There does seem to be a trend developing here, but with all the dilution 30 is a big ask. The price of iron ore has been slowly recovering, at its highest price for three months but a long way to go before they’ll start shipping from the stockpile again. |
We'll likely get see the share price back to the 30's by 2026, in should hope.All that iron and steel that is in demand going forward. |
Kind of slow management but a monster in the making. A sit on your hands one until the wheels start turning. |
this is one company where you don't have to fear delisting. how much is left in the kitty?
Kiran Morzaria would find himself without a job if it delisted :P |
The RNS today hardly generated any interest at all. |
Another scam .... This is a buying opportunity :-) I am trying add a few more at 1.5p |
This was the best lineChairman, Andrew Suckling, added: "On behalf of myself and the Board, I'd like to record our thanks and gratitude to our shareholders and stakeholders for their patience as we complete each milestone on the road to recommissioning Amapa. Our ability to produce this DR-grade concentrate adds a new value dimension to our flagship project. It gives the Board huge confidence that Amapa can play a role in "green steel" production and the decarbonisation of the iron and steel industry."Then then kick you in the nuts and do a raise at a massive discount. Appalling behaviour ! |
KEFI is another scam - loves diluting! |
KEFI. Just had a fundraise to clear the books. About to get large funding from banks. About to start major works on their gold mine in Ethiopia early 2025. |
I could do with a laugh right now. Someone say this is a buying opportunity. |
defo a scam by the bod rince repeat rince repeat all the signs there # any large shareholder group should get together and call a EGM |
If Amapa is any good it makes no sense to waste precious capital and scarce management resources on other speculative projects with extremely long timelines. Shareholders can diversify themselves by investing in other explorers. This business model has never succeeded on AIM by any mining explorer. It screams lifestyle company. |
I suppose I do because I am a shareholder. This is a highly speculative share in my portfolio but that's fine as I have diverse holdings. I would not invest my pot in this company admittedly! |
@rossowheels - do you yourself still believe in the management and strategy, may I ask? |
What would you do as part of BOD? Surely, similar strategy ie diversify investments and grow shareholder value long term. BOD need fair remuneration otherwise they walk. If you believe in the management and strategy then stay involved otherwise go elsewhere. |
Seems a bizarre investment to say the least surely if they believe in Amapa they are better using this to try and cover the costs of arranging the debt there |
the more projects they have the more they can help justify the salaries. And we know how that ends. But the game's up. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!! |
Free fall on cards Bod talking the cash for there pay packages Get out fast |
Who on earth would invest £1mn with them, given the business model of capital destruction? |
a disastrous raise to keep justifying paying hefty director salaries for pathetic exploration projects instead of concentrating on their so called 'core asset'!!
Cadence intends to finance the potential investment into the Projects via an institutional placing and as has raised, subject to Admission, £1 million before expenses (the "Placing") by way of a placing arranged by Fortified Securities of 66,666,667 new ordinary shares (the "New Ordinary Shares") in the capital of the Company at a price of 1.5 pence per Ordinary Share (the "Issue Price"). In addition, Cadence will issue 1,666,667 new ordinary shares to the introducers of the Projects for a consideration of £0.025 million, which will be subject to a 12-month lock in ("Introducer Shares").
first impression is that this raise won't be sufficient to cover company overheads - they will need to raise again! Pathetic. Total destruction of shareholder equity beckons. |
Another Lenigas classic of jumping from one resource to another, but never delivering any project. Just endless grab sa.oles and small scale drilling then reporting a questionable jorc resource and cobbled together pfs. All headline numbers.But the only thing which ends up in the billions with Lenigas is the share count.AVOID these directors who switch from one in-vogue resource bandwagon to another from year to year. |
Hey guys! Don't waste your money, time or mind to this company. Is no more than a pump and dump. Was all about Lithium. Now not a jot talked about? Iron ore that can't be transferred. Just paying boards wages. If this was a mega turn around company, wouldn't the board be pouring thousands of their pounds?Keep your money in your pocket. You'll thank me in the long run. DYOR |
 Forgot to post this - from 3rd Dec - Zeus broker note
PFS update delivers superior results for Amapá iron ore project Cadence today provides an update on its PFS for the Amapá iron ore restart (owned 34.6% by Cadence) in Brazil. Headline results show a marked improvement in economic returns from the updated PFS put out in July 2024 and, following the enhanced metallurgy to show that a 67.5% iron ore project can be produced, the NPV10 has been shown (by Cadence) to rise from $1.2bn to $2.0bn with a new IRR of 56%. Today’s update is comprehensive and shows the potential company maker that Amapá is and the returns that can be achieved. We have remodelled our own numbers based on those in the RNS and show an NPV10 of $1.7bn post tax. This translates to a Cadence participation (34.6%) of 42p/share using the inclusion of only 20% NAV as a proxy for risk - Cadence being a junior company with such a large project.
Our assessment is that the Amapá mine could be company-maker for Cadence. We are firmly of the belief that the current market cap is more than covered by its legacy investments (not considered here). In our opinion, the development of Amapá will be transformational for Cadence and we see fair value in Amapá alone at 42p/share with plenty of upside potential. The risks are obvious with a junior miner having access to a large capital-intensive project (Capex of $377m, plus $50m to creditors). However, Cadence has engaged with Sinoma International Engineering Co to help with project financing and sourcing the debt required and is engaging with several potential financing partners to provide the equity portion of the funding at the project level. |