With rate cuts & possible $ weakness however slight, all should help commodities IMO, and with as RP highlights above, lots of very good positives, ATYM should be back over £4 and progressing nicely H2...let's see....may even be a takeover target given shortage of supply...that would be a nice icing! DYOR as ever |
Possibly. AI is being used extensively by the company in their R&D program. There is a lot of info on the Kobold Metals website if you're interested. DYOR. |
Nice rise today! |
Nothing to add to the Results...
ELIX delayed
Domain move pending
Solar panels close to finish
Future producing assets being progressed
Toure in process
Copper price critical...direct correlation...
No water problems
Alberto utterly professional as usual |
Presentation in 5mins |
Solar plant not on line till year end. |
 Surprised by the limited action. Excellent cash flow, almost no debt, loads of upside, from improving grades, new pits, ELIX, solar plant and of course Touro. A solid profitable company, well run, in a safe jurisdiction and loads of upside still to come.
Very healthy balance sheet, with substantial more cash than borrowings. Few miners can have such low, almost non existent gearing.
"The Company's balance sheet remains strong with unaudited consolidated cash and cash equivalents of €81.0 million as at 30 June 2024.
Current and non-current borrowings were €27.7 million, resulting in a net cash position of €53.4 million as at 30 June 2024, compared with €54.3 million as at 31 December 2023.
Inventories of concentrate valued at cost were €10.2 million at 30 June 2024 (31 December 2023: €8.4 million). The total working capital surplus was €63.4 million at 30 June 2024 (31 December 2023: €68.6 million)."
The Group had credit approval for facilities totalling €94.2 million (€103.8 million at 31 December 2023).
Borrowing with fixed interest rates is 1.75%. Margins on borrowing with variable interest rates, usually 12 months EURIBOR, range from 0.95% to 1.93% with an average margin of 1.25%.
At 30 June 2024, the Group had used €27.7 million of its facilities and had undrawn facilities of €66.5 million. |
All set up for a big H2. Next half yearly results should be very strong. Let's hope the copper price is half decent. By end of 2024 Elix should be fully operational, progress will be made on Touro, Solar farm fully functional, domiciled into Spain paving the way for a listing on FTSE 250 (mkt cap dependent) and San dionisio should be permitted.The latter project enables ATYM to improve overall copper grade and therefore amount of copper produced by mixing higher and lower grade ores. Lots to go at!! |
Solid results |
QS99 Agree on nice play on the Copper price going ballistic and note interim results are out tomorrow |
Does ATYM become a take over target at these levels? DYOR |
2's today? |
A steal at these prices imho. Dyor. |
Somebody really does want to get in. |
I’m doing likewise topping up on weakness
Copper plays IMO are a no brainer DYOR |
So am I !! l 33 Since WAAAAAY back! l33 |
Someone's taken advantage. Up to 15% direct holding. |
Come on guys, this is my discussion board, not my gift to be rude to each other. lanty, if you knew more, you would know that RP was talking about this stock with me a very long time ago when it was EMED.. He is a paid up member of Harry’s nougat and jambo club. |
"£5 by 31 December; £10 in 2027..."
And respective the gold price will be? |
LOL no, just a RAMPER!!
l33 |
"I repeat: these will be £5 by year end and £10 in 3 years... Now am I a ramper or a committed investor?"
Maybe just an optomist? |
I passed by in February and the solar panels were almost all installed why is it taking so long to have it running? On a side note the solar farm is quite impressive. |