Will be interesting to see what they buy. |
Very quiet oh here! In Today's Times the business comment section is saying a deal might be near; possibly a laggard in the USA, rather than a UK firm of which it gives 4 or 5 examples including Senior & De La Rue. |
Gravity kicking in |
Strategy: Buy Quality Industrial & Manufacturing Businesses that can be enhanced through operational improvement before being sold & proceeds returned to shareholders, creating significant value over 3-5 year period.
AIM IPO - July 2024 Trading Service: SETSqx
Directors LTIP: The long-term incentive plan will be very similar to that used for Melrose, measuring value created over three-year performance periods, with the opportunity to share in 10% of the value creation once investment has satisfied an annual 8% return threshold. |
What's happening? |
Made me 45% in 24 hours Mortal! |
I am the first one here. Nice.
PA punters gather round. This will make you lots of money over the next few years. |
What a great RNS! |
see you on the other side then......whatever interpretation of that you may make. ZPHR:LSE |
Please remember ''Rose are continuing to work diligently to build value for all'', and if you believe that you will believe anything!
What happened to the value Rose have built over the years for all long term holders who have seen their investment in them turn to pennies! |
obmuj "But Rose are continuing to work diligently to build value for all!"........ They have been doing that for years, but unfortunately they dont seem to have made any profits, only huge losses.
With the new name, what will they come up with next, perhaps looking for Lithium in the Antarctic, or may be in the Bahamas!
astorcourt is correct! obmuj, this is not a hit or miss opportunity, there is no opportunity at all, just more of the same as we have had for many years!
Promising RNS after promising RNS, but nothing else will ever happen here! |
Another 100%+ day at SOU. dyor gl |
It's just around the corner..... |
Whenever a company puts its figures so far down the page... they don't want people looking at them too much! |
kemche - not sure anything much to read into that except cost saving. Not sure why they need more than one anyway. |
"The Company also announces that with effect from today, Turner Pope Investments Limited is now the Company's sole broker."
I wonder what that could possibly mean! |
"But Rose are continuing to work diligently to build value for all!"........
RNS today answers that one. Here's hoping. This really is a hit and miss "opportunity" now but I am not about to average down from about 3p+ just yet.
One thing (probably a typo), you can put questions to the CFO (Chris Eadie) by email in lieu of not being able to be present at AGM to ask questions, but only up to 27 June!!!!!! I am assuming he meant July unless the BOD don't really want any questions. lol.
One positive though; ROSE, or ZEPHYR to be, certainly seem to be trying hard and are making all the right noises. The RNS today is pretty comprehensive but its summary points to the fact that they have virtually admitted to having a year to do it before they call it a day.
Hence I will wait (as there will inevitably be a fund raising) and join in again "maybe" in 6 months' time.
Back to sleep again for now. |
Fat Lady Singing Loud, and Louder, and even Louder. When is Rose going to make a profit, and increase it share price?
Time is running out!
But Rose are continuing to work diligently to build value for all!
So when is that going to happen.
Answers on a postcard! |
We have had so many twists and turns with Rose, so many mistakes, to many to list. But after the proposed Gypsum plant in Cuba, now we have developing a series of proprietary tools for use in evaluating assets!
What next? The mind boggles!
All the while the share price falls! |
Apparently Rose are continuing to work diligently to build value for all, and they especially thank their existing shareholders for their support. LOL, LOL, LOL
All the while the share price keeps fallings, and falling and falling!
All long term share holders have seen the value of their shares reduced to pennies.
With all the absolutely massive losses this company has made, how the heck are they going to survive?
Who is going to invest in any venture they try to do?
The Fat Lady is singing loud and clear! |