Why?…… |
30p to 4pAstonishing |
Ticked up on my buys...
Directors own almost 10% of shares...
All options from 13p to 33p out of the money; most expiring by April 2024... |
Sub 5p possible punt now See fairly large sell went thru earlier then ticked upYes more money needed but assets and cash they still have now fwiw etc ....... |
PS Almost doubled my holding today at 4.68/4.70... |
Following a placing at 30p a share, First Tin opened on 8 April 2022 (18 months ago) at 32.25p. The tin price was c$43,000
The share price fell away to 9.1p (c$24,000) on 8 December 2022, but rallied to 15.65p on 24 Jan 2023 (c$34,000)
Tin now trading $24/25,000...
On 10 October LME 'Guests' forecast copper to be the biggest mover in 2024 (up 55%) with Tin next (21.8%...That would take it to c$30,000
Taronga DFS due Q1 2024...plenty to look forward to...
hxxps://www.thehindubusinessline.com/markets/commodities/tin-likely-to-edge-higher-on-looming-supply-crunch/article67256666.ece |
Just a reminder...
"Mr C Cannon Brookes was a director of Arlington Group Asset Management Limited ("Arlington") for the period under review. During the period, Arlington invoiced and was paid £25,000 in respect of advisory fees (six months ended 30 June 2022: £821,754 in respect of fund-raising commissions, advisory fees and expenses). In the six months ended 30 June 2022, Arlington was granted 2,500,000 warrants, with an exercise price of 33 pence, exercisable over a period of two years from the date of grant."
I.e. expires June 2024... |
Not currently in here so no axe to grind, but their argument is that deposit size and recovery technique will mitigate the grade issue here. |
When it comes to Tin, High Grade is considered to be 1.0% and above while Low Grade 0.6%.
Zinc 2.5% to 3% Medium Grade and under 2% Low Grade. Gold 8% to 10% High Grade and 1% to 4% Low Grade.
Taronga grades are from 0.12% to 0.28% - well in the Low Grade category. Tellerhauser grades are from 0.40% to 0.71%, however also has Gold and Zinc.
The Zinc is well in the Low grade category while Gold some results are Medium Grade while others are in the High Grade category.
To put this into perspective the Cornish Tin mines average grade over their life time was over 3% and at their peak some 5.5%. |
Amazing to see this sub 5pIpo at 30p - ouch |
Currently out but that is positive as far as it goes. Waiting for the tin price to tell me it is time to get back in. Cash runway still an issue for me. |
And that's why the share price is where it is today. |
Do you not agree though that the current cash runway is not long enough for lift off? |
Junior exploration companies around the world are priced for failure at the moment and its vitally important for any of these companies to get at least one mine up and running into production as quickly as possible. |
How can that be wrong...?
I have 500k shares at less than a quarter of the debut price...
And the tin price was c$43,000 at that time.
I weon't lose money if I hold through production and its a fair two way b et in the meantime.
I reckon this is another ATYM, which I bought at 80p and currently hold at 350p.
Both European mainland mining stocks meeting a growing need.
Both will be paying me dividends down the road, with capital appreciation in the meantime... |
Strange investment strategy if you base your purchases on the IPO……230;but each to their own I guess………… |
The current cash runway is not long enough for lift off though - that is why it is so cheap and such a binary bet on the tin price. |
Cheap as chips...debuted at 30p+
Just increased my holding by 53%...
Now for the tin price and a patient weight.
Total belief in Ingo... |
What I've been hearing more and more, with in the next year, next 12 months there are many junior mining and exploration companies that will be in the market trying to raise more funds.
Unfortunately there is very little liquidity around for this and what there is will be expensive, hence the current First Tin share price.
The last thing First Tin wants to do is to go down the Royalty road as this will encumber the project which kills the level of interest from producers that may wish to buy the company.
Royalties = Red Flag = lower share price. |
No new funds since Spring of 2022.Tin price of course influences but it's all about at what price they will have to raise next for me now and how £ much of course.Seems company is putting out lots of news at the moment and I am guessing they are hoping the shares will rise as a precursor to said raise. |
The tin price is the key to that too. |
And the reducing cash pile of course. |
Again, a positive RNS, but the tin price remains the key to this. |