Why don't you report your suspicions to the Fca. Instead of bleating on here. |
No it's clear there are no answers, the RNS hidden by manipulation and it would have been issued if the grades really were in line with paper assays and concentrate....
Another Concentrate Gate as Elir so expertly described it....
Certainly you have no answers, Alba are hiding the answers and the only conclusion as per market rules is manipulation because your stupid enough to be manipulated!
I mean these were meant to be amazing grades, this RNS over the coin tonnage used would be amazing PR......
Oh dear think we all see the point now, manipulation obviously! |
Why don't you go over to LSE and ask the posters these questions. If you ask them in a civil manner you may get an answer. How can my account be fake?This is my only account and has been for many years unlike you who changes yours more times than you change your underwear. Lol |
![](/p.php?pid=profilepic&user=teseract) On any other market the rules would stipulate they release the RNS for the tonnage and gold sourced for these coins.....
Here on Aim the wild west of lifestyle scams these things are hidden.
Thaifagface and his fake account Birchin will now explain why you have no market data to support the processing of the coins, obviously this the company that details everything except when it's bad and then silence.
Did anyone who visited demand the grades for these coins and tonnage used or just write they saw some coins and they looked shiny?
Guess not, I mean if the tonnage was higher than their paper assays said then that's proof the grades didn't exist and were fabrication from small concentrated samples.
Obviously if you wanted coins and you had hundreds of ton stored in your yard from years of sampling grading 2g a ton to over 100 then you could have made twenty, thirty plus one ounce coins not three.
The fact they have only three shows some lies are now tripping up the paper assay results.
And Alba don't want you to know this!
Buuuut thaifagface has an alternative answer coming right up next lolol???? |
Why don't you come out from behind your keyboard and go and ask Alba yourself all these questions you keep asking?I am sure that they would be happy to meet up with you. |
All that gold and high grade ore yet you hide the tonnage used to make sixty grams? Was that one ton, two... A hundred?! No one knows the company his market sensitive data from investors again.
Market manipulation?! |
Yes but comments don't answer why you don't process all this supposed gold, why no RNS detailing tonnage for this sixty grams and why they have diluted to oblivion when they were in the supposed gold from day one.
I'm sure comments from the visitors as to why a week worth of study to determine pit grades has taken over three years too!
I mean comments and fantasy are one thing, the truth and altogether different beast lol.
But that's what Alba wanted, the pr so get writing, written lots of positive but everyone still sold and your finances gone! |
Good to read more positive comments from a person that attended the mine visit last Friday over on Lse. Rather than the same old looped rubbish we hear from the resident troll on here 24/7 |
Had they processed all this ore not stored it and made bs paper assays great, the fact the didn't was because they lied on grades, I said processing would prove the scam.
Oh dear were missing an RNS on the sixty grams for those coins, is it because they lied on grades and now need to hide that fact?
Clear as day what's go e on here isn't it? Alba could have avoided this by simply turning the plant on years ago!
Scam, it's a scam because they elected to avoid the right way of doing things and hiding real grades! |
Your the one who's panicking and worried, or you would not respond to me.
Hilarious 😂 😂😂128514; |
No I am untouchable and you've said court for years now lol.
The next raise, the fact they even raise shows how bad and failed this mine is.
No one twists anything apart from you getting knickers in a twist!
End of the day I said this would crash and it did, all your investment is worthless! |
Teseract many things lve told investors about you have come true,
You lie !
You twist everything to make a negative !
Your obsessed with deramping Alba !
Your sick in the head !
Your a regular at weatherspoons !
You've admitted you have a problem with being negative about Alba !
You say your untouchable but actually your very much wrong, because you will be up in court very soon !
Alba are stronger than you Ryan and they are coming to get you.
We understand your panicking and worried, that's one thing that's showing with your behaviour. |
The only one here that is desperate is you Ryan. Give it a rest you are getting very boring and making yourself look very stupid with all your accounts. |
Umm you can't see that's a mistake should be 2030.... Guess too much for your small brain.
But a direct challenge to assumptions he and others made about 2025 and 2030 which has now been changed due to countries sourcing graphite supplies and especially Africa.
How can you and others get predictions so very very very wrong!
China never said it would restrict graphite and hasn't, no one putting an order in for it got refused. No China foresaw shortage and didn't want to be reliant to the world so gave them a friendly nudge.
Annnnd now it's so cheap and oversupplied, how can you and some analyst get it so wrong, the graphite bubble burst and now we're securing most other rare earth's plus developing non rare earth replacements that these predictions from years ago and your recent one just look childish and ill educated
I remind you to do some actual research everything you say is always so wrong publically embarrassing! |
Serious personality disorder, if what gives you a buzz is spreading fear and doom on a company like Alba ,Teseract your one very sad trol❗ |
And Africa will be producing so much by 2930 we will still have an over supply!?
When that year comes nobody will ever have heard of you, or anyone for that matter from this year of 2025
I did say you are losing the plot, Alba's definitely got to you You're losing your mind.
Silly stupid fool.
Alba United 🇬🇧 |
Iceage, the part where you say we will be short of graphite by the end of the decade!?
So being short by 2025 never happened right!?
And Africa will be producing so much by 2030 we will still have an over supply!?
Why don't you do some actual research, your such a click bait target and fool omg! |