 28.75 13% Shanta Gold SHG 12.90 14.50 12% 1.6% Fortuna Silver FSM 3.87 4.32 12% Royal Gold RGLD 120.96 133.83 11% 1.1% McEwen Mining MUX 721.50 792.50 10% Sandstorm Gold SAND 503.50 547.50 9% Eurasia Mining EUA 2.05 2.20 7% Franco-Nevada FNV 110.82 118.68 7% 0.6% Cora Gold CORA 2.25 2.40 7% Fresnillo FRES 5.94 6.31 6% 3.5% Thor Explorations THX 15.5 16.25 5% Hecla Mining HL 480.50 500.50 4% 0.4% Newmont NEM 41.39 37.85 -9% 1.7% First Majestic AG 6.15 5.54 -10% Barrick GOLD 18.08 15.67 -13% 1.7% Ariana AAU 2.25 1.95 -13% 0% Resolute Mining RSG 24.00 19.40 -19% Caledonia CMCL 9.80 7.75 -21% 5.7% Kefi Gold KEFI 0.64 0.50 -22% SolGold SOLG 9.50 6.65 -30% SSR Mining SSRM 10.76 7.06 -34% Greatland Gold GGP 9.86 6.15 -38% Gold Resource GORO 37.00 23.00 -38% 2.6% GoldStone Resources GRL 2.15 1.33 -38% Jubilee Metals JLP 6.45 3.79 -41% Xtract Resources XTR 0.98 0.50 -49% Jangada Mines JAN 1.58 0.78 -51% Katoro Gold KAT 0.13 0.06 -54% Phoenix Copper PXC 21.25 5.50 -74% Galantas Gold GAL 14.00 3.50 -75% Hummingbird Resources HUM 10.25 2.25 -78% Conroy Gold CGNR 14.75 3.05 -79% Vast Resources VAST 0.11 0.02 -85% Wishbone Gold WSBN 1.35 0.19 -86% Average of these 66 stocks = 13% | ![]() chipperfrd | |
24/12/2024 15:28 | Happy Xmas Chip and thanks for keeping this thread updated 👍 | ![]() roguetreader | |
24/12/2024 15:28 | thanks chip, the same to you and yours. | ![]() konil | |
24/12/2024 13:56 | Best wishes to all for Xmas and 2025. Chip | ![]() chipperfrd | |
05/12/2024 13:23 | apologies for ot, but kind of interesting re gold. I don't suppose any listed miners will be involved though. 1000 tons of gold discovered in China, up to 138g/ton of ore | zangdook | |
01/12/2024 19:31 | Performance of a range of PM stocks over 2024 YTD 30/11/2024 Stock Name Code. 01-Jan. Latest. Change(%) Yield(%) Serabi Gold SRB 44.00 100.00 127% Metals Exploration MTL 2.60 5.70 119% IAMGold IAG 253.00 550.00 117% Endeavor Silver EXK 196.50 420.50 114% Avino ASM 52.25 110.50 111% Pan African PAF 16.86 34.55 105% 2.3% Hochschild HOC 107.10 214.00 100% 0.4% Coeur Mining CDE 3.26 6.48 99% Altyn ALTN 106.00 205.00 93% Anglo Asian AAZ 58.00 101.50 75% 0.0% Oriole Resources ORR 0.17 0.29 71% Griffin Mining GFM 86.50 142.00 64% Kinross Gold KGC 605.50 971.00 60% 1.5% Orosur Mining OMI 2.95 4.70 59% Agnico Eagle AEM 54.80 84.50 54% 2.4% Harmony Gold HMY 615.00 919.50 50% 2.1% MAG Silver MAG 10.41 15.34 47% Centamin CEY 99.70 146.00 46% 2.5% Pan American Silver PAAS 16.33 21.99 35% 1.0% AngloGold AU 18.70 24.98 34% 2.2% Vista Gold VGZ 46.00 61.00 33% Silver (LBM) $ S$ 23.80 30.69 29% Gold (LBM) $ G$ 2062.90 2649.90 28% Gold (LBM) £ G£ 1627.20 2083.40 28% Wheaton WPM 49.34 62.33 26% 1.0% Silvercorp SVM 261.50 329.00 26% 0.7% Silver (LBM) £ S£ 18.96 23.74 25% Fortuna Silver FSM 3.87 4.79 24% Eldorado Gold EGO 12.98 16.00 23% Royal Gold RGLD 120.96 146.26 21% 1.1% Panthera Resources PAT 6.25 7.25 16% McEwen Mining MUX 721.50 836.00 16% Cora Gold CORA 2.25 2.60 16% Ariana AAU 2.25 2.60 16% 0% Hecla Mining HL 480.50 554.00 15% 0.4% Sandstorm Gold SAND 503.50 580.00 15% Shanta Gold SHG 12.90 14.50 12% 1.6% Landore Resources LND 3.15 3.50 11% Franco-Nevada FNV 110.82 122.63 11% 0.6% Thor Explorations THX 15.5 17.00 10% Fresnillo FRES 5.94 6.46 9% 3.4% Goldplat GDP 6.15 6.60 7% Kefi Gold KEFI 0.64 0.68 6% Newmont NEM 41.39 41.96 1% 1.7% First Majestic AG 6.15 6.12 0% Barrick GOLD 18.08 17.49 -3% 1.7% Resolute Mining RSG 24.00 22.80 -5% Condor CNR 25.50 24.00 -6% Eurasia Mining EUA 2.05 1.90 -7% Caledonia CMCL 9.80 8.50 -13% 5.2% SolGold SOLG 9.50 7.60 -20% GoldStone Resources GRL 2.15 1.58 -27% Greatland Gold GGP 9.86 7.24 -27% Jubilee Metals JLP 6.45 4.70 -27% Xtract Resources XTR 0.98 0.60 -39% SSR Mining SSRM 10.76 5.81 -46% Katoro Gold KAT 0.13 0.07 -46% Jangada Mines JAN 1.58 0.85 -46% Gold Resource GORO 37.00 17.00 -54% 2.6% Galantas Gold GAL 14.00 4.25 -70% Phoenix Copper PXC 21.25 6.25 -71% Conroy Gold CGNR 14.75 4.15 -72% Wishbone Gold WSBN 1.35 0.28 -79% Hummingbird Resources HUM 10.25 1.82 -82% Vast Resources VAST 0.11 0.01 -89% Average of these 66 stocks = 18% | ![]() chipperfrd | |
18/11/2024 18:01 | Thanks, Chip. Hoping we are still in the early stages of a bull market for miners?! | ![]() king suarez | |
18/11/2024 16:25 | Sorry to be so late updating this thread. Big developments around the PMs this year, to put it mildly! Shanta taken over, Centamin in the middle of a T/O, and now Hummingbird in a right mess! Oh well, just have to battle through with the world in all sorts of strife. (perhaps I should be using a better word than 'battle' under the circumstances). | ![]() chipperfrd |
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