Central bank Governor Mamo Mihretu told a gathering of African finance professionals that he expects Parliament to ratify a pivotal bill permitting foreign banks to enter the Ethiopian market in the coming week.
The announcement came during the Africa Financial Summit (AFIS 2024), which took place this week in Casablanca, Morocco. Pressed for a timeline for Ethiopia’s impending banking liberalization, the Governor told summit attendees that legislative preparations would be finalized very soon.
“We have been working on it for the past year, and next week it will be ratified,” said Mamo, emphasizing the significance of the upcoming legislation. “For any bank that wants to explore the largest economy in East Africa, a country of 120 million people is open to business. This is the historic liberalization of the Ethiopian economy to foreign investment.” |
Yesterday Rounding up total volume to ten million (lse site 7.6 sell .9 buy) comes to less than one sixth of one percent of total shares.
TW has not gone quite still posting on kefi but its not the only share he covers. Maybe unlike you he does not need to make stuff up when there is nothing to say. |
0.05 to sell, if you are lucky.
notice that TW has gone quiet on this rubbish outfit, more concerned with opti and sbtx, not exactly sure of that farce either.
Remember shovels? Not sure that they have been delivered yet! |
Thurs sells 22M buys 7M.
Fri sells 8.5M buys 21K!
Not exactly sure from where you get your data?
No decimal points required with fact.
I mentioned Somalia gangs, not war.
I note the shareprice now at another low, still too high imo.
Stop pushing bull, reflecting etc..all can see right through you! |
Tiny volume not big buys or sells on other days in the past one buy or sell has been bigger than all today's volume, think you have the decimal point in the wrong place.
People not reacting to the Somalia news as most already realized that those pushing the imminent war rubbish between Ethiopia and Somalia were talking BS. |
rob, holders seem not to be reacting to events elsewhere.
Explain the massive sells?
Fish out of water, and need a route to sea.
Which is priority, mining (small time at present), or route to the coast of Somalia and the gangs? |
Another bail out 5M+,
maybe peeps are cottoning on to the truth?
I notice that harry and co have no answer to what has been confirmed in Gov't circles, I wonder why?
30K buy v 5M sells.
Legitimate posts and local knowledge can do damage, in this case, precisely the idea.
Ramper amiss. Figures |
Sorry goatherd, what exactly by kefi accounts is the difference?
Just like the ongoing Q & A on site, all hunky d. Aussie v London?
The man has a bag of excuses, I wonder when they will run out?
At 9p is it, quite sorry for you at your age to be sucked in.
Keep an eye on the ground |
Its a GM not an AGM |
Goatie, the 16p dreamer.
AGM in Aussie, Summer init! |
Since when did Harry stick to a timetable? |
(Ethiopia general)
(Ethiopia general)
(Ethiopia general) |
From those Q and A Rob confirmation the finance is not being tied up until new year, I thought it was on target for close of 2024? They need to get it over the line! |
I have not heard anything on HA since he was in Addis a short while ago but if he is in the Kingdom now i say watch the newswires. |
Now now Goatie. Some general rules and etiquette expected here. Tuna has been spot on so let's be honest would you listen as a newbie to someone who has been on the money or rampers who have lost their shirts and some of them their Grandkids inheritances. ;)Its a real shame but only one man to blame - Adams! Sackable in the normal world if you ask me! |
We will see! |
Reports that Harry is in Saudi Arabia as of last night - anyone confirm ?? if he is maybe he penning the details on the sale. |
condor gold agreed to it being taken over ... not even an all cash deal. c 10p cash and 23p in shares of Metals Exploration.
they bought Condor for c£67m... Condor have over 3m oz of gold reserves |
You are welcome allesandro,might see RM do a piece on Kefi |
Cheers for sharing eddie - would be good to get some coverage here i must say |
I can't even watch him he just has that demeanor about him. Small man syndrome imo |
Would expect months down the line Ethiopia does get some kind of access to the sea but no navel base which they probably did not need anyway. The whole Somaliland recognition thing likely to be sorted in the US.
"Another share consolidation should be completely ruled out until TK funding is unequivocally finalised and the project up and running." While kefi basically said no plans I would be happy to see the company rule it out more firmly I opposed the last one as well. |
 chopper harris1 12 Dec '24 - 08:39 - 29628 of 29628 0 0 0
The contempt displayed by Adams towards KEFI shareholders is really quite outrageous.
That another share consolidation has been subtly (or not) thrown into the equation is really quite disgraceful and very worrying. It suggests to me that this funding farce is likely to continue indefinitely to the detriment of shareholders and the benefit of all those connected with the company who are receiving remuneration for their roles.
For those who were not around when the last share consolidation took place: the share price at the time was around 0.003p and there were fewer shares in issue than now. Immediately after the 1:17 consolidation, the share price stood at just under 5p and there were (roughly) 400 million shares in issue.
Now, several years later, with the TK project still not finalised and the interest in the Saudi assets severely diluted, the shares in issue are around the 7 to 8 billion mark and the share price sits around the 0.005p level.
Another share consolidation should be completely ruled out until TK funding is unequivocally finalised and the project up and running. In my opinion, it’s chiefly management’s fault that we now have all these billions of shares in issue, mainly through their greed and mismanagement. They should live with this mess until they finally sort it out.
Consolidation through strength, not desperation. |