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RIFT Rift Oil

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Rift Oil LSE:RIFT London Ordinary Share GB00B05HSB23 ORD 1P
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  0.00 0.00% 13.00 0.00 00:00:00
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06/7/201516:07Rift Oil (Gas) - Heading for production in PNG15,957
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Posted at 06/7/2015 16:07 by offerman
Hi All, Not sure if anyone still reads this but i lost a fortune with pvr . I bailed out most of them and gone in heavy with a company called LGO. I been invested since the start of 2015 from 3.8 then bought all the way down to 2.04p. Excellent producing little company.I could go on in droves as to why but best dyor. The two massive key points are:Neil Ritson ( running the show)Massive Goudron field recent CPR went up 5 fold to 800mboip. ( that was only revised from a 7/7 strike rate hitting oil out of 30 well campaign ( now 60 well campaign)Further cpr in two years with further upgrades to come. Flow rates from pad 4 shortly. Buy and keep them for 8-10 years although i think they will get bought out within the next three to four years ( just like rift did).LGO is the best small aim oily out there! Don't forget dyor.
Posted at 26/8/2014 10:00 by lr2
OM, major oil find by COP announced today but well suspended due to hole conditions. If COP revisit soon and sidetrack successfully this should make a significant impact on the share price. Keep a careful watch on this one.

"Using known reservoir and fluid parameters from equivalent formations in the Gulf of Hammamet, the internally estimated most likely recoverable prospective resources discovered by the EMD-1 well are approximately 100 MMBO."

P.S. I expect OEX to produce good Cambay 77-H oil / gas flow figures within 3 weeks.
Posted at 16/8/2014 10:25 by lr2
OM, may I suggest you do some weekend research on Circle Oil (COP) and Oilex (OEX) as both these companies have the potential to improve their share prices in the near future. Good luck recouping those losses.
Posted at 25/3/2014 19:42 by manulad
Never managed to repeat the success with RIFT. Turning £20k to £140k. Nearly moved the lot into GKP when they were 12p but bottled it (my biggest regret)

Moved most of that into the London housing market back in 2010 so I guess i've been incredibly lucky. Kept a small investment pot, lost money on MTA and POG but hope to make it all back on KEA - time will tell
Posted at 24/3/2014 16:32 by p3dr036
Look at Medusa Mining, chaps!!

This is a narrow vein miner which is actually producing gold now [i.e. not setting up a mine with production years away!]

No debt! And ISA-able!

All-in cash costs per oz of gold = sub $400/oz!!

Medusa was producing circa 100K oz/year till mine re-development programme began in past couple of years. The mined gold output went down as they drilled deeper with comensurate reduction in ore quality.

Now returning to full production after re-development programme completed. Currently producing at circa 75-80K ozs/year and expected to produce 100-150K ozs in current year with probably even lower cash costs.

I have held since April 2009 when share price was 80p!! Share Price was + 500p in 2011.

The share price went down to 90-100p during the re-development programme [vastly oversold but a buying opportunity!!]. It is currently been 125-130p and I have been buying more recently.

I feel it has been wrongly downgraded by the market due to current gold price and general market malaise. BUT!!

Gold price $1300/oz - Cash cost $400/z = $900/oz clear profit!!

No brainer in my opinion and worth a punt as the share price will not remain where it is for much longer. Quarterly statement due out soon and MML should motor away.

Worth a serious look!
Posted at 23/3/2014 08:49 by offerman
True BigDog, a lot of costs involved owed to GKP.In response to your question about Talisman. Well I'm not sure if they developed Rifts PNG discovery.Hyper, many thanks for nice comment. I also forgot to add that with PCI Algeria, they were predicting 100's of wells needed to be drilled to reach their 354mcfgpd target ( which starts production in 2017 initially then ramped up to 354 over following 4-5 years.)However not so many wells will now be needed because if the stunning results of pressure tests during the exploration campaign. Remember, each well as dictated by Sonatrach needed to be producing 2.8 mcfgpd to make it commercial.PCI AT9 well flowed 67mcfgpd ON A CHOKE overv40 more structures similar to At9 were discovered over a rift ( excuse the pun) running through the acreage. Other AT drills encountered 34mcfgpd with the lowest flow test being 4.4mcfgpd on AT2 still double the required commercial amount needed. Only one well over the campaign came up tight with no flow( the gas was there but was so tight no fraccing could achieve release of gasses there) but this well was out on the flank of the acreage.So CAPEX will be massively reduced because of the much higher than envisaged flow rates acheived. I personally also asked a director what about the massive shale gas reserves that sit above our 10.2+tcf and are the equivalent size, would you be tapping this. Response was, no, we have so much gas in our discovery that there is no need to extract the shale. Remember Sonatrach Pre-Empted Oil India and Gas offer , 4 th time only in as many decades that's been done so it is if great importance . barrie16 - 22 Mar 2014 - 19:56 - 15910 of 15913 - 0I lost a small fortune with Matra, bailed most of it in to pci which I'm hoping will bring me back up as i am £147,000 down . I only have near 300 000 shares left in Matra and will leave those for the ride out suspension to see what Maxim does for us over in the states. I won't be investing more in MTA needless to say after chuckle brothers bill and Ben display of before.If i do well with pci a big chunk is going to GKP if they stay low next 3-4 weeks , a punt on TRP for potential massive GLOW IN THE DARK drill or as i say it could be LIGHTS OUT if a dud but pure punt. I will also look out for other members here recommendations as some have been blinders from here in the past.A.T.B
Posted at 22/3/2014 11:32 by bengee
Hellooo fellow ex.Rift Shareholders,
It's good to see some of the old names are still around
I was surprised to see this was still on the thread list.
Happy days for me in the end when the share was sold and I made a few quid.
My best performer on the AIM oilies so far has definitely got to be Rockhopper
when it hit £5+
Presently,BPC is my biggest drag but hopefully will come good sometime,from there i've gone fraccing for gas/condensate with SLE and OEX. TRP is another one that i've stuck a few quid in and waiting for them to start drilling month.
Away from olies,I did ok when Amed spiked to 3p about 4 weeks ago, but like a fool went back in on a rumour of more deals and now locked in with a 50% loss !!
All the best with your share dealing, hope you all make a mint.
Good luck / keep happy,
Posted at 15/3/2014 01:33 by bigdog5
Jeez you're all alive and well.

Offers, PCI looks good in Kurdistan as its on trend to the other big licences.

GKP taken a mullering of late but it will come back. Been in them 4.5 years and what a nightmare its been. The report that was published and caused the drop of the last two days has more holes in it than a certain cheese. Its conservative to the power of 10. Can't understand why the BoD sanctioned the garbage. Unless of course a low entry price to the Ftse needs to occur. Shaikan will almost certainly turn out to be one of the largest finds on the planet, its the Kurds crown jewel. They've only scratched the surface exploration wise but give it a few years and they will be talking well in excess of 25 billion barrels there OIP.

The Politics over there is a farce and Erbil and Baghdad have problems agreeing which day of the week it is. However monetisation agreement is very close and that should be a big gainer for all the coys in Kurdistan. Kurdistan floats on oil and whilst not all coys have scored a large percentage do. Pipelines under construction up to Turkey and out to the Med. Kurdistan is the new Dubai and they will be seriously rich in a few years. They've also got gas that makes Rift's look pointless. Anyways you should do well with PCI.
Posted at 14/3/2014 22:21 by and01
Hi offerman
Sorry to hear about your GKP loss
Reading your posts on this Rift thread help me get into investing in oil shares it has been a roller coaster ride and very interesting
I hold a few GKP shares but cannot make any sense what's going on
Best regards
Posted at 14/3/2014 09:18 by offerman
Hi Gentlemen,

Good to hear you are doing ok.

I haveven`t done very well at all, down £143k but im still hopefull.
Did well from Rift, then GKP but down hill after that.

I lost a packet with MTA as you know, lost a fair wedge with PCI to as got in from 14p old money (still with them and bought al the way down to 4p old money before 25-1 consolidation. Heavy discount on share price for pci, they have massive gas find algeria, farmed out 18% both to ENEL and SOnatrach, sonatrach for 180M$, . Most important near term are the results from Kurdistan drilling expected within next 3-4weeks PCI 16 working interest). Spud also soon for Dinarta , massive Kurdistan prospect on Dinarat 1400SQKM licence) Reverse take over of Melrose producer in Egypt Bulgaria.500M$ loan facility if needed to develop their remaining 38% on the algeria licence).

So just brief synopsis for latest pci entrails...

I certainly will take a look at SUMM Hyper as never rule out other Ops.
Rift Oil share price data is direct from the London Stock Exchange