Amtech. It’s all smoke and mirrors to hide the transfer of cash from PIs to insiders. The £1.5m for Krunchdata resulted in an intangible asset in the MOS balance sheet. Except of course it was valueless. But instead of saying “we stuffed our pockets with £1.5m for nothing and have the cash back”, the insiders hid the loss to the company as a “prior year adjustment” so the PIs never even spotted it. Because they don’t read the accounts.
Nothing is what it seems but reading the accounts you can see what it really is. |
It's a dirty language. Strange how some on here don't even discuss MOS. Just attack posters that do, maybe it just shows that they believe what Patt and myself say/ask but just don't want to go there. That or they are just paid to try and discredit and disrupt any meaningful discussion which just adds to the massive pile of red flags over the years here. |
30/6/24 accounts
“During the prior year the Directors impaired the carrying value of the investment in Krunch Data Limited by £1,500,000. This was a result of the impairment exercise conducted in the prior year across all group intangibles as per Note 10 of the Group Financial Statements which took into account the current level of business. In the year ending 30th June 2022 Mobile Streams Plc completed its 100% acquisition of KrunchData Ltd and recorded the investment at cost being £1.5 million. Management assessed the recoverability of investments at year ended 30 June 2023 and an impairment indicator was identified as a result of the loss of the significant contract with customer, IGS, and as NFT revenues did not perform as expected.”
Wonder if the insiders will repay the £1.5m they paid themselves for Krunchdata? Strangely I forecast this would happen when the deal was done as the net assets of the company were £594.
When assessing BET bear this in mind! |
Funny that anybody would bother read that nonsense French.
How about somebody actually reading the accounts and asking why BET have not paid their debts to MOS. Seems very interesting to me. |
translation for above post:-
This is life, amtech1 stinky breath is alive and has no doubt as she licks and sucks the juices from Patty's dirty panties. No? |
C'est la vie, l'haleine puante amtech1 est vivante et ne doute pas qu'elle lèche et suce le jus de la culotte sale de Patty. Non? |
BOD BUYING FILL YOUR BOOTS whilst your still able........ |
More the point .......Why is purchaseatthetop not paying the charities back ? |
Note 11 to 30/6/24 accounts showed BET had trade payables of £173k at 30/6/24 with £345k of cash Note 13 to 30/6/24 accounts showed MOS had trade recievables of £173k at 30/6/24. So all the trade receivables ereowed by BET. No other business debtors. Note 13 also says that £167k of this £173k is nearly 3 months overdue.
Why are BET not paying their bills? |
Are you going to pay back that 42k you stole from those charities? |
“During the year the Group provided £350,000 of services to BET. BET's principle activity is the development of the Sports betting business in Mexico which it expects to launch to consumers during Quarter one 2025.”
Recent accounts to 30/6/24
Note 13 In addition, some of the unimpaired trade receivables are overdue as at the reporting date. The age profile of trade receivables is as follows: £000's
Not more than 3 months
So, it has gone from launch Q2 24 to “expects to launch Q1 25” but their BET development costs are not being paid. Doesn’t bode well if you remember the £734k debts from Quanta. |
Have you noticed the more MOS goes higher in price the more bitter Purchaseatthetop gets.His aspergers is really getting to him now. |
Global MOS no wonder the BIG boys are chasing a piece of the BET pie.......... |
I bet your mama's nipples are sore after all the anxious sucking you do on them. |
Who ever listens to this idiot needs to be on meds........lost 200k chasing a few dud loser |
Danny nothing to do with me but recognises a bellend when he sees one - tell me are you still holding MOS shares or just happy to troll like PATT ? |
Hey we all know where you are concerned there WILL be something dodgy going on, ain't that right Dude. Is DannyBarey another one of your aliases, along with Bitty on here? |