No matter how much money we have, J. Auld will destroy and waste all that money as has has been doing for many years wasting over 10's of millions. He is totally incompetent and useless. for many years he has been paying himself huge salary but consistently failing to deliver anything positive for shareholders, he should have been fired long time ago. |
It's true he owns those shares so he'd get a portion of the money, but with a salary he'd get it all. The overpayment is basically because he can't deliver or we wouldn't be complaining. The only task he has is to make things happen faster and he does the opposite |
He owns 4.8m shares, so any divi payment will be of huge benefit to himself. He's hugely overpaid, and I told him so recently. The fury at being challenged was evident in his emailed reply. |
Can't see Auld in a hurry to pay a dividend when he could spend it on his salary feeling is he doesn't think he can do anything before the money runs out so he's just buying time to keep his salary going |
Ultimately, it is about operational performance, as you say, and not one-off credits, though of course that credit will fund opportunities. Xtellus is acting as broker dealer in the case of Serious, so don't waste your time trying to work out what their intentions are. Auld will come under pressure to pay a divi, especially as he raised money last month, though it certainly won't be the full VAT refund. |
Yeh great news !! |
A link for Hugo who has spammed just about every advfn thread today. If the news is that good why do that?? |
If they nail W1 and, in Q3, WIN-12 then 0.20 -0.25 is realistic. |
To be clear, Mike Hennigan has INCREASED his holding. |
Pure fantasy |
I'm not sure you're terribly au fait with reading balance sheets and/ or company law. It is illegal to trade while insolvent. |
There is zero chance of a liquidation, and there is also no need! Xtellus don't know anything we don't, other than they will have had more detail on the co's plans and the roi of those plans. If nothing else, Auld plays is straight, unlike the vast majority of microcap CEOs. Look, I'm not saying Smart money is right 100% of the time; ultimately, they make informed decisions, usually more informed than retail. |
Your assumption here is that Xtellus knows something that we don't. They don't appear to be activist. Richard Snell, the largest shareholder for a while, would qualify as smart money by most counts, but it didn't help him. So yes, if the sidetrack happens, and works, then it's a game changer. Otherwise the most positive outcome would be a liquidation, which Auld would hate as he'd lose his job (who'd give him another?) |
Looking at this based on the current ratio it's insolvent. |