zoo morning nice to see up is now finished nobody wants to know him and his only use is ticking us down how sad is that ,I bet rose is now sitting in his usual position making up names and posts ,lousy day out there ,good luck, |
Oh dear. No sooner said than MATD hits a new multiyear low!
Maybe Alan can do something about that for you Zoo. |
But you only exist in Rose's mind, you're a nobody, you act like him, write like him because you are him. .Go away Rose and stock pile your beans and vitamins. You stupid frustrated old fool..Nice to see GGP, MATD and my other share holdings open up this morning. Happy days. |
Zoo, you really are a thug aren't you. Almost all your posts are threatening and all are full of vitriol. |
So why do you post on shares you don't own trying to goad people you sad old man. Eh Rose.... |
Alan multiple name posting to support and protect the trolls post.When scientists said the Universe is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons, they forgot to mention morons. AKA as our trolls or troll here, totall wasters. . |
Grooming going to plan zoo? |
Alan is zoo's wife. Aha ha ha ha |
You're being charitable, Phillis.
Booze or no booze, he's always been like that. |
What exactly, prey tell me, has a post, by another poster, on another matter, on another site, got to do with our discussion regarding you misleading Alan about GGP's ASX listing date, Zoo?
Are you quite all there? |
He is obviously on the booze ( or something else?) |
zoo if you put up some of his old posts he will still deny it , |
No brains at all. But remember its only one person thank god. |
Read 77494 you idiot boy Rose aka you posted it |
More obfuscation, Zoo.
Has your attention span always been a problem for you? |
Scare mongering?
Who, might I ask, is likely to be scared by me pointing out a simple error.
Are you really that scared of the truth, Zoo? |
"Preparations for our ASX dual listing are well underway and we continue to target listing in the June 2025 quarter".
My point exactly, Zoo.
No mention of anything starting in February. Far less "the start of the Cross Listing" as stated in your original post.
If you are incapable of comprehending that simple fact then I suggest you get your wife to explain it to you in words of no more than two syllables. In the event of her not being available, perhaps Alan might help, he seems to have a better grasp of such matters. |
Internet thug fails to engage brain. |
Another two examples where zoo demonstates how to post without engaging his brain. |