"Producing miners are selling off with gold"
That statement didn't age well.
Meanwhile here at CHF, or whatever they call themselves these days, there is officially no news of any activity, yet the share price is rising.
I wonder why juniper bought so much of this, and why altius still hold?
Was there an overhang to clear, has it cleared, is there room now for a deal to be done?
I wonder how PDAC went and if altius will exercise their options before they expire. |
The conman that hides behind the zxie alias can suddenly talk normallyTHE SCAMMER FORGOT WHICH ALIAS HE WAS USING !!!Zxie - 28 May 2024 - 09:09:51 - 38107 of 38109You may laugh, but don't forget INSP first contract 150k for each + 10Zxie - 28 May 2024 - 08:53:31 - 38100 of 38109Some people here just seem like they are not happy that a few folk are making money, isn*t that why we invest or are you shorters trying to drive the price down.Zxie - 28 May 2024 - 10:02:03 - 38116 of 38117Have you considered the concept of time, its value and how it may impact your investment strategy and returns in the long-term |
Ratboy did too many drugs againiamthebest - 01 Feb 2025 - 19:09:20 - 43735 of 438371 Feb '25 - 12:32 - 43732 of 43734 EditN.B. Last post Mary padian profile, first post mr bernard castle profile, aka BUMBOCLAAT and custard are the same, oh what a surprise....Padian profile runs away, same day mr Bernard castle aka BUMBOCLAAT arrives...Mary padian 28/07/23 - 20/11/23 departs 1220 postsMr bernard castle joins 20/11/23 1000 postsUtter cowardly custard BUMBOCLAAT (No respect for such people)We have heard of changing of the guard.Well now we have changing of the BUMBOCLAATSLots people know THEY BUMBOCLAAT |
Quite a steep fall today on no news.
Quite why anyone would continue to hold shares in this POS is beyond belief.
Selling would at least create a loss to offset capital gains with.
Producing miners are selling off with gold, creating an opportunity for the turnaround once the Bitcoin exuberance wears off. |
 The market cap is currently about £200k, with £150k cash in the bank, 5% interest in SAG and some licenses in Cyprus.
The Cyprus assets are a liability if the company don't intend to explore them, but maybe someone wants to take them from us with drill data.
The Sterling assets, copper road and Adeline, are both huge and exciting projects but will be expensive to explore and will take a decade.
Is there any hope?
Yeah sure, in six months SAG will drill, and if they hit then bingo.
In Cyprus, maybe there are moves with others to create a Cyprus based exploration company by merging with others as hinted at in the recent annual report.
Meanwhile, Kashif has mentioned potential other opportunities, and I expect he's acquired a big chunk of the CHF equity because he actually has a plan.
Anyway, £200k mkt cap without a plan seems about right, but is there any reason for anyone to buy?
Well, CHF may have the same name as 3 years ago but that ship and it's merry men has sailed.
Anyone buying now will be doing so because they believe that SAG will hit pay dirt or because they believe that Kashif has an actual plan. |
Hence they are stripping assets to the bone.
Can they really sell the Cyprus licenses when they can be picked up for free after CHF relinquish back to the Cypriot authorities?
Maybe Matty Wilson will pull a rabbit out of his backside over at Sterling and actually make meaningful progress and save the day...? |
47 grand in the bank plus post period sale of some jewels for 111k.Going to have to be some rabbit out of that hat! |
Let's compare Martin French's salary and successes against that of Paul Ensor.
Frenchy left Ensor literally no cards to play, no cash in the bank, and no capacity within the company to deliver anything, but he made sure his payslip was delivered.
Frenchy raped this company and it's shareholders.
Ensor effectively saved the company from bankruptcy.
Now Kashif has taken control he will wipe away the history of failure and fraud and forge a new path forward. |
may include a review of the licence portfolio that means that existing licences are relinquished and other options are considered. Several operators are present in Cyprus and it has long made sense to consider some form of collaboration and efficient ways of exploration |
What actually happened is that Paul Ensor pushed Martin French out and so he could take his job and a salary, while doing absolutely no work. He then told a pack of lies to cover his tracks. The company had a healthy cash balance, but that somehow all disappeared, despite the company being totally non-operational. Two years later, the share price is down 90%. |
I fully expect Asif to issue millions of shares to backers to RTO into stronger hands... |
The decision was made after the diamond drilling program to move away from expensive and risky exploration and turn the company into a holding company.
To do that they had to sign up assets, Adeline, but needed to keep the company going in Cyprus, so they drilled down the throat of an already known about deposit saying they took Russian advice, but those results were anomalous, Frenchy had to leave, and left, but there is gold there, somewhere.
Now the company is a shell. Even O brien left, so no geologists on the board, just Asif.
The plan is to farm out West line to Arianna or Venus and look for further assets to farm out.
Of course Venus could take our London listing... |
I recall telling MF that nobody believed the assay results, and he wasn't very happy, left soon after. |
I see the stock has now fallen by 90% since the new management “rescued”; the company and then over half a million pounds of shareholders funds disappeared from the bank account. |
Sterling Metals up 12% tonight. |
CEO Mathew Wilson: "By the end of July, early August, we are going to get a really good story. A story like this, the context, the size of the target, the excellent high-grade copper drill results we have, the big size, we are going to have a story that is very different from today, and that will be rewarded by the market. August will be exciting and fun. :-)" |
One ex CEO told me that the plan after divesting Adeline was to create a Franco Nevada style of company. If Sterling are onto a winner then our share price rockets as theirs does given the value of our holding there relative to our own mkt cap. |
SAG TSX flying today. |