Hedgehog 100 The "problem" is you are giving us the impression that you are suggesting this is "a good investment idea" because you are a nice guy and you are doing it out of the kindness of your heart. I don't do that and I certainly don't buy it in your case. I suggest a stock and then suggest punters DTOR.
Sorry, call me pessimistic but I always view someone who posts glowing reports and "evidence" of the "good investment idea" with absolute suspicion. They always have an ulterior motive. And the mining sector is absolutely notorious for bull whippers.
And for the record, I "spammed" this thread because someone with far more investment savvy than I have lost a packet with Hum and did some research. It would appear he was 200% correct with his findings. |
But I'm not giving readers here investment advice about whether to buy Harena or not. Flagging it up as an opportunity they may care to look at is subtly different:-
Hedgehog 100 8 Mar '25 - 14:29 - 14758 of 14763 Edit 0 0 0 "However, investors seeking an alternative home for their HUM monies may be interested in an outstanding mining sector floatation coming to market imminently."
As regards Farrugia's comment: " ... i don't think investors here have the appetite for getting screwed again ..."
Well, that statement pre-supposes that investors into Harena Resources WOULD be screwed again.
But even if they were, several years down the line, that doesn't mean that you couldn't make very good money from it first.
So let me give some general investment advice.
LEARN from your investment mistakes, but don't 'throw the baby out with the bathwater'.
I believe that it's a mistake to write off an entire sector just because of one bad experience.
And I note that within the last ten years, there have been three occasions when the HUM share price has trebled.
So if you had trebled your money on each of those, reinvesting the proceeds back in on each occasion, £1K. could have become £27K.
Hummingbird Resources (HUM):- |
 hedgehog 100 You are correct. There is a six hour time difference here and I didn't feel like setting my alarm clock for 1 in the morning. You are also correct about the share price dropping slightly to todays price, only time will tell. But INVX IS the top performing oiler atm in 2025 and I posted the tip in good faith TO HELP OTHERS, just like you did with Harena. Please research some of the other "tips" that I'm boasting about and put your findings on here for all to see. Perhaps it's an open mouth, insert foot moment for you?
To be honest, I couldn't care less if you or anyone else takes my advice. Your glowing report of the Harena project would suggest that you are the Pied Piper equivalent of Frank James Campbell who took the time to write a 73 page dossier here for Hummingbird Resources. Of course, he did it all free and gratis, just like you are doing now. So, I can assure you, I absolutely won't be taking your advice, neither will anyone else with a brain, especially about another mining project. Please read what Farrugia says. Have a nice day! |
You actually tipped INVX here on the evening of 26th. February, at 6.29p.m., not 25th. February, which is an important difference in this case.
INVX is currently down from its 26th. February closing price, a day it rose well; albeit the NYSE shut at 9p.m. UK time, about two and a half hours after your tip.
Innovex International (NYSE:INVX):-
So you're boasting about a tip you made here where it's not even clear that the share price has risen since you made it!
And with respect to Harena's project, it is not a mine, but a mining project, which is a huge difference.
The advanced pre-mining stage Harena is at is actually less risky than operating a mine, which is fraught with difficulties. |
And BTW as you all know, in the past I have given you stock picks that have performed well. I did it again on here on February 25th with INVX that came from a friend here in TX. Please take a look at what happened. It is the best performing energy stock so far for 2025.
GL. |
Hedgehog i don't think investors here have the appetite for getting screwed again by a hopeful 'Rare Earths Project'!! |
 I sympathise with investors who feel that they're been short-changed here, but experience suggests that there's little that can be done about it.
However, investors seeking an alternative home for their HUM monies may be interested in an outstanding mining sector floatation coming to market imminently.
Harena Resources is floating a week on Friday (i.e. 21st. March), via a RTO into main-market shell company Citrus Resources (CRES):-
26/02/2025 11:47 RNS Regulatory News Citius Resources PLC Publication of a Prospectus LSE:CRES Citius Resources Plc
"The Company confirms that a prospectus has been approved by the Financial Conduct Authority and published by the Company ("Prospectus") regarding the reverse takeover by Harena Resources Ltd and the Fundraising to raise gross proceeds of £1.35m.
Harena Resources Ltd is an Australian domiciled company that owns 75% of the Ampasindava Rare Earths Project ("Project") located in the northwest of Madagascar. The Project has been the subject of significant exploration work including 4,470 test pits excavated and 277 holes drilled (approx. 20,000m of exploration drilling) by previous owners that has confirmed the mineral resource is an "Ionic Adsorption Clay" deposit. The Project contains a globally significant JORC Resource of 606,000t of rare earth oxides, importantly, 22% of the reported rare earth elements are those related to the manufacturing of permanent magnets that are critical to the transition to green energy. Following Re-admission, the Company plans to complete the feasibility study and environmental impact & social assessment study to further de-risk the project and move towards production. ...
It is expected that Completion will take place following the annual general meeting at 10.00 a.m. on 20 March 2025 and Admission on 8.00 a.m. on 21 March 2025. A notice of annual general meeting has been announced separately. ..."
Harena is the best mining sector floatation I think I have ever seen. And even the best resource sector one (i.e. including oilers too):-
"Harena Resources all set to become London’s only listed ionic clay rare earths company
13:18, 26th February 2025
Alastair Ford Vox Newswire
... That JORC 2012 compliant resource estimate followed on from around US$20 million of spend on the project, undertaken by former owners. Amongst other things, work thus far completed includes 4,500 test pits and 359 drill holes. It’s also been established that negligible thorium and uranium are present in the deposit, meaning that processing with low impact salts ought to be relatively straightforward and the product saleable into the market.
The plan, once Harena gets listed, is to complete feasibility studies for the development of Ampasindava. Much of the groundwork for these studies has already been done, however, and it’s already clear that the project has a great deal going for it. ...
All this makes Harena stand out as a shining light amongst its peers. ...
One major positive that’s already confirmed is the interest of off-takers. Last year the company announced that it had signed a non-binding termsheet with a US rare earths company for the sale and purchase of rare earths from Ampasindava. ..." |
Just dropped you a message. -Sid |
trader465 I did. I also posted all the contact info for the FCA. Anyone interested should first contact me by PM on here. |
Looks like nobody bothered to form an action group? |
Farrugia. Many years ago now, (about 5 or 6) I had insider information here about "shady practices." But many"insiders" are always reluctant to spill the beans when the chips are down and prefer to look the other way. The:- "I actually did witness the injuries in the serious road traffic accident but I prefer not to say anything" types. Consequently, it then becomes difficult to prove because instead of growing a pair and speaking up, they won't. Absolute cowards. But I do know a couple of investors here that have opened their mouths. Now it's up to the FCA. |
they were definitely involved in shady practices but how to prove? One has to examine what they said in each of the trading announcements and what they proceeded to actually deliver |
trader 465 I agree completely with what you say here. So, here's an interesting (but true) story. Many years ago a friend of mine had a building business in the Midlands. He did some work for an obnoxious character who, despite the work being carried out with expertise and on time, always refused to pay to get a reduction in the price. Most times the obnoxious character got away away with it, knowing that in order to receive payment in full for the job would result in an expensive chase through the courts.
I asked my builder friend (who obviously didn't know of the situation before he took the job on) if he was upset with the situation but he simply shrugged his shoulders. "Of course," he said, then added with a wink:- "But I know where he lives." |
 1. Asset Stripping – This is when company directors deliberately run a business into the ground while extracting value through inflated salaries, dividends, or related-party transactions before buying back the remaining assets cheaply.
2. Insider Fraud / Corporate Fraud – Executives use their inside knowledge and control over company finances to mislead shareholders, manipulate financial statements, and benefit themselves at the expense of others.
3. Fraudulent Conveyance – This occurs when assets are transferred or debts are incurred with the intent to defraud creditors, often seen in cases where companies are deliberately saddled with debt to make them appear financially distressed.
4. Phoenixing (Phoenix Companies Fraud) – Directors allow a company to go bust while transferring assets to a new entity under their control, leaving creditors and shareholders with nothing.
5. Debt Loading / Leveraged Bust-Out – Executives deliberately take on excessive debt, often at inflated interest rates with a related party, stripping the company of its real value before letting it collapse.
6. Earnings Manipulation / Financial Statement Fraud – This involves understating profits or overstating costs to mislead investors and regulators, creating an artificial financial crisis. |
Dan, a company director, runs a highly profitable gold mining company but wants to seize full control of it for himself and his banker friend, Mr. Nassa. Instead of simply skimming profits, Dan devises a more lucrative scheme.
First, he and his fellow directors award themselves exorbitant salaries and bonuses while deliberately driving the company into debt. To finance this debt, they borrow money at inflated interest rates from Mr. Nassa’s bank, ensuring that both the directors and Mr. Nassa profit handsomely from the interest payments.
As the company’s financial health deteriorates due to artificially understated profits and overstated costs, its stock price collapses. This allows Dan and Mr. Nassa to buy out small shareholders at a fraction of the company’s true value, ultimately acquiring the entire gold mine for themselves. Once they own it outright, they can restructure the company and extract vast profits without oversight. |
Perhaps this share price will be 20p on March 3rd.
Here's a bone for the Hum losers. And as you all know, I have some good friends here in the S. USA and occasionally I hear about something that sounds "interesting." For those interested please take a look at this company, Innovex (INVX) The Presidents advice is "Drill, Baby Drill!" so you never know but please DYOR.
Good Luck All and Adios! |
bag158s IMO we've all be shafted here but this may trade higher than the offer price before they pull it off AIM. |
What is the opinion, should I hold my shares or accept the offer at 0.02677 ? Please respond thanks |
 Hummingbird Resources Takeover – Final Trading & Delisting Update
Key Points: • Nioko Resources’ Unconditional Offer: As of 20 February 2025, Nioko has received valid acceptances for 81.79% of Hummingbird shares under its cash offer. • Final Trading Date: Hummingbird shares will trade on AIM for the last time on 28 February 2025. • Delisting & Private Status: Cancellation of AIM admission is expected on or shortly after 3 March 2025, after which Hummingbird will become a private limited company. • Liquidity Warning: Shareholders who do not accept the offer before delisting will find their shares illiquid and difficult to trade, as no alternative trading facility will be provided.
Action Required: • Shareholders who have not yet accepted the offer are urged to do so immediately to ensure timely payment and avoid liquidity issues. • The offer remains open, and Nioko will provide 14 days’ notice before the final closing date. • Acceptance instructions are detailed in the Offer Document, available on Hummingbird’s website. |
I think for most holding these selling or keeping is not much different.
Sell before delist for a huge 90-odd% loss and recover just enough change to buy a risk management book. Or sit on the full 100% loss until archaeologists unearth your shares in 3025. |
1knocker Here's some sound advice for you:- Don't get mad, get even.
GL. |