Oddly enough, At ARS there are as many Marvel comic characters on the lse as investors, Plus 3 there on adfvn. Will delete this post so as not to offend the investors. Unsurprisingly, over there, it’s the other way round Most of the comic characters are trying to be positive, Headed by Bukowski750, (takenorisk) Marvels Very own Buck/Dennis Bukowski. The Captain America superhero Is Stephen Rogers, he befriended Peggy In the comics. Funny old World, The Marvel characters here are all negative, with the odd new invention. added later. Watch out for stored IDs 16/11 12.17 (Terry) |
Openheart: Unkemptrich: mistakes are kicking in Bradshaw! Harder to remember IDs As opposed to characters. Nice and quiet Mr. Multi ID busy fumbling on the other board lol.
Do you remember this one Bradshaw? “ I’ve studied Zambian geology/Deposits in great detail! Fantastic copper deposits, and a great jurisdiction” ? Guess Buck shaw750 is busy. . Perhaps he has got his Steven Peggy hat on.. over on his favourite board.. seems a great place to master talking to yourself. Not that he posts on the LSE boards lol. well, not all of them. Peggy befriends Steven Rogers Superhero, Lovely story. |
Peggycilla911: Marvel superheroes became popular again after the 9/11 Attacks. Takenorisk: Marvel Studios has reportedly taken no risks, Focusing on Guaranteed hits. Wonder what He’s thinking now. Watch out for new IDs with minimum posting history. Fake email news, share price enquiries Predictions and similar. |
Time to move on Bukowski750 And take your IDs with you. |
I think we’re in a good position, That doesn’t give you the Right, Attempting to deceive people using multiple IDs. |
If you spent more time researching management teams, earth science and exploration rather than detective work on usernames, you might very well be in a better position than you are, kiddo!!Imho dyor!! |
Bukowski. Wouldn’t it be a better idea to post on your own board? Guess that’s too much to ask. |
I'm actually honoured you think I'm the great China blue. LoL. The man, the myth, the legend. But I can categorically state I'm not. |
Bukowski750 has posted here over the years using several different IDs, Including Chinablue1/Bradshaw980/Rainyrain/ Atmysignal/Goforgold1/Texaschaser and Bukowski750. Now trying to use new IDs which are being monitored on both boards. Posts on x to. |
I’m Not on Twitter, Bradshaw (Bukowski750) has around eight Twitter accounts Apparently. Uses plenty of other IDs on both boards Including Marvel superheroes and marvel comic names /Takenorisk. No doubt a few others.
The good News is he’s definitely trying to buy in on the cheap, For the Zambian results, After losing money Elsewhere. Most of his negative IDs, Have at one point or another posted a few positive comments on Zambia, Although those comments are hard to find, That’s his game, use multiple IDs to be negative on both boards, sometimes talking to himself. |
Bradshaw...This would be you rightly!https://twitter.com/brianzclar85666 |
"Further review of the assay data and drill core suggests that the first phase drill programme intersected mineralisation laterally on the fringe of the copper zone, in the iron rich zone, the interpreted outer halo of the main mineralised zone. All the data is currently being assessed and planning put in place for a second phase drill programme...".... ".... that will vector away from the iron rich zone, targeting the interpreted inner copper sulphide zone" Now planning to go into the copper sulphides... |
Further review of the assay data suggests drill program intercepted mineralisation on the fringe of the copper zone, Interpreted as the outer halo of the main mineralised zone. All data being assessed, second drill program will Vector Away from the iron rich zone, Targeting the interpreted inner copper sulphide zone, Presenting what we believe to be a further 5 km strike. |
So on par with the neighbours you're vectoring away from the 8 holes you just drilled ROFLMFAO |
Everyone is comparing it to other finds/findings or some Cu% quote from a text book or Google search… all we need to be on a par with our neighbors
Do your homework!… I think you will be surprised!
FB. |
At the KCB, The average strike length of Zone 5 North, Zeta N.E, And mango, Is 1.66 km. Average resource is 24.5 Million tons At 1.9% CU. Today we have learnt the potential strike Length of the anomaly on PL135/2017 Is potentially 5 km long. Copper And silver mineralisation has been discovered Drilling across this anomaly. |
At this stage m8 it's not an underground mine is it, think we can agree on that. |
So arcm had 6 meters at 16.67 g/ t Au and skipper is saying that's exceptional?That's either highly, highly delusional or something more sinister. I got Asiamet's drill hole ID wrong it's.... BKZ 33600And it had 30 metres (not 6) of 1,188 g/t silver not (16.67).literally thousands of times better ROFLMFAO |
Hole ALV-DD-004 intercepting 3 Metres @1.29 Percent CU-EQ Within a broader 6 Meter 0.82 percent CU-EQ zone. How broad is broader? As we have only drilled across the target, What could be along It’s potential 5 km length. |
Skip you really don't know this game kiddo. Far, far from exceptional for silver. Furthermore, many professionals say equivalent grades shouldn't be used until you know the recoveries, in this case for the silver.If you want stunning silver grades look at Asiamet's drill ID BKZ 33699 :30 meters at 6.3 g/t Au and 1,188 g/t Ag |
Ignore the formatting but 32.33 grammes per ton is exceptional. |