Unreal isn't it 145p bid withdrawn.A week later 70p. |
May be Mrs C reads these bulletin boards?
She bought 400,000 CABP yesterday at 72.855p.
Just need Mr Kap#r to do the same now! |
Back down to £169m.
Looks like a rinse and repeat of yesterday. Up 4/5p in the morning - down 7p at close.
Feels like a big holder wants out at any price. Hopefully once they are cleared we can get back to some normality whatever that is here. |
We have risen to a massive £174m market cap.
Praise the Lord |
Bought a few today. GLA. |
Ps he's only been in the job since June.And the share awards are all signed off and a usual if distasteful form.or remuneration.Remuneration arrangements for Neeraj Kapur: Neeraj's remuneration arrangements have been set in accordance with the Policy set out in the Group's IPO documentation and 2023 Annual Report. His salary is £675,000. He receives a pension contribution, or cash equivalent, of 10% of base salary in line with the rate applying to the majority of the UK workforce. His benefits include medical insurance, income protection and life assurance cover. His maximum bonus opportunity is 150% of salary and he will be eligible for FY2024 bonus subject to the performance conditions set out in the Group's IPO documentation and 2023 Annual Report, and pro-rated to reflect the proportion of FY2024 for which he is an employee. He is also eligible to receive an award under the Group's LTIP scheme to be granted in 2024. Neeraj did not receive a buy-out award. |
Send that to the companyhttps://cabpayments.com/contact/?team=Info |
 If Ne#raj Kap#r was a Football Manager, his time would be up know and he would be sacked and replaced by someone more competent and engaging with the fans (shareholders). He has been unsuccessful since he became the "manager" and we have drifted down the league and may now be relegated!
Kap#r is out of his depth and is the man at the top in charge of the demise of what could have been a good "club" (Company).
Instead of being sacked, Kap#r decides to award himself more cheap shares on top of his massive salary.
Kap#r, and his crony "backroom staff" will not spend any of their own money on the club...which Kap#r he is in charge of....as he knows its not good value at present.
This guy is so deluded and his record speak for itself!
Change is needed NOW to turn this "club" around.
Kap#r and his crony team need to invest their "un-hard earned" cash into the "club" and buy some shares to give the "fans" (shareholders) some confidence that he believes he can turn things around soon.
I'm not holding my breath though. Why should he invest his own cash when he is just being given loads!!
If he is still in charge by the AGM, then I hope our position in the "league" has improved dramatically! |
So last EPS was 10p.They get the awards in full if hit double that. Great way to incentivce directors.Just stinks that the business is poorly managed. |
£165m market cap.
BOD have to take responsibility.
£3.35 at IP0.
Yet awarding themselves massive options as their first and foremost thing they needed to do.
Scum |
Best investing in US Growth stocks..I just invest in US...so much more liquidity and choice |
£165m market cap. |
50p I think |
£176m market cap . |
Wish the Sunday Times journalist who interviewed her 12 months ago with her saying she would turn things around would interview her again this weekend.
One glorified self seeking witch.
I’d sack her on the spot. |
FYI - From the latest Annual Report & Accounts 2023, Ann Cairns was paid £270,833!
Nice work if you can get it! |
Go the AGM and tell them straight to their face. I will.
Surprised Helios allow it to happen . They are losing big style with the share price down here. Sent an email to the CEO of Helios CE0 Tope Lawson, asking him to join me in a vote of no confidence in Anne Cairns. You can only try. |
Well said Francoismyname!
These greedy B#st'rds won't buy shares using their own cash...even at these low prices.
Kapur has conveniently decided to award shares (especially to himself )at the starting price based as at 01/01/2024! ....11 months after the event!
Obviously, he wasn't going to do this at the "starting" price around 160p a few months back.
This guy is only in it for himself IMO......unless someone can convince me otherwise! |