Why has it dropped then?
More supply of shares than demand. |
Thanks soc3. That was my view and so I added shortly after my post. I first invested in DOTD in October 2013 at 21.23 pence as Patel seems to be right on top of his game. I'm very glad I did. Hopefully one day someone will make him an offer. |
I see drops like this as opportunities to top up. This is a well run company with outstanding financials which is a rarity on AIM. There could be numerous reasons for the drop but the underlying business is exceptional. These are the companies to look for when looking to invest your money. |
Why has it dropped by 5% then? Thought appreciated? |
I see nothing in the results to justify the current malaise but this company is not alone in that. When the market eventually turns there will be some juicy bargains to be had. However, a few forced sellers in the absence of willing buyers will have a disproportionate effect on prices. In this case, using its still ample cash reserve and choosing its time and target carefully, the company may be able to find another attractive acquisition. |
Don't see what has caused these to have a near 10% fall over the last two days. Guess some were expecting more.Virtually no press coveredge |
Always had this on my watchlist but not invested yet despite great results. Perhaps a US-listing would give it a 10x higher market cap ?! |
Seems to be almost zero interest here. Would have hoped to reverse yesterdays fall |
As the broker says, this is in rude health |
Nice results, this should be over a quid |
Nice results, this should be over a quid |
Interims due on the 25th Feb |
The US venture funds have a clear strategy of waiting for trouble and then buying up at knockdown prices. That happened after Brexit and especially after Covid and recently with interest rates causing problems for businesses with debt.
The business has to be attractive as an ARR business or cheap from an asset point of view, or a potential competitor though. Not sure DOTD has enough traction to be an ARR target or a competitor for any US business.
No assets like Morrisons, so can't be bought for the price of the property with the business thrown in for free. |
Does seem that the better smaller companies get bought out whilst the weaker ones go to the wall, or increasingly seem likely to delist as they reckon it’s easier to raise capital as a private company. Whether that’s actually true I’m not sure.
But I remain a holder hoping that these will eventually appreciate |
The trading update at the end of last month was reassuring but did little to encourage the share price which continues to flounder in its long-tailed post-covid malaise. Various other similar small companies have been swallowed by private equity or other predators (mainly US) which has become one of the reasons for buying/holding them. Not that the proceeds have been notably generous but at least it tends to produce fair value with little or no premium.
So I continue to hold in the hope that the market will attribute a better value or that someone else will do so. Since Jan 2023 I have 'lost' seven companies in this way, typically by agreed scheme of arrangement, with another two now under negotiation. Rather sad really.
I note that pre-covid the results were typically released in mid-October but, having slipped understandably to mid-November in 2020, they have never recovered. The company could do itself a good turn by looking a little sharper this year! |
Good to see a better tone in the market for DOTD since the start of the new tax year after the disappointing response to an encouraging interim report. This remains on my growing list of what I consider to be undervalued prospects and I expect a better response from the next trading update, normally not before July unfortunately - unless they can find a suitable opportunity to confirm progress at an earlier date which would be a valued bonus. |
First half 2024 earnings released: EPS: UK£0.02 (vs UK£0.022 in 1H 2023)First half 2024 results:EPS: UK£0.02 (down from UK£0.022 in 1H 2023).Revenue: UK£38.7m (up 15% from 1H 2023).Net income: UK£6.04m (down 6.9% from 1H 2023).Profit margin: 16% (down from 19% in 1H 2023). The decrease in margin was driven by higher expenses. |
Excellent results |
Should find out how Fresh Relevance is doing. Earnings enhancing 2025 so not really expecting fireworks. Nice steady progress will do. |
xd this Thursday. Trading update in a couple of weeks. It could be time to break out of the trading range. |
Interesting bounce today on not much volume. |
Well this is not much help because I can’t recall the business, but found a p/e of about 40 last week on a business with 95% ish recurring revenues while looking for growth stocks. I think it was financial software.
So perhaps this will get back someway to previous rating. |
added to my position here today, alot of potential this one like Good Energy |
 Decent FY results announced a fortnight ago, and decent cash balance after the acquisition of Fresh Relevance, hence the rally in the price:
Dotdigital Group plc (AIM: DOTD), the leading SaaS provider of an all-in-one customer experience and data platform (CXDP), announces its final audited results for the year ended 30 June 2023 ("FY23").
Financial Highlights
-- Group revenue growth of 10% to GBP69.2m (FY22: GBP62.8m) o Recurring and repeating revenue was maintained at 94% of total revenue (FY22: 94%). Contracted recurring revenue continues to represent 79% of total revenue o ARPC(1) increased 11% to GBP1,622 per month (FY22: GBP1,461 per month) o ARR(2) growth of 10% to GBP54.4m (FY22: 10%) -- Adjusted EBITDA(3) of GBP22.0m (FY22: GBP21.7m) and adjusted operating profit of GBP14.5m (FY22: GBP14.5m) -- Adjusted profit before tax(4) of GBP15.4m (FY22: GBP14.5m) -- Adjusted diluted earnings per share increased 6% to 4.43p (FY22: 4.18p) -- Strong net cash balance on 30 June 2023 of GBP52.7m (30 June 2022: GBP43.9m) -- Proposed final dividend of 1p per ordinary share (FY22: 0.98p) in line with progressive dividend policy |
New SCSWatcher thread now has 28 followers which is great. Be good to get around 40 regulars on there ahead of 2024
Please save the thread in your favourites and like it at the top of the thread so we can keep a tab on numbers. |