Can somebody please respond on this BB and present a reasoned argument as to why invest in AFC energy?. Where do you see the positives?.
Please share that all with us. |
To my avid readers, if you want to continue to bury your head in the sand and deny the reality of AFC failure. It’s simply just don’t visit this BB. You can then live that blue sky life and dream that AFC energy has been your best ever investment. |
@vat, Will you be counting the buy and sell trades today buddy?. I doubt it, it will be too depressing for you. |
I don't think anybody is happy with the company's performance to date Yellow, I don't see any "happy clappers" on here. The difference is, they don't all moan and whinge and run down the company on here constantly all day every day like you. Everyone is thoroughly fed up with you. |
Here is a question for the few/single +aliases happy clappers out there, still thinking all is great at AFC.
The UK construction market for FC generators seems dead in the water. SHJV are unlikely to purchase any more units to hire given yesterdays trading update.
The Middle East AFC have been peddling their FC units there for 4 years. This has resulted in ONE unit sold, likely at discounted price, certainly at a Hugh loss.
The Cracker, has been demonstrated to many potential investors and buyers for the last 12 months. ZERO partnerships or orders announced, make your own mind up on that one.
New senior management appointed to help steady the ship, first reactions from them rather than reassure shareholders is a massive free share grab.
This company has two chances of success, little and none. This should be valued 1p or less, it’s purely speculative now with the Cracker, this is not a company transitioning to manufacturing. Have a great day all long suffering shareholders. |
A now mentally stressed to the point of deranged ex employee. Very sad and in need of therapy.
Not available on this board. |
The investment is already trashed, has been for the past +4years. My posts are not the reason this company has failed. |
Right Grinley, no sane investor trashes his/her own investment like this guy does, CONSTANTLY! |
Derek the shareholder from Helikon, thanks! |
Still in denial I see. Please vent your anger at the source of the problem, not the messenger. It is not I that has crashed your investment by unspeakable amounts.
For your mental health you need to come to terms with the fact that your investment has gone down the toilet.
Acknowledging there is a problem is the first stage. |
@vat, Your 15 minutes of victory has come crashing down buddy. Shall we just stick it into the file that says “continual failure”.. |
I’m a concerned shareholder just calling out the repetitive failures of this company. For too long investors have been lied to by the BOD and posters on this BB. Some of which have disappeared now(Haggis). Others still remain attempting to defend this failing company. |
Derek the shareholder from Helikon, thanks! |
@vat, I’ll file that comment underneath the section: —Down 85% in the last 5 years. Subsection: —£80M of investors money burned over the years. A single day or hour of increased buys means absolutely nothing. |
More buys than sells so far today. Where would you like to stick that one, Yellow? |
Not a great day to be a AFC shareholder. We could try emailing the BOD which I have done repeatedly and have never received any response. The realisation is the BOD do not care about shareholders until its time to raise more cash, which is on the horizon. The other news today about Speedyhire is a double whammy, their profit warning will trickle down and be impactful to AFC. To what level is still TBD, but given they are AFC's only volume customer the effect will be quite devastating. |
Babbler I could but in my experience directors at these sorts of presentations don't answer awkward or critical questions, such as, which one of you thinks you're worth your salary and nil cost options? Even if they did they would just repeat the same old vague promises/excuses. I've given up listening to them TBH. Someone could try a difficult one though, such as how many £ in sales do you realistically expect to close in 2025? |
I fear it’s our turn next for another big drop down. SHJV must be dead in the water now, their shelves must be full of kettle boiling AFC FC generators with no where to go. Never mind we can always write off the inventory like we did with the small kettle boiling towers. Anyone out there with any sensible suggestions on how to keep this company afloat?. |
Speedy Hire trading update. Good old AB signing us up to exclusivity deal with one of the worst performing companies on AIM. You really couldn’t make it up. |