When are they actually getting the dosh tho? Seems like there's tonnes of important documents to sign, one would imagine on proper expensive headed paper with all the bells & whistles and even with a Parker pen. Right up Harry's Street all this signing of documents I reckon imho ! |
I'd be happy with 3p and delighted with 4p. |
For the record, I will be very surprised indeed if once Kefi has published a full Annual Report covering a full year's mining, the price is then below 10p.
That would be just under an 18 bagger, (17.986).
How, long? Probably around 3 years IMHO. |
Kefi themselves said the discounted NPV at 2800 gold was 15p?Not that NPV is the best measure of a shareprice but - five pence does not seem so ridiculous as you suggest. |
"Suppose they go to 5p (which, IMHO is a bare minimum)"
You really are a menace. The 'relatively inexperienced' should run a mile from anything you say. An utter charlatan. |
For anyone thinking of buying (and, IMHO, now is the time to buy!). Many of you, of course will already know this. So this post is for the relatively inexperienced.
If you pay 1%, or 20% more, it is relatively unimportant in relation to your ultimate profit. If you pay 20% more on 0.556 that is .6672.
Suppose they go to 5p (which, IMHO is a bare minimum) the profit per share at 0.556 is 5.0 - 0.556 = 4.444 at 0.667 is 5.0 - 0.667 = 4.333 which is only 2.5% less.
BUT what is important is the number of shares you buy. If you decide how much cash you want to spend (which is what I do, and I suspect most people do) then if you pay a 20% higher price you will get 20% less shares, so your final profit will be 20% less.
I hope I have given you something to think about. If I have not made it clear, please ask and I will try and clarify it. (I found it rather difficult to write!) |
First purchase 8.7.2011Since then 93 buys no sells now all in my Isa.Still underwater.In my 212 Isa not included above average is .0049p.At the end of the day it's only money. |
I have come to think that CEO's both AIM and main market are very much like football managers...every so often the stars align and they drop lucky, either with market conditions or some other decision which pays off, however few are consistently continuously successful.....but are continually successful at staying well remunerated. |
Estseon...Probably like most, I have promised myself I'd never buy another AIM share after those disasters....otherwise I might have piled in a bit more here. That said I only arrived here late so my average is in the 0.5p range. It's so tempting to buy more, but reading the history, Harry's ramblings and past experience of AIM disasters, I have resisted and will just ride my tiny holding....clearly regretting it massively if it rockets. I also piled in to XTR...before my AIM promise, only to watch Colin Bird lie his way to an share price plummet |
Youch!Hopefully you will get some profit finally knowing the next few months! |
My sympathies, chris cat.
Like a loony, I have kept buying and my post-share consolidation (01/03/2017) holding represents 96% of my total holding and has an average cost of just under 1p. The pre-consolidation holding has a gut-wrenching (adjusted) average cost of over 18p. That 4% of my holding accounts for 42% of my investment cost (before adjustment for inflation). |
A lot of detail in the overview Doc "Gold-Linked Preference Shares (non-convertible into Ordinary Equity) 60". Page 34 |
Estseon....I had a similar experience with MRP/PTR...Utter disasters. The hope kills. |
My first purchase was on 23/02/2011 at an adjusted 125.8p and I am far from proud of it. That, certainly, was money down the drain. |
Well if you have some spare cash and do not want to put it in kefi maybe look at some pre production gold miners or some sliver plays that were marginal at 33 dollars that will benefit by a silver price break out or even some of the bigger gold miners that will benefit from the gold price eventually feeding through to their bottom line. I would not touch the general stock market but that's just my opinion. |
I want to buy more but I have lost faith. I’m probably longest LTH on here. 14 years now. I have topped up obviously since then. |
News is starting to sink in |
I can see the market loves the progress |
So that’s tier one complete. Only another 99 to go. |
Time to get on board or miss out Barry lad. |