Do not swim with open wounds.
Here comes the rug-pull. |
Time to land Severn Trent PLC with another b+tch-slapping-short.
W.C.S.S. S H O R T |
re #566 now removed by advfn |
A little reminder of what Olivia Garfield's Severn Trent is doing to the River Severn at Worcester.....all the while she takes full pay and maxes out the bonuses....approx £27 million at the time of writing.
This company is also carrying just under £8 BILLION in debt under Garfield's 'leadership'.
A disgrace.
Do not swim with open wounds people. This is about to fall once again. |
TU has no surprises. |
free stock charts from |
Just 13p off a 52 week low today girls.
It's a comin......
The floors got a whole lot more droppin away to do yet. ....... and it couldn't happen to a nastier more cynical company (imho). |
Soon to go through a 52 week low.
Then the rug is really pulled.
Further falls to come. Big money to be made shorting this imho.
You've been warned. |
Strip Garfield of her Honorary Master of Arts from Coventry University. |
Retired auditor Stanley rooting-out the likes of Severn Trent's sh*tty balance sheet practices.
BBC panorama investigates Severn Trent's 'Trimpley Trick' and how is manages to add 1.49 billion to its balance sheet.
This company is, imo, as murky as the raw sh*t is sluces into your children's natural heritage.
What a disgraceful company this is. |
Sham CEO Olivia Garfield (imo).....who insists on full salary and maxing out at the bonus trough:
“Our investigation showed that their contingency plans were woefully inadequate with a major pump being out of action for 52 days prior to the incident."
What the heck was Olivia Garfield doing for those 52 days?
Surely she wasn't distracted by DAILY tooth whitening sessions? |
Severn Trent Water fined £2 million for ‘reckless̵7; pollution.
The Environment Agency prosecuted Severn Trent Water for huge discharge of raw sewage at treatment works in Stoke.
From: Environment Agency and Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
Severn Trent Water has been ordered to pay a fine of £2,072,000 for allowing huge amounts of raw sewage to discharge into the River Trent from Strongford Wastewater Treatment Works (WTW) near Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, between November 2019 and February 2020.
In a case brought by the Environment Agency at Cannock Magistrates, Stafford, on Monday 19 February 2024, District Judge Kevin Grego concluded that there was a reckless failure by the company to have in place and implement a proper system of contingency planning.
The company had pleaded guilty at a previous hearing to two charges of illegally discharging raw sewage. The judge fined the company £1,072,000 and £1,000,000 plus costs of £16,476.67 and a victim’s surcharge of £181.
The court heard that over the course of the incident approximately 470 million litres of raw sewage was discharged, approximately 260 million of this illegally as it was in contravention of the conditions of the Environmental Permit.
This figure of 260 million litres is the equivalent to just over 10 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
On 14 February 2020 a report was received by the Environment Agency from Severn Trent Water that there was an issue with the screw pumps at the inlet to Strongford WTW.
It said that two of the three pumps had failed, and this was causing crude sewage to go to the storm overflow and from there to the River Trent.
It became apparent that one of the screw pumps had previously failed back in December 2019 due to a gear box malfunction and a replacement was in the process of being made in Germany as there was no supplier in the UK.
The court was told that Flow to Full Treatment (level of sewage and rain, or flow, that a sewage treatment works must treat before it is permitted to discharge) limits had been altered manually by staff at Strongford WTW and with the full knowledge of the site manager.
This was evidenced within Severn Trent Water’s own logbooks for the site and had been happening for some time. This was a breach of the environmental permit and changes to the FFT limits were recorded on 18 different dates between November 2019 to February 2020.
A second pump then failed on 14 February 2020 again due to an issue with the gearbox. This meant that there was only one functioning pump and this couldn’t cope with any increases in rainfall, increases that caused sewage to prematurely overflow into the river.
During this incident approximately 700–1000 litres per second of untreated sewage discharged into the River Trent.
It was pure good luck that levels in the river were high due to Storm Ciara and as a result the impact was reduced. A similar pollution incident at a downstream pumping station had previously led to a major fish kill.
However, it took five days for the site to come back into compliance, as an emergency pump had to be sent from Holland.
The judge said the submissions by Severn Trent were “Panglossian8221; (extremely optimistic) and he added:
“The risk as set out above was real. The amount of untreated sewage over more than five days flowing into the water system was enormous.
“Those who live in the affected area and pay STW to provide clean drinking water and safely treat sewage would not consider it to be otherwise.”
The incident was further compounded by Storm Dennis which arrived on 15 February 2020.
Robbie Moore, the Minister for Water and Rural Growth, said:
“It is absolutely right that those who damage our natural environment pay for their actions.
“No-one should profit from illegal behaviour and that’s why last week we announced a crackdown on bonuses for water company bosses.
“Severn Trent’s fine will be put into our Water Restoration Fund, which will channel money directly back into projects that improve water quality. And through our Plan for Water we are delivering more investment, stronger regulation and tougher enforcement – ensuring those who pollute our waters are held to account.”
Adam Shipp, a Senior Environment Officer at the Environment Agency and who led the investigation, said:
“Severn Trent were fortunate that this incident did not cause a catastrophic pollution in the Trent as the river already had high flows when the discharge occurred.
“Our investigation showed that their contingency plans were woefully inadequate with a major pump being out of action for 52 days prior to the incident.
“Even though Severn Trent knew Storm Clara and Storm Dennis were about to arrive they did not think to proactively source alternative pumps and get them to site.
“When the second of the three pumps failed it made sourcing and installing a replacement pump very difficult and as a consequence the works was not properly functioning for another five days and eight hours.”
“This is not the sort of response we would expect to see from a professional multi-national company and as a consequence they have now put in place on site measures to ensure that an incident like this does not happen again.” |
Slam this into an intraday low to the close.....and put word out to all short houses next week to give this company a horrible start to 2025.
Will someone start a campaign at mass bill refusal shortly?
I think it's likely.
Because Severn Trent are proposing BILL INCREASES.....all the while the CEO refuses to show any true contrition for the damage her company has done to YOUR natural assets....and still she goes for full salary and maximum bonuses.
She is a disgrace imho.
All posts are without prejudice. |
And this is how Olivia Garfield's Severn Trent PLC is treating the River Severn at Diglis Island, Worcester:
This is a MUST WATCH.
Pumping dangerous levels of E-Coli right next to the Diglis Fish Pass.
Utterly shocking. |
This is how Olivia Garfield's Severn Trent PLC is treating the River Severn at Cressage:
This company is an absolute disgrace and must be should all directors......including she, with the whitened teeth. |
A nice Friday afternoon throat-stamp at SVT.
Further falls to follow next week.
Swimming with open wounds is dangerous.
This can be shorted much lower. |
THANK YOU Rob for uploading this.
I don't think there is a video on the internet that makes it any clearer than this.
Viewers should stick with this till at least 4 minutes in...for the overhead shots:
Olivia clearly have no shame.
Look at what your company is doing......but you are very happy to stay at the trough taking your bonuses.
It's a national disgrace. |
Circa 8 Billion in Debt (afaik) and BBC Panorama sniffing at SVT's accountancy practices:
Reporter Joe Crowley investigates how Severn Trent hits environmental targets while dumping large quantities of sewage and asks whether there is more to the company’s finances than meets the eye.
Personally, I believe CEO's like Olivia Garfield should face custodial sentences for the repeated law breaking and environmental harm companies like hers have done.
The River Severn is a wreck. The condition of that river is utterly shameful. And she is still at the trough, taking the bonuses.
A national disgrace imho. |
Next week shall we knock knock knock for the larger shareholders here? You know, those big foreign interests who have more than likely never heard of (nor care that much?) for any of the rivers Severn Trent has historically polluted.
Like a sinking boat into a river full of Severn Trent's raw Sh*t....they might begin 'bailing' on their positions.
From one pulled thread, this shower could easily unravel.
This has a long way to fall imho.
Do not swim with open wounds: you have been warned.
This company is, afaik, carrying around 8 billion in debt, is capital intensive and is entirely reliant on the good will of its customers to pay on time.
Just a further 5% of customers deciding to delay their bill payments would see a major skew to quarterly figures here and a collapse in the share price imho.
Just airing thoughts out loud. AIMO, ADYOR etc.
All posts are written without prejudice. |
S H O R T |