#Speir40, my view also, which I why I hold both BATS/IMB and will just let it play out.. |
valentine was a report on google finance on pre results day ,they see mr dart with his large holing as a takeover waiting to happen |
BlackRock Inc 6% Spring Mountain Capital LP 8% Capital Group Companies Inc 13%
Some strong holdings there.. :o)
Sooner or later there will be some MnA in the space, we need to see how the Vape juice rollout goes, and then perhaps IMB will become a target..? . |
Spier, what makes you think of a takeover? Not heard that being pitched before. Also, by whom? |
moving up nicely pre-results ,mr dart keeps increasing his holding now over 10% BOUGHT another load in January , takeover could be on the cards |
Money moving to APH , excellent results & growth |
I will reinvest my dividend here |
hopefully break through to the 24 today then onward and upward |
At IMB with their divi and sharebacks they're giving a great percentage annualised return to shareholders so if we have the same here I'm happy.At my time in life shareholder returns are what I'm after. |
Buyback to start in H2 we are led to believe so prepare for take off in second half imo |
P/e here is just over 6.IMB and MO are between 7 and 8 while PM is 17+ from HL sources.As BATS and PM are more advanced in sales of NGPs and these are the revenue drivers going forward then BATS p/e is low.The debt overhang at BATS is the main drag. |
I see £30 on the way here in next 6-12 months .. |
Could be right there topazfrenzy |
Central bank announcements this week on possible rate cuts and when (remembering this is election year in many countries and even though central banks are supposedly independent i can see political parties and governments putting political pressure on to favour incumbent governments and parties, by cutting interest rates asap to help boost economies and therefore incumbents' chances electorally).Call me cynical but i don't buy this 'independent' label given to central banks.Who nominates our BoE chief?...the Chancellor.Who nominates the Federal Reserve chairman in the US?...a president.Very independent vetting process then! Also some big corporations reporting this week so good results could boost markets both sides of the Atlantic. |
Being bid again now that all the news regarding smoking bans had been baked in ...
Sell the rumour BUY the news lol |
A run up to 2400 finally before the 9th Feb announcement? |
Sensible post Hope. Thanks. |
Me too.It comes with the territory.Speculate to accumulate.Like all shares you get winners and losers.If you don't like the risks involved in individual shares then park your money in a fund ,bonds or a savings account in a bank or building society.Your choice. |
been there with oil and gas... |
 You see it all the time in mining companies and oil and gas.Preliminary geological surveys and sampling from a test drill in mining or oil exploration can give a great reading,the company announces the result of a test well/mining operation, and the share price shoots up.When a viability study is done as to whether the reserves are big enough to make a new mine/new drilling well economical gives a negative conclusion, then the share price tanks.The companies i presume are duty bound to give news like this of their company to the markets and the share price will react accordingly.Either the company benefits hugely from this new discovery or wastes valuable capital expenditure on producing a dud.I don't see the difference.No one can fortell what is going to happen in the future,but i think one can unarguably predict that cigarette sales will continue to fall as governments and regulators globally are anti-smoking.The reality is cigarette volumes will continue to decline and BATS CEO and board are just being realistic in their assessment.They would probably be rightly criticised for continuing to keep an inflated,unrealistic, asset figure on their balance sheet when it doesn't merit such an valuation. |
Surely thats just business. Manchester United paid £80m for Anthony and he is worth 50p so can all man u shareholders claim they were misled. The law firm must have thought about the action but it seems unlikely to succeed. If it does it would a precedent for every shareholder of every company. |
 Altria had to write down the value of Juul, and what they paid for it, so i don't see what the difference is.The big tobacco firms overpaid for something that was materially impacted by legislation (Juul) or changing market conditions ie continued trend loss of market share/declining stick volumes (BATS).Are BATS in their financial statements obliged to forward guide that there might be a future write-down of asset values some time in the future or not in their forward guidance? Seems a moot point to me.The market must have assumed this(a write down of some description) was going to be a distinct possibilty at some time,the only question was when the timing of it would be announced.When BATS decided to take the decision, and time the announcement when they did,to write down asset brand value on the balance sheet,it was entirely up to the CEO and the board and i don't see how you signal this to the market in advance without it affecting the share price.The old CEO didn't perform the write down on his watch but the new CEO felt obliged to carry out this action early on in his tenure.I don't see where there's a class action if two CEOs have differing opinions at the timing of such an announcement. |