This doesn’t happen often but right now I’m lost for words! If you have no desire to amplify what was said in an obvious pertinent telephone call with someone “in the know” then why dangle a carrot in front of us and keep us in suspense?!
If the ex-Chair being the largest shareholder is such a bother to you then either offer to buy him out or make him happy and content in some other way; for example, with progress. The approx 20% holding here is akin to institutional stock and it probably ain’t going nowhere; use it like your cornerstone investor. The debt has been there for what seems an eternity; either negotiate renewed terms or get on with it some other way. I wouldn’t say the shareholders are not on top of this issue; it is for the Board to address; these factors are not new and this is why you need a competent BoD to address this. You have debt to the tune of £3.5m and a market cap of some £4.4m; enough said. |
Nothing inside was discussed , having been FCA and sec registered I am well aware of the rules. If I wish to share more details of a private conversation it is up to me but I don't think it's good form and certainly the way some act I have no interest in helping them whatsoever. I will continue to suggest that folks do their own homework and ask questions directly to the company if they have any coherent ones.As to the share register and the capital structure if anyone does not see an issue with the largest holder being the ex chair that was voted off the board and there being legacy issues around debt they clearly are not on top of it. There are a number of such legacy issues that go back to the old guard that need resolving including Grangesberg which again if one pays attention has been tidied over the past few years. It was a mess. |
Kooba, can you not see you may be treading a very thin line referring to ‘private conversations’ which cannot be divulged to other shareholders. I’m sure you mean well, but maybe a bit of transparency at this point might help avoid any misunderstanding. |
No..enough ffs. |
“Having picked up the phone to discuss where the company finds itself right now i was impressed by activity levels…though there is still stuff around ownership structures and the share resister itself that is still taking time addressing.“
This is your post from earlier this morning, kooba. Whether you picked the phone up right now or last week or whether the conversation you had with ?? was private or otherwise, why don’t you just amplify to us what was meant by activity levels, ownership queries and share register queries? The answers to these could be hugely beneficial to us mere mortals and perhaps then we would shine a brighter light on AYM? If now you’re saying the conversation happened last week and it was private then should you be sharing ? If anyone else called the company and queried what you earlier stated, would we get the same feedback, I.e. issues with ownership and the share register and being impressed with activity. |
I didnt say i had spoken to anyone today did i ? It was last week and was a private conversation.I would strongly suggest that you arrange to meet someone there rather than just turn up over Easter on the off chance...the company is not currently drilling and there is no particular reason for the site to be manned all day in case a curious shareholder ( or not) tries to catch them out so they can say nothing is going on..what do you expect an Anglesey Mining visitor centre? |
Kooba; all I was suggesting is, given the fact you have today spoken with a company representative, who I have to assume is “management221;, why don’t you elaborate your feedback?? All I’m trying to do is to be efficient and not calling the company unnecessarily and absorbing all their valuable time. When I am next on Anglesey for Easter I will endeavor to visit Parys Mt and hopefully someone will be there; when I did likewise last Easter , no one for there; the barrier was down and locked and that was for a good 2 weeks over that period, not just the Easter weekend. |
Once again as you seem clarify in simple terms , i am not here to answer your questions and do your pontificate on things you do not understand...or make any real effort to so please do your own research and maybe your limited contribution might be more informed.I prefer getting my opinions first hand...i advise others to do so as well.I and others have advised that you try to meet the company since you say you will visit the site shortly...i think that is sound advice and if you do meet up to ask your list of questions then. If you should wish to report back to the board ...great smashing super. |
Sorry kooba, I misinterpreted your gramma and spelling in places! So, now that you have diligently picked up the phone and spoken with someone informative in the company, please could you elaborate on your feedback, specifically the activity levels (this appears to excite you) and the ownership question mark you elude to and of course the share register queries you also elude to? Surely the share register is what it is ??
I don’t wish you to do my homework for me but if everyone who appears disillusioned picks up the phone to speak with management then surely there will be no surplus time for management to manage 🤷🏼8205;♀️ |
 Butty you need to be able to read first"money is the biggest drag on progress" at Parys...not Parys is the biggest drag on progress! Ffs.And to be honest it's about time you did your own homework...I'm not here to do your work for you but encourage people to make an effort in understanding the challenges whilst recognising the potential huge underlying value.Much information is out there to answer your own questionshTTps:// if shareholders worked out they are sitting on a gold mine ( excuse etc) then they might push harder to support and encourage the folks who have taken on the task and realise that they are not simply there to try to line their pockets...and would like nothing better than realise the true underlying value for shareholders.Far better ways to line your pockets than sort out this company and struggle to get piecemeal financial support and read ill informed criticism from people who don't hold any financial interest...their interest is quite often quite bizarre. Why spend so much time try to discredit and trash a micro cap that if successful would create jobs and critical metal security for this country. Bloody odd. |
Thanks for the recent postings kooba. Always appreciated. I look forward to a positive update on Parys and Grangesberg 'soonish'. Gla. |
kooba, rather than everyone getting in touch with Rob and utilising his time perhaps unnecessarily, perhaps you could elaborate on what you just stated having just spoken with someone from the company, i.e. activity levels; ownership structures .. please definitely expand on this, and the share register??
Grangesberg; what % does AYM own of this; remind me? And its worth to AYM if its sold?
Why is Parys Mt the biggest drag on progress? Its the only project AYM owns 100% of. |
Having picked up the phone to discuss where the company finds itself right now i was impressed by activity levels...though there is still stuff around ownership structures and the share resister itself that is still taking time addressing.Fresh experienced eyes on Grangesberg have concluded it is indeed perhaps the hidden jewel when timing is right.As for Parys money is the biggest drag on progress as one might expect ..what was confirmed is that the energy storage interest would in no way impact development of Parys and would through dewatering the main shaft mitigate costs and get things moving. Hoping the prospects are better explained shortly. |
Great look forward to you getting back to us ...why not contact the CEO say you are a shareholder if indeed you are and see if he is on site whilst you are there, you might get the opportunity to ask questions to the right people not an anonymous board as to what is going on...might be a better use of your time than serially moaning on here.Have a great Easter...look forward to your update.As to the big push to take security of supply of critical metals seriously being academic ..i rather think it is probably the most important development in the long history of reopening a producing mine at Parys for decades...alongside the resulting strong metal prices it is a key inflection point in getting support for a "green" copper, zinc ,lead ,gold and silver mine financed in the U.K. |
Get in touch with Rob I'm sure he'll be happy to show you around |
Unless I have missed some pertinent news, the last RNS was about an MOU being signed to look into the viability of a hydrostatic head of fluid in the Morris shaft to generate electric power via a turbine; or, have I missed something since.
Next month at Easter I shall be on Anglesey (we own a second home in Porthaethwy / Menai Bridge) so might pop along to Parys Mt and see for myself what is occurring. |
It's all very relevant .Maybe read the updates for context or contact the company if you want to understand where things are better... |
All this is purely academic, kooba. We all understand what critical minerals are but exactly what is being done at Parys Mt to further this initiative?? How about some news regarding exactly what is happening ! |
 hTTps:// article..somewhat ignoring the attractions of what we have at Parys and the short term deliverability of production with strong local support.Zinc is now recognised as a critical resource ..and most of the rest of the developed world recognise copper as being a critical resource..which it is on any delivery of net zero ambitions.The Parys Mountain project is interpreted to be a volcanic hosted massive sulphide zinc-lead-copper deposit. The deposit is located at or near the contact between Ordovician shales and the overlying Silurian volcanic sequence.hTTps:// there may be valuable credits from rare earth materials in situ or in waste on the site i don't think has ever really been assessed though probably likely in such complicated polymetallic ore bodies...when i spoke to the then ceo some years ago ( pre Jo) they had not investigated but thought there may well be other rare elements recoverable on site. |
They had £324k in the trough end of September, the pigs will need feeding again very soon |
Fair play Pigeons .. got to make your calls and hopefully they come off . Good luck |
Hi Kenny, Yes, I agree with you, but even dogs normally have a time in their life when they start to produce something for their owners. I just think the time is very near. If you're not in you'll miss it. That's the way I see it And I've been with them a long time. Have a good weekend All. |
Hidden gem huh … that will need another placing soon and has not sold 1 pence worth of anything in 50 years . How do you arrive at gem ? All I see is directors wages and a fortune wasted over years with no mine - which would cost another fortune to develop |
WHEN Will the market wake up? to ? This hidden gem. |