I can give some adjectives of what they do Lol |
Why remove the "Financial" bit ?
Do they want to move into a new sphere of operations ? |
great - a name change, how inspired✅Ϧ9;✅ |
From the Interims:
- Revenues of £27.7m increasing 42% vs the same period last year (H1'24: £19.5m)
- Interim dividend of 0.3p per share, reflecting profitable performance during the period and confidence in performance for the full year.
"UK small and mid-cap markets are trading at historically high multi-decade discounts to their global peers. With interest rates reducing, a positive agenda for pension fund reforms, a stable political landscape and the uncertainty around AIM now resolved, we see the attraction of investing in the UK increasing and expect the headwinds that have been constraining our markets to abate, narrowing this discount."
Mkt cap £35m with cash at Nov of £23m. Maybe the tide will turn here this year. |
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where do you monitor insider buys ? |
Yes, non exec chair almost doubles holding. First meaningful buy since Feb last year@. A contrarian play. Opened a position here. |
. The only true shareholders here are the directors/employees.
The rest are suckers to be taken for a ride.
Anyone who followed Cenkos over the years will know how the system works here. |
The proposed Pisces might be an interesting new revenue for Cavendish... |
Just had a very nice message from my bestie."SHUT THE F&&K UP"Have blanked out the profanity as not to upset folks but you get the picture!. |
Strange, my bestie has edited all his postings here and deleted all their contents, well apart from the tantrum this morning.And I was so upset that he'd filtered me.....NOT. Wouldn't trust a single word this person posts up, definitely DYOR!. Clearly he also believes that his posts were complete BS. |
Tatton Asset Management (TAM) put CAV to shame! Their H1 share based payments only £843k, a mere 10% of their profit!. CAV 89%, says it all really IMO. |
fennersYes agree re NI. I used the median salary costing £900 per employee (as per the IFS), but they will be above the median as your analysis points out.Every business will be hit by the NI increase, some here believe CAV won't be!, unbelievable. |
 disc0 an analysis of the staff costs and numbers (197) would roughly give us over £100k each
We could subtract the current NI and a bit for pensions and they would likely come in at about an average of £95k each. Of course by the time the new NI rate kicks in they would likely have had some massive pay rise by then , but lets say they don't (for now ).
That means each employee would cost on average £1647 more per year in NI
That adds up to an extra £324 k next tax year.
So the half year £52k doubled to £104k turns into a £220k loss , before their pay rises...
Given the wages flex with turnover and they have gotten rid of excess admin costs already the margin of 0.18% could be fair going forwards so in order to stay at £52k profit they would have to increase turnover by £172m in tax year 25-26 just to stay the same......
BUT they could still pay the dividends out of the cash they bought from Cenkos....
Ok so keeping the margin at 0.18% is a little extreme but we do know that the current break even level already had an employee cost reduction from the last half year of over £5m and will flex up with revenue.
Given they are happy at break even this half year , what's to stop them staying at that level in the future ? |
I agree with your comments about Que Passa as posters with closed minds unwilling to see both sides of the investment case are best ignored, and even more so if they then claim to filter posters they don’t agree with. Don’t they realise there’s a plus and minus case for every share?
BUT otherwise I agree with Q P that there seems to be over emphasis on the high employee costs and Director greed. The better the team (and we have to hope the “talent” they are taking on are high quality) the more likely they are to help win a lot of new business for Cavendish.
If Cavendish optimism,as in the OUTLOOK section, proves justified, then profits and cash will flow in and dividends will increase rapidly too. This is what happened when I held Cenkos. That scenario could easily see the share price rise rapidly. After all the market cap is only around £45 million.Markets look ahead and I’m looking ahead to that hopefully happening and not back at what has happened, is well known to the Market, and so now priced in. |
From the CityAm article:"After pruning £7m of residual costs from its merger, including job cuts, Cavendish has grown its headcount by roughly 40 to reach 197 and booked £18.3m in employee costs over the six months up 64 per cent from a year earlier."What £7m cost saving!. Is that their £7m on an annualised basis BS?. |
Thanks for the link, it works better though if you use Https instead, but will read and digest.Returns to profit - £52k!, wow some profit that on £27.7m income. Rev flat for H2 but staffing costs will be increasing as they keep taking on more highly paid talent, then there's their share based payments.A business set up for the benefit of its BoD and staff IMO.For those looking in - post 161 originally tried to fool everyone by stating that the report by Graham Neary of Stockopedia had the headline "Cavendish looks stunning value at 12p to buy". Which was completely untrue, it was a readers comment. Caught out and hastily corrected. That's how desperate this person is, beware!. |
Rev flat and H2 will be 20% down compared to H2 last year.Pbt £52k on £27.7m Rev a margin of 0.18%, share based payments and increased staff costs will continue to leave the business at virtually breakeven IMO.Your postings mirror CAV's reporting style, full of BS. |
The Institute for Fiscal Studies - The increases in employer National Insurance means that employers will have to pay an additional £900 for each employee on median average earnings:Https://ifs.org.uk/data-items/increase-employer-national-insurance-contributions-employee-earnings-2025-26#:~:text=Increase%20in%20employer%20National%20Insurance%20contributions%20by%20employee%20earnings%2C%202025%E2%80%9326,-Published%20on%2030&text=The%20increases%20in%20employer%20National,employee%20on%20median%20average%20earnings. |