So what if Mike Render has visited the House of Commons. AB demonstrated the fool cell generator to royals, 3-4 years ago and mixed with rich and famous in Davos. All came to nothing, just hot air and fluff. This company needs orders of units in volume to survive, I just can't see where that is likely to come from in the foreseeable. |
Educating would be investors in AFC is not a waste of time. Especially for those that haven't got the time to trawl back over the years of failed projects, lies and deceit from the BOD. Share the love.. Tomorrow will be an interesting day and will set the scene for the next few months.
Have a great evening. |
Haggismchaggis if you haven’t forgotten. Years of fantasy predictions of great wealth for investors. Total carp. |
Thank you for managing that for us Derek, what would we do without you damping the perceived, by you, ramping! |
I’m just trying to manage investors expectations, having suffered so long by the BS fed to them by the BOD of AFC and ramping on this BB. |
Thanks for caring about us poor investors Derek, so kind wasting all your time just for us! |
I’m just stating the bleeding obvious. If you have been an investor as long as I have you will see the pattern. |
I will add that AIM companies are notoriously leaky with insider information. With today’s averagely low volume, there are no signs of any good news announcement.
Without some indication of near term revenue this will sell off massively as investors realise cash raise is imminent. |
Bash bash bash. Endless repeated utter bashing. Scumbag. |
Let’s face it they can’t announce anything price sensitive without an RNS. So I’m not expecting any new orders announced. It all depends on how candid they choose to be on the actual situation. Hence the range of price movement.
Investors have had enough BS over the years. |
Thanks for that positive gem, Derek! |
I predict the share price will react. Up 10% or down 40% | |
@halfwit, If only.. |
New CEO to be Transformative as we have a massive Breakout after Presentation Tomorrow...
Simply Magic Future Ahead as Demand and Strategy is Simply Magic.
Happy Days Ahead so don't be left behind !! |
A reminder :- |
@jimmysaville, You should know that AFC investors have been blatantly lied to over the years by the BOD. All new articles should be viewed with scepticism for that reason. IF ABB were still involved why not mention it?. It’s unlikely a fraudulent slip or typo, my read is they are not now involved. Yet another strong partnership fallen by the wayside.
Reading the whole article again I cannot read into it where any revenue will be generated in the short term at least. Maybe that’s why it didn’t justify a RNS.
I have filed this announcement under the “fluff” category, very much like the Bond era(2.0). Hot air but no substance. |
@jimmysaville, Please read the article a little better old boy. It mentions ABB were involved in Gen1. It does not say they are now involved, which I would like to have read. As I mentioned with all AFC announcements there is never any clarity, it’s just like AB days all over again. |