Higher#Tin price: 33260 (+485, +1.48%)7:41am London |
#Tin price: 32865 (+1,176, +3.71%)7:53am London |
Also very important is has the exploration company already got the finance in place to get any mines into production thereby providing the company with an income stream. |
Still going strong #Tin price: 32960 (+953, +2.98%)2:23pm London |
I'm absolutely amazed at ho many posters continually post the commodity price of a mining exploration company thinking the higher the price of the commodity the higher the share price should be when it is the quality of the management which is by far the most important factor followed by the grade of the commodity in the ground. |
#Tin price: 32530 (+523, +1.63%)9:46am London |
I doubt this as First Tin's ore bodies are too small for any predator. |
Tin price could make this extremely attractive to a predator. |
The price of Tin is not really that important.
What is important is does First Tin have the finances in place to get the Tin out of the ground and to start to provide the company with an income stream. |
#Tin price: 32390 (+2,542, +8.52%)9:46am London |
Probably will happen in a flash and take us by surprise. |
Its time the market came back to First Tin, they have been overlooked now the Tin price is getting so strong. |
#Tin price: 31665 (+1,817, +6.09%)7:42am London |
A useful thread and #1SN First Tin mentioned within it:hTTPs://x.com/methompson72/status/1777323789845483967?s=46&t=_ybVnpe01AP_F1Pw0JqKTg |
#Tin price: 31205 (+2,410, +8.37%) |
Tin price is going mental.Only a matter of time before this one gets noticed hopefully. |
Sadly, it is not helping our share price :( |
Wow. Tin price! |
Still an out of the money option. You can see on the 3 year tin price chart what this one really needs. |
Someone is nibbling away it seems |
Tin still rising - read on LSE bout Myanmar being halted as tin producer / miner ?3rd largest in the world. |
Fair comment. |
Bill Scotting's buy is way too small to really take notice of. I do note the tin price once again swinging higher - this to me would be much more important.The massive snag is the company needs more money and until this is announced / secured, I can't see the shares really doing anything. |