of course they dont,just look at the people in the street to see where the problem is,i call them the waddles and what really gets me is the amount of young women so big they can hardly walk.. |
I wonder if in their Cost benefit Analysis they include the Pensions saved by smokers dying early?
Suspect they dont. |
i assume you got those figures from the anti smoking outfit called ash who if you read their article they have even allowed cost to some really stupid things to make up that amount.
i dont smoke now after over 40 odd years of smoking and have been playing sport today in my seventies, but the article says all these people falling ill from smoking at a young age which i have never ever seen,i expect they are probably obese as well which is the largest cost to the nhs which is getting so bad its crippling and the costs far out way smoking and they dont die earlier and they problems star when they are young.
just looked it up obesity is costing the nhs 10% of their of their whole budget and that is some money.. |
Https:// |
Apparently tax duty income is £10bn per year. But costs associated with tobacco related illnesses is £17bn pa. Hence the governments "smoke free generation" legislation. Whether that's true or not who knows. |
And where do you think they're going to make up the tax shortfall revenues from? No government can afford to ban Tobacco based products, too big an earner for them. |
Labour government later this year will ban cigarettes and vapes.Sell, sell, sell.Lemmings and mushrooms only. |
Be patient.Interest rates will start falling some time this year and there's a US presidential and UK general election coming up.There's going to be volatility so stock picking could be very lucrative.Pick your best buys from the sectors you think should do well.Dyor. |
#Monty, ready and waiting.. :o) |
Inflation 4%, won't be long before BOE start reducing interest rates, high yielders will come in their own, Bats near 10% pa paid every 13 weeks will look attractive for income boys. |
Christ almighty, I see that deramping c*nt Whites123 has popped up here whilst he pumps Petrofac 5x a day at the bare minimum. |
On results day, I took a glance in here. Despite the results not plummeting to the depths of our worst fears, I couldn't help but find them rather lackluster – a swing to loss and a substantial write-down on US cigarette brands. However, my scepticism was momentarily questioned when I stumbled upon the self-proclaimed PUMP and DUMP virtuoso, Topaz, boldly proclaiming a grand £35 and broker upgrades. :-) It's amusing to witness someone of his caliber engaging with a globally recognized stock like BATS, as if it were in dire need of his £10 spread bet expertise. Perhaps he took a wrong turn from his usual routine of dabbling in small-cap, thinly traded, illiquid punts and decided to grace us with his insights on a "proper" stock like BATS. |
Never a good sign director selling but is remains of share option
The whole market is in the same boat
Zero confidence showing anywhere
Might pick up with new tax year and ISA s coming on line but is long way away
Staying where I am no incentive to sell even less to buy
Be good |
Yes it says it's a sell. |
Isn't that director trade a sell? |
Hefty director buy today EDIT: sorry, wrong - it was a sell |
i'm not seeing the 28/09 fill? |
#Car1pet, the 28.09.2023 gap ..? it looks like the high/low on that day filled it, so the next one 06.12.2023 gapped down from 2487 this got filled yesterday by the gap up on the open, in turn opening another..
It is not a hard and fast rule, but it never surprises me now when gaps up/down get walked back to fill them both ways, in the latest instance here I could use some time to get to 06.04.2024 to reload the ISA 1st and we will have to see how it plays out.. :o) |
Just reinvested my dividend money here.I wanted to wait a day after the preliminary results to see what the markets made of the results. |
RBC Capital & BoA updates today; does anyone have any info on this please? |
 British American Tobacco p.l.c. (the “Company”;) Quarterly Dividends for the year ended 31 December 2022:
Payment No. 3 – November 2023 (the “November 2023 Dividend”)
"South Africa Dividends Tax (at a rate of 20%), equivalent to 272.23407 SA cents per ordinary share, will be withheld from the gross November 2023 Dividend paid to shareholders on the South Africa branch register, unless a shareholder qualifies for an exemption. After Dividends Tax has been withheld, the net dividend will be1088.93628 SA cents per ordinary share"
South Africa Branch Register Finalisation Information On 9 February 2023, the Company announced that the Board had declared an interim dividend of 230.9p per ordinary share of 25p, payable in four equal quarterly instalments of 57.72p per ordinary share in May 2023, August 2023, November 2023 and February 2024.
The November 2023 Dividend will be payable on 3 November 2023 to shareholders registered on either the UK main register or the South Africa branch register on 29 September 2023 (the record date).
In accordance with the JSE Limited (“JSE”) Listing Requirements, the finalisation information for the November 2023 Dividend relating to shareholders registered on the South Africa branch register is set out in the paragraphs below.
The salient dates and other dividend declaration information announced on 9 February 2023 remain unchanged for the November 2023 Dividend.
South Africa Branch Register: Dividend Rate
The British American Tobacco Group reports in sterling, therefore dividends are declared and payable in sterling except for shareholders on the branch register in South Africa whose dividends are payable in rand. A rate of exchange of £:R=23.58230 as at 14 September 2023 (the closing rate on that date as quoted by Bloomberg), results in an equivalent November 2023 Dividend of 1361.17036 SA cents per ordinary share.
South Africa Branch Register: Dividends Tax Information
South Africa Dividends Tax (at a rate of 20%), equivalent to 272.23407 SA cents per ordinary share, will be withheld from the gross November 2023 Dividend paid to shareholders on the South Africa branch register, unless a shareholder qualifies for an exemption. After Dividends Tax has been withheld, the net dividend will be1088.93628 SA cents per ordinary share.
The November 2023 Dividend is regarded as a ‘foreign dividend’ for the purposes of the South Africa Dividends Tax. For the purposes of South Africa Dividends Tax reporting, the source of income for the payment of the November 2023 Dividend is the United Kingdom.
At the close of business on 14 September 2023 (the latest practicable date prior to the date of the declaration of the South African rand equivalent of the November 2023 Dividend), the Company had a total of 2,236,380,130 ordinary shares in issue (excluding treasury shares).
The Company held 220,541,649 ordinary shares in treasury giving a total issued share capital of 2,456,921,779 ordinary shares.
British American Tobacco p.l.c. is registered with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) with tax reference number 9378193172.
For the avoidance of doubt, Dividends Tax and the information provided above is of only direct application to shareholders on the South Africa branch register. Shareholders on the South Africa branch register should direct any questions regarding the application of Dividends Tax to Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited, contact details for which are given below. |
I'm not a "gaps" expert Laurence. Can you please explain why gaps have to be "filled". There was a gap at the end of September around the 2600p. Does that need to be "filled"? |