Onedayroders, agree 100%, smelly jumped in today, the renowned internet troll |
Good grief man! Do you have nothing else to do? |
Talking of Morons.......㊃5;
From the guy Cevodniya that says in one breath.....
"But seriously, does anyone think Smelly has any influence on the share price, in either direction."
And now apparently I can influence.....too funny. Caught yet again 2 easy lol
Guys, smelly is a deramping troll who infests threads.
For a couple of years now, he's been trolling on Alpha Growth PLC, he trys ever so hard to negatively influence inexperienced investors to sell, he then buys and sells after a quick 50% uplift. |
Critical Minerals Conference New York 20th to 21 st March....only 45 days away !!
Why New York ?
There are other conferences just before in South Korea and logic dictates there is some plan to get exposure out IMHO
We know there is more news SB wants to get out....which the market is waiting on ....fingers crossed 🤞🤞 |
For right or wrong.There are too many people positive about the future of this company to make any meaningful indentation. |
OneDayRodders28 Jan '25 - 15:58 - 2196 of 2305 Edit 0 7 0
Watch out for new posters coming out the woodwork spreading doom and gloom
(You can tell I've been on AIM too long !)
;o) |
Lift the rock and climb back under....... |
What are you talking about?The bid was 9.50p , when I woke up. |
🩳🩳 nice drop |
just bought a tiny bit more too. In a year's time I'm hoping it won't make any difference if the purchase price was 8, 9 or 10p... But yes, it's time for SB to deliver some results, especially on the TiO2 details....
GL, GTA. |
Great indication of activity, apologies a very obvious indication of activity and hopefully this is the start of an increased awareness of Empire. Like I said when we were at 6p / 7p 8p - anything under 10p was the opportunity of your life but it just didn't feel like it on that particular day. It's still a steal if it can get to where we all hope it will. 9 months of trolls, doubt & negativity wiped away in 4 weeks. Roll on the good times & now SB & Co. need to put some meat on the bone for us. Pilot Plant LeadtimesPilot Plant costs Funding (grants / govt / II / HNWI)Ti02 makeup / product ML |
Just Brought More ! |
6 million traded already today. |
Let's not forget this was the share tip of 2024 from the Joanne Hart (Daily Mail)She does know her stuff, but she appears to have just had the timelines out. The company is now back to where it was but considerably stronger & in a far more positive position with significant advancements in what we know, essentially derisking the project hugely. Https:// |
Geko5trade, i have to agree, but this smelly is an absolute moron. |
Ceevodniya, actually I’ve changed my mind! Let the trolls post this one has done wonders for the share price!... |
not long before we see new highs ... |
If EEE can now break above the 10p levels the old highs will be relatively quickly challenged
And if they are then taken out well how high EEE goes is anyone's guess but you would have to say that potentially at least 50p+
[obviously depends on the exact turn of events] |
Clodgyview - Trading 212 will buy in stupid little amounts until the order is fulfilled is one example of why you see these little amounts. |
EEE going for the CHART BREAK OUT
[10p+] |
Cevodniya, isn’t this the moderated thread? |
Can anyone explain why there are trades going through that are so small. 10, 9, 2 shares traded Dealing costs would make these unviable I’m always perplexed when I see them |
Bad smell filtered.
There'll be no looking back when 1. Final refining process is established 2. We get an ASX quote 3. Oz state funding happens for phase 1 plant build
Icing on the cake: 4. Cashflow positive thru' product sales.
Give a year or two... |
Saracen So pleased that you said that as it was exactly what I was going to suggest as a very real possibility. If that is the case, then we could be in for a lot of fun very soon. |