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HAMILTON, Bermuda, April 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. will announce earnings results for the first quarter 2007 on Thursday 3rd May 2007 in a press release that will be issued at 8:00 a.m. (EDT). The press release also will be available on the Company's website at http://www.wpstewart.com/.
In conjunction with the first quarter earnings release, William P. Stewart, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, will be hosting a conference call at 9:15 a.m. (EDT). Complete details to participate in the conference call are as follows:
What: W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.'s First Quarter 2007 Earnings Release
When: 3rd May 2007
9:15 a.m. (EDT) - 10:00 a.m. (EDT)
How: By teleconference, dial:
1-800-922-9655 (within the United States)
+ 973-935-2407 (outside the United States)
Password: "W.P. Stewart" or "8701547"
Or: Visit our website at http://www.wpstewart.com/ and click on the
Investor Relations tab for a link to the webcast
(Minimum requirements to listen to the Internet broadcast: RealPlayer software and at least a 28.8 Kbps connection to the Internet. RealPlayer is downloadable at no charge on a trial basis from http://www.real.com/player. You should complete your download well in advance of the Internet broadcast. If you experience problems listening to the Internet broadcast, please send an e-mail to .)
The teleconference will be available for replay from Thursday 3rd May 2007 at 12:00 p.m. (EDT) through Friday 4th May 2007 at 5:00 p.m. (EDT). To access the replay, please dial 1-877-519-4471 (within the United States) or + 973-341-3080 (outside the United States). The PIN number for accessing this replay is 8701547.
You will be able to access a replay of the Internet broadcast through Thursday 10th May 2007 on the Company's website at http://www.wpstewart.com/. The Company will respond to questions submitted by e-mail following the conference.
W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd. is an asset management company that has provided research-intensive equity management services to clients throughout the world since 1975. The Company is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda and has additional operations or affiliates in the United States, Europe and Asia.
The Company's shares are listed for trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:WPL) and on the Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX:WPS).
For more information, please visit the Company's website at http://www.wpstewart.com/, or call W.P. Stewart Investor Relations (Fred M. Ryan) at + 441-295-8585 or e-mail to .
DATASOURCE: W.P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.
CONTACT: Fred Ryan, W.P. Stewart, +1-441-295-8585
Web site: http://www.wpstewart.com/