Buko750: “why would anglo-American bother putting a resource on something They’re not interested in/not going to mine?” Probable answer.. they are interested in that resource, and could mine this in conjunction with any known and additional discovery/discoveries.. read RNS 7th Nov.. and listen to investor call also on 7th Nov, and the comments we have an embarrassment of targets. Arc’s RNS heading has recently changed to.. Arc Minerals, an exploration company forging partnerships to discover and develop Tier 1 Copper deposit(s) if we were given back a tier 2.. that’s been discovered on a free carry would that be so bad? The very first joint venture hole drilled looks like Cheyezae is at least 1 km bigger.. but it’s the third target that has caused the excitement already, early on in this campaign. Copper prices have increased 28% since 2013. |
I agree Fatboy1nc, both are one, plus using other IDs too. Your laymans’s terms, Finding the X on the treasure post, points to a slide showing unpublished historical data, with one hole KARC7: showing 121 meters @ 0.70% copper.. do we know what part of the license area this was found on? |
Look Anglo’s stock is on a tear at the moment on bid speculation:
If a bid does come in from BHP then Duncan Wanblad might find himself out in the cold, so he has every reason to big up Anglo’s assets, particularly its copper assets because BHP has made it clear that it’s divesting its Diamond and Coal assets to focus on copper. That’s why I think we will hear about both a MRE and a feasibility study when DW stands up to address the Indaba on February 3rd, if not before. |
When are you expecting a feasibility study? |
Well that'll do nicely but let's see what the feasibility study has in store, it being another key requirement for the grant of the large scale mining license. |
It says 2 billion for a tier one which a way, way to cheap ROFLMFAO....Rick Rule has been saying for several years that a tier one is 10 billion USD but obviously there's no right answer, for me it's 15 billion ROFLMFAO |
Copper prices are broadly the same now as they were in 2013 so the article remains relevant. The key issue will be the cost of extraction which will clearly vary with the depth of the resources. |
Why do arcm rampers always talk of three tier ones? It's beyond ridiculous ! There are many tier one mines that consist of several pits/underground that are miles apart from each other but classed as the same mine with the same name!All imho! |
Thanks for the tier one prices from 2013 m8. Very relevant in 2025.....not. |
Why would Anglo bother putting a resource on something they're not interested in/not going to mine? |
And for the uninformed this is what the various tiers are worth: |
Yes it’s going to be one hell of a discovery phase which is why I bought more this morning. I don’t expect the initial MRE’s to be Tier 1 resources, but with the amount of money that Anglo are committed to throwing at this and the depth of historic data I would not be too surprised to see three Tier 1s by the end of the campaign. |
If the discovery phase isn't finished yet, and they've already found three deposits good enough to put a resource estimate on, it's gonna be one hell of a discovery phase .....in your dreams unfortunately tho son ROFLMFAO |
You talk of when the discovery phase is finished on one hand then three resource estimates by 31st January on the other loool...one word: plank |
I had a five bagger with GGP too. Big mistake there in not holding on for more though as it went up 1700% at its peak, and I certainly won’t make that mistake again here, although I might skim a bit of profit on the spikes and replenish on the pull backs.
You demonstrate how immature you are with of capitals to represent emojis, so stop calling me son. |
So you're an oil and gas man not a metals man got it kiddo. Makes sense. I've met may old twerps like you who think oil and gas knowledge transfer over to copper exploration ROFLMFAO levels to this game son and you ain't ever gonna catch me ROFLMFAO |
Enough of the laddie Bukowski. I’m 69 years old and have had to suffer twerps like you many times during my investment career - which includes a ten bagger with Rockhopper, and several times more than that with GKP back in the day. I expect a minimum of a ten bagger here once the discovery phase has completed.
Oh and by the way, the only reason you have two ticks for your last post is because my finger accidentally landed on the green thumb whilst I was watching tv. |
Skip you've got zero credibility here wee laddie, you've been wrong for years, you're well underwater whilst I sold arcm for a profit ROFLMFAO !! |
Give it a rest Bukowski. No-one is ticking up your posts anyway so you are an irrelevance.
Here’s the conclusion from the article I posted anyway, for the benefit of genuine investors here and why Anglo will have been able to prove up the resources to back up the LML aplications:
Investment of foreign capital in Zambia's Copperbelt mines by the Selection Trust and Anglo-American corporations was crucial in the creation and preservation of significant business archives for the country. While the main agenda of heavy investment by these foreign multinational companies hinged on mineral prospecting and exploration for profits, their mining operations turned out as a major source of important archives depicting a history of mining and the Copperbelt in particular. For purposes of effective mining operations, the Selection Trust and Anglo-American's group of companies established corporate and administrative structures hosted in Britain, South Africa and Northern Rhodesia. Unknowingly, these structures became channels of archives production from the 1920s onwards. Through the pursuit of their routine roles, these structures eventually generated archives that reflect the multinationals mining policies, functions, decisions, financial transactions, labour relation and social welfare pertaining to the Copperbelt mining industry and communities, respectively. Although the nature of these archives was shaped by internal factors such as administration operations and a strict preserve of company officials, there were also external political and economic forces at play which affected how they came to be shaped, accessed, preserved and identified. |
There was such ramping i think last year or the year before regarding a huge announcement at the Indaba that I actually watched the live feed on YouTube, and sod all happened ROFLMFAOEssentially pre prepared speeches saying how awesome Africa is and bigging up the appropriate jurisdiction in front of the suited up ministers etc loool all imho |
Are big announcements made on stage at the Indaba? That narrative has been put forward regarding the last three and failed every time ROFLMFAO Why would a major want to announce something under spotlights on stage LoooL they just put out a press release this isn't Hollywood you dweebs ROFLMFAO |
Riiight kiddo so I'm the clown for calling out your claim of three major miner style resources are to reported with the next 13 days?I'm the clown kiddo?Majors look for billion tonne minimum so you reckon circa one million tonnes of new copper per annum is going to be announced in the next twelve days when global production is circa 22 million tonnes but one million extra is being announced by a single JV in the next now 11 days when there's been no news of any new discoveries?But yeah laddie I'm the clown ROFLMFAO all imho. |