Quality story here, progressively signing up blue chip customer after blue chip customer.But, their cap structure is imperfect - a function of doing fundraisings with small brokers who convince naive management that issuing warrants with every single issue is necessary - hence we're suffering from self induced (or, more correctly, broker induced) indigestion as these warrants approach expiry over the next fortnight.Once that clears the stock will breathe. |
I have no idea why ghe market doesn't like this news at all today |
Yummy RNS this morning.This has to be the share of the year |
Nationwide has expanded its roll out to 18 states. Also the last trading update states that the Annualised Revenue Run-Rate is projected to exceed £7.5m in Q4 FY2025, reflecting c.90% growth compared to Q4 FY2024 (£4.0m). I don't think this would be possible without substantial orders. |
they are all trying out no substantial orders from any us insurers what happening to the 40k monthly production stockpile? |
 It feels to me like Ondo is moving up a gear.
The team are in the US this week presenting to a group of Top 20 insurers. They now have plenty of positive data to share and also have representatives from existing customers in attendance to spread this news. Probably more important is that they can point to household names in the Insurance World, Nationwide and Liberty Mutual, who are rolling out Leakbot.
The last Stockbox interview suggested they have new partners in the US and Europe to announce soon. I thought it interesting that Craig highlighted Claims inflation making UK insurers take more interest with news to come. A read across from that must be if it has become economically attractive in the UK the same must be said for various countries across Europe/ the world and I wouldn't be surprised to see more territories announced simply because insurers are approaching them.
And then we have news to come from Australia and the potential for the solution to become applicable to hotter countries. And some technology news since the Stockbox interviewer is going to visit the Factory in the near future.
With so much potential newsflow I have been adding again. If I am wrong I am happy to hold until the numbers start showing up positively in the Financials. Exciting times. |
Thanks Paul for the link to another excellent interview. Sounds like further news to come soon. |
Exactly , purple look further than the end of your nose ..a simple solution to a world wide problem .. |
https://youtu.be/6hewrGr0wB0?feature=shared |
Maybe you should delve a little further into the patents, technology and strengths of this company. The potential here is huge and for the insurance industry wanting to reduce water claims it is the only show in town. The valuation should continue to reflect this as the story unfolds. |
with only 4m in revenues and a £42m cap its certainly not going to do that again! |
collapsing........ |
didnt think 4m revenue was v good.
loos like the market agrees |
That was a very good interview and worth noting is that ALL of Ondo's registered customers are receiving the same quality of service that the High Net-Worth Pure Policyholders demand. That says something about the company! |
And a Proactive Video this morning detailing the PURE expansion
I like the fact that the new states are overlapping with Nationwide expansion making use of the plumbing resource already put in place. This should make for a smoother rollout and at the same time be cost effective.
It really feels like this is gathering momentum now in the US. |
Very good (long) discussion from Stockbox team tonight. Ondo the Unicorn stock...
or on here if you don't do X |
From the Ondo interview on the first of Feb Craig stated four news items to come.
1. They are targeting smaller american insurance companies that are present in the States that we are already into.
2.That they are also targeting top 10 Announced.
and top twenty insurers.
3. That there has been interesting technology developments in the factory.
4.There would be a trading update. Announced.
So more news in the pipeline. |
Another CEO interview today |
 Chrysalis - I agree with you. A while back I did some back of the envelope calculations based on an average install rate of 20k per month and came out with very similar numbers to Dowgate.
As you say these numbers seem conservative and will need revising up if they do hit 40k per month.
However, even on Dowgate's numbers the share price could be around 200p in 3 or 4 years time which would be a good result. But if they keep adding large insurance companies over the next year or two, and can manage the growth, who knows what the price would be :) Although I suspect they will be takenover long before we get there.
I feel much more confident now that Liberty Mutual has been announced. They just need time to carefully execute on the large opportunity of addressable households before them. In some ways I would prefer they put their efforts into current operations rather than chasing new customers or being distracted by Water companies which I feel are red herrings and consume the limited management time available.
All very positive and exciting to follow. |
Many thanks. I'd be disappointed with those numbers, especially in the later years. If they ever get close to rolling out 40k leakbots pcm they should smash those numbers out of the park. |
Year to Mar (£m) 2024A 2025E 2026E 2027E 2028E 2029E Revenues 2.7 4.5 11.6 18.8 26.6 34.6 EBITDA (3.0) (4.4) (1.0) 3.8 8.4 14.0 |
Thanks mdchand. What revenue are Dowgate forecasting for 2026 and 27? TIA. |