I reckon the funding will come. With gold currently £2700, any lending risks are reduced. If ever there was a time to be developing a gold mine it's now. Lots of false starts here though, so just need it done now. No more HA waffle, it won't help, just get the thing signed off or we'll be back to lows. |
When the missed targets, forecasts or whatever you call them have accumulated for long enough you realise not just that a character like HA has next to no control over events and that dilution over time is diminishing your potential return, you also realise that it could all fall apart and never happen at all (in the sense that one way or the other KEFI could be out of the picture by the time anything happens). |
Bid keeps jumping to .65 or .66 and then dropping back.. |
"It hardly matters exactly when things happen - provided they do happen."
Of course it matters, because the longer it takes, the more dilution is incurred and the lower the return on investment. Hence those who believed the early tales being 99% down on their purchases.
You have a frankly bizarre outlook on investing. It is ok for CEOs to lie, sorry 'make up stories', because they need to inflate the share price to sucker people in. Righto.
You are right that HAA has had almost zero control over this entire farce in Ethiopia, as he has been led down more garden paths than an old wheelbarrow, however consistently claiming otherwise and not being open about the steps to closure is nothing to celebrate. He said it was 'done' three years ago, that was untrue and unacceptable. |
Thanks Rob like this..
The eagerly-awaited launch of the Ethiopian Securities Exchange will be in mid-November, according to Hana Tehelku, Director General of the Ethiopian Capital Markets Authority (ECMA). The ESX has a pipeline of potential listings. |
(Ethiopia general)
(Ethiopia general)
(Ethiopia general)
(Ethiopia general)
(Saudi mining) |
Traders increasingly outnumber investors but Harry does not really have any time for traders but at the end of the day their money is as good as anyone else's. |
You were doing so well until you got to the final sentence ‘it usually does’. |
That's fine, but you seem to have a problem with the messengers on here, not the message. If the date stated, posted, talk of by HA doesn't come to fruition by that time, it's not the posters on here that's the problem, it's HA's message. |
This is the same for many, even most, AIM shares.
The CEO has to raise funds, so he has to make up a good "story" - most stories will be true, but optimistic, (Some will be barefaced fraud - but that is another story)
In time the CEO comes to believe his story. Mostly CEO's do not understand their investors, and a week or two is neither here nor there to them, and they do not understand the effect it has on the market.
To many in the market every day is critical - I really do not understand why.
It hardly matters exactly when things happen - provided they do happen.
So my policy is to lie back and wait for it to happen. If it doesn't then that is just too bad. But, it usually does. |
I’ll split the difference then - ‘forecastsR17;.
Either way, it has been missed yet again and as result the trust erodes even further.
Very little goodwill left in the pocket. |
OK, I take your point BUT in no way was that anything other than a target.
The crucial point is that missed deadlines are very bad for share prices. So if it is not a "missed deadline" then only shorters will want to call it one.
So, if you want to support the shorters (or are a shorter yourself), then call it a missed deadline.
But if you don't, don't. |
Dancing on the head of a pin Goatherd ! Nobody made HA write the sentence below. You can call it what you want if it makes you feel better.
“The Early Works programme is designed to take Tulu Kapi through to September 2024, and provide the basis for full close of the US$320 million project finance package and commencement of Major Works in October 2024” |
I do not accept "targets",
I think they are "hopes".
They certainly have no legal import. |
‘Target’ then.
He sets targets and fails to achieve them.
I am sure we can all agree on that.
Either way, the market doesn’t like it and reacts accordingly. |
Deadline is entirely the incorrect word. But, hey ho. |
We know that HA's utterances are basically aspirational, however he frames them, but continually failing in his aspirations has made him look more and more ineffective, so these dates really do matter and it is therefore entirely reasonable to characterise them as self-imposed deadlines. |
What we are waiting for is the bank sign off (we absolutely know that it is coming as otherwise we could not have started the "early works" programme, which, while not as expensive as the full programme, does demand substantial expenditure.
The actual decision to sign is the bank's, and only the banks. So Harry has very little influence on when it comes. (If he did have such influence, then it would have been signed already).
That is why he CANNOT commit to a date. He can hope for a date, but cannot commit to it. |
Yes, Harry did say that.
But in absolutely no way was it a "deadline" to be "missed". It was an aspiration which he hoped to achieve.
It does no one (except the shorters) any good to talk about "missed deadlines" when they really were not. |
Come on HA next couple of days to confirm 2nd bank sign off pleeeease! |
no worries |
Goatherd, Been answered for me ! :-) |
Whoa, who put the price up!?? |