Looks pretty good to me |
What's the net debt after placing!!Shyte thg |
When I say opposite I recon a load of hedge funds who got the message about a placing were not betting on MM facing all of it up himself. They were hoping for a bunker and now he has pressed the short killer button. Glad I took a flutter here today on that 8% dip. Last time he poured funds himself in it went parabolic. Look in history volume = massive rockets. Saw a Twitter post on this at the weekend. |
onsolidgroundPosts: 7,109Price: 34.00No OpinionRE: RNSToday 20:13Just caught and read the update.I did say the debt needed sorted and positively he's gone and done it wiping out £234M of debt and getting rid of Term Laon A and B in in one full swoop and also extending all other debt facilities to 2029. Good saving on interest payments.Extra equity coming to assist re-funding and supporting the company and by the cheapest means via equity and an interest free loan. Lock in period also tied into any take-up.I'm normally negative on MM but on this one its actually a good result imvho.Negatives: Timing not great to coincide with FTSE250 inclusion day and there was also a deliberate void in news to let it get to where it is prior to announcement. Some also appear to have traded this in advance on both Friday and today.Might see what I can get tomorrow given no opportunity tonight and given the debt uncertainty has now been completely removed until 2029 |
 Nobody warns you about the crushing burden of responsibility when setting up a business. It's a lot like parenting. People say it's magical, and from the outside it looks simple enough. But, in a blink, 4 kids had arrived before I realised I'd signed up to a lifetime of stress - each additional child exponentially increasing the worry.Starting a business follows the same path. Before you know it, you're in above your head with growing numbers of staff and stakeholders. Like parenting, founders/CEO feel the burden of nurturing their corporate offspring, bringing solutions to challenges.We all know the world is a volatile place right now Trump has brought shock and awe to world order and financial markets alike. The resulting instability means very few deals are getting done in corporate land. People are naturally sitting on their hands to see how things play out.But not even Trump knows if stability will return this time next year. Every action has a reaction, and Trump likes action. And so THG has decided to crack on anyway. This pm, we announced plans to refinance the Group's existing £760m banking facilities, which don't expire until the end of 2026.Over the past few weeks we've worked with the debt markets to understand what a deal would need to look like to refinance our facilities early, on similar terms to our existing deal.Given THG Ingenuity is no longer part of THG, we're planning a new £550m set of facilities, reflecting THG no longer funding Ingenuity's capex investments.Achieving a similar interest rate as the pre-Covid "free money era" isn't quite as simple. However, the feedback from debt markets has been that this should be achieved if THG raises £60m of equity.And so, like any parent, I'm once again stepping up for THG. This time investing a further £60m into THG, underpinning the planned refinancing.Joining the LSE 4 ½ years ago hasn't proved too profitable for me or my family. I will soon have bought £110m of THG shares in less than 5 years. Despite the CEO role normally attracting remuneration of c£3m a year, since IPO I've waived all remuneration and expenses, effectively paying to go to work each day. I do get free coffee though ?Jodie and the kids are vocal in saying I'm an idiot for not taking the £15m in remuneration these past 5 years they're probably right. But everyone has their own take on parenting. In respect of THG, this is mine. Each decision, from investing £110m in THG shares, buying control of Ingenuity at the end of 2024, and waiving £15m remuneration since IPO, has been my best take on parenting my corporate offspring.I'm not aware of anyone ever listing on the LSE and taking a similar path. Smart folk. I mean, why would they? Hopefully time will prove it's been a path worth taking ? |
As with all things, you can always bet it will do the opposite. MM's linked in post and RNS have confirmed that shares will be in solid hands and loads of debt wiped out. This will rocket back up tomorrow. In fact I recon this is a 30% day tomorrow. Too many shares in solid hands now. |
Pencil lse19:58If the full amount is raised that would take care of roughly 90% of TLB euro loan repayment, leaving around £120m from existing cash reserves.Cash remaining would be somewhere in the region of £200m plus revolving credit facility of £150m.From RNS:'repayment of the £109m existing GBP Term Loan A and the remaining 125m of the TLB through a combination of cash on balance sheet and the Equity Contribution'I've never known a CEO go to such lengths to support a company. |
Placing started |
Toasty not been reading the bird in detail but hoped your spread long is closed
Results soon what a ball it will be |
Has nobby sold his Kidney yet? Prices are dropping, glut from India just hit the markets |
Only THG could decline when, and as a fact, trackers had to buy your shares. Mr moulding you have managed the impossible |
just sell this rubbish
nothing more needs to be said |
Yes the something is a placement to pay debt.
By the way nobstar I know things are bad and you need to get into GGP quickly. Figures are bad for nutrition , you can take that to the bank. When has the toast been materially wrong ?
Get all your losses back. Sell your kidney if you must but get into ggp in next three weeks. Big news incoming |
This is interesting I don't think anyone including anyone short on Friday expected 40millon to be sold. It has buckled today's trading somewhat. Never the less I have taken more as there is no smoke without fire. Something's afoot. I am a gambler, so let's see. Figures look good for nutrition I'm told and beauty can't be much of par with last year. Trackers have to have a positive impact on the price as they work themselves into this share. Does not deserve to be here imo |
What a mug. Make it up as you go along. Got to larf.
Hey skanks, 7p? |
Nope Toansy. Sold Fri and guess what, just bought 60ks at 34.07p. Great to be in 8% cheaper !! Xxx |
Nobby you said would need good luck Monday.
It’s Monday. Where you gone buddy ? |
So you still holding your bag lol.
A wee tip. Don’t be a mug when you don’t think a share is any good you sell it, it doesn’t matter if you are losing, a dog is a dog. FOMO is not an investment strategy. There is tons and tons of far superior retail companies out there trading at cheap valuations. This one has nothing going for it at all, but genuinely it’s gold and copper for me and a little trading on others because the UK is in big trouble here. Labour is our country’s version of mad mouldy, there only way out is to keep diluting and there is no growth left and we are waiting for the banks to pull down the shutters. I Hope my predictions don’t come true but uk and Europe are in trouble. |
ITV this morning now ! |
I hold the long term thg from 3 years ago. Sold the recently purchased THG for 12ks profit Fri |
So you been a ramper for years and now you out at circa 36?
The toasty sniff test radar is up.
Even the hardest of tampers are trying to save face franky by saying they sold.
I love this game. So bull do you now admit that the toast had it spot on perfect all along with his data and money mad is a delusional fool? |
Toasty. Sold all my recently bought thg Fri |
Looks like 30p on the cards !! |