chopper, since when?
Hopefully no one was stupid enough to partake in the recent raise. As ever where KEFI are involved, you’ll be sitting on a double digit percentage loss in less than a week. Heading into the 0.4s and zero credibility for HAA. A 240x dilution of my original shares but apparently still a great investment according to some. I’ve been an idiot too chopper. Learned a painful lesson, but all my own fault. |
Well, I’m an idiot, I’ll admit, as I’ve actually averaged-down again. Not through any great optimism but in the more desperate hope that something, anything, might just push the share price closer to a penny, at which point I can finally get out of this shambles with a small profit.
Regards the court case: surely a company is legally bound to report any event which can materially affect it and its share price to its shareholders and the wider public? |
Are you suggesting some clarity or honesty from Ace Adams chopper? Why should he suddenly start caring about shareholders after showing only contempt for us fools who have kept him in clover for years. Anyhow our biggest resident fool and Harry’s unofficial mouthpiece already knows KEFI have an open and shut case so don’t go worrying yourself. |
6 - 8p, one farthing more like!
another new project, forget the finance, we need none of that with new pie in the sky! |
Oh look at the 200 or so idiots mugs who participated in the retail offering at £.0055 could now buy at £.00499 just days later. |
I'd get the idea of choosing to live in an alternative reality if the losses were significant, but surely no one has thrown more than a few hundred quid at such an out and out punt?
Even at it's prime it was only ever a 'fruit machine money' job. |
Levels of delusion are off the charts here. |
Chopper Harris, when does Hary ever release a negative RNS. Never, all those missed timelines and not once has harry said why!!! People investing here are idiots and they just won't accept it. |
Yes I would take 6p to get out since waiting for the dividends could take another lifetime.. However it would be a disappointing end to what could have been a fantastic opportunity. I guess some would still be sat on a loss. |
Edison's valuation for post commencement of full production including Guji-Komto is now 8.68p "at current metal prices". Loss of credibility in management and the relegation of the JV in Saudi to an investment for realisation is bound to make Kefi vulnerable to an opportunist bid and I doubt that many would say "no" to a 5 or 6p offer. Recent shareholders would be looking at 5-10 x and LTHs would be looking at an exit from this interminable anguish, some or most with a profit of some description, albeit that it will fail to compensate them for the pain suffered over the decade (or more) of disappointment. |
 Jaylett i made my point but it was a fait accompli when it dropped to 15 percent and unlike others I do not see the point of constantly moaning about the past.
There is also nothing stopping kefi re-entering Saudi once it gets cashed up but with a high much percentage of any prospects as it already has a good track record of discoveries.
As for people following there obsessions kettle calling the pot black?
Additionally, KEFI plans to list on the Ethiopian Stock Exchange, unlocking local funding to support its expanding portfolio in Ethiopia.
These initiatives position KEFI as a leader in leveraging Ethiopia’s vast untapped resources while contributing to the nation’s economic growth.
Addis Ababa, December 5, 2024 (FBC) – Ethiopia’s State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, met with Saudi Arabian investors in Riyadh to discuss investment opportunities in the east African country.
Ambassador Mesganu highlighted Ethiopia’s recent economic reforms aimed at fostering foreign trade and investment. He emphasized that these reforms have created a conducive environment for international investors across various sectors.
In response, Saudi investors and heads of companies expressed their appreciation for the discussion and showed strong interest in investing in Ethiopia. They highlighted potential areas of collaboration, including agricultural production, livestock breeding, mining, tourism, and the establishment of factories to access the broader African market.
(critical minerals) |
Trying to get my head around this claim against KEFI in the High Court.
Unless I’ve glaringly overlooked a message from the company in the past, shouldn’t an event of this potential importance and relevance have been relayed to shareholders in the form of an official RNS? |
"On the plus side TK should get over the line"
Should it? You've been saying the same thing for years now, at every stage of this farce. No matter what the feeble excuse and no matter what it costs, the answer is always the same; TK is just around the corner. You were here for Saudi, if I recall, but swallowed that medicine with nowt but a murmur.
It is quite ironic that you refer to HAA as Ahab with Ethiopia, as you're exactly the same with Kefi. Resolutely determined to land the whale whatever the cost, despite the fact that it is now little more than a malnourished turbot that you're chasing. |
Not sure of cases, but hype at 0.6p by Tom? Caught out as an insider with 0.55p offer, now 0.5p to sell?
I wonder if Tom feels used by Harry?
Harry adds a new prospect, bought at what price? 1 US dollar or... 1cent?
Never ending CON? |
So goatherd has either paid the £22 fee into court to get hold of the particulars of claim and defence so as to form a laymans judgement, or he has just made that statement* up, which of course would be dishonest wouldnt it
I think Kefi have an open and shut case |
goatherd 4 Dec '24 - 11:03 - 29575 of 29577 0 2 0
Not what I was suggesting - as well you know Katsy.
I think Kefi have an open and shut case - so will not have anything to pay - and if that is so the other side will have to pay most, or all, of Kefi's cost. Few thousands at most.
Barry Evans 4Dec '24 - 11:08 - 29576 of 29577 Edit 0 1 0
Honestly, WALOS. |
His Honour Judge Parfitt (Sitting as a Judge in the High Court) 10:30am Court 11 KB-2022-004658 Demissie v Kefi Gold and Copper Plc For Trial Robed
no counterclaim has been filed with the courts
funny that |
Yea, the raise how ever unpalatable is done now, I won't ever trust HA but to be honest I'm not sure I ever did. I won't invest another penny in KEFI either but equally I'm not selling my holding until TK gets over the line or is obviously not happening. Granted I hold at an average of around 0.6p so although slightly out of pocket I'm aware I don't share the pain of longer term holders. |
I think the Ethiopians have Harry by the balls. |
Whichever it is Rob I have lost all trust in Harry.The deal will be done but the shareholders could still be stitched up and a takeover recommended by the board at a ridiculously low price.The board would not go unrewarded, but long-term shareholders might not reach their breakeven cost.I am okay because I have averaged down for 13 years.I just don't trust him he speaks with forked tongue as the Indians would say. |
 TLT Harrys not that sophisticated my guess kefi hit some problem or delay or some backroom deal was done that meant kefi had to do a raise now otherwise why not wait for the award of the new licence today and do a raise off that back of that? Unless of course the awarding of the further licence areas was somehow connected to the raise.
I suspect but cannot prove that the problem or deal was with the Ethiopian side hence the raise followed by the next day awarding of an new areas and Harrys confidence that licence areas would be given immediately before one was. Doubt Harrys psychic(well past history suggests not) which suggests to me that he received some assurances.
Looking at it from the Ethiopian side what would they prefer kefi to do? Well go all in Ethiopia rather than Saudi (more revenue) and do a listing that means faster expansion and local involvement (more revenue) and do a listing as quickly as possible (listing rules no debt?).
A good question is what the international investors know. Probably they are getting a toe in the door for a probably a small amount of money (to them) in anticipation that TK will get over the line and kefi or its local subsidiary will be awarded further licence areas and they will have further investment opportunities. Possible that they got these assurances from the Ethiopian side rather than Harry or just Harry or why not invest before now. |