Nice 546k delayed buy just snuck through.... |
It was 29p in Ghana, so let's see. |
With today's good news I'd expect the price to at least move back into the prior uptrend, which suggests 25p is the minimum we should be looking at on todays news. . Chart . . |
Ratification application in. Just a waiting game now. | |
This is africa.. |
I would think the short term risk is potential delay to the ratification, cant imagine politicians will be keen to put their name against it, if the company has not complied with safety standards |
Suppose some worried that there could be repercussions on company if found negligent . But I've added 106k think it's a buying opportunity |
Nervous investors selling. Very sad news so not surprising that some are selling.
Hopefully the fundamentals are unchanged and ratification isn't going to be held up. |
Yes very sad news.Activities suspended so no surprise the share price has dropped. |
Worker died this is sad news, condolences to the family.Why has the share price been effected? |
Tragic news today. Sounds like the Co is reacting appropriately. |
It might be safer for him if he does! :-) |
fingers crossed news on ratification is this week
NH should stay in Ghana until it arrives! |
In fact just I'll double down. 25p today on close, without news. Treble cursed :-) |
I think this will start to climb today.Now How is that for a curse!! :-) |
Yes, possibly. Either way someone is selling. Hopefully we really do get a flurry of good news. The off take agreements should be a big catalyst, hopefully this will be where N&A have excelled. |
You would like to think so, if DGR possible they could be on the last chunk. Not sure if Piedmont can sell, as they would be restricted like the board surely,so close to news? |
Surely, ratification gets this moving. The constant selling is however pretty worrying. I guess Piedmont is selling or may be Len but who knows. |
Still scratching my head, 29p on the Ghana stock exchange. Granted volumes less, but still. Hopefully seller is out, otherwise this is just 19.5-20p, and repeat. Glad |
Busy time ahead :-) gla |
Neil en-route to Ghana... | |
And up again today on Ghana! |