A lot of buying. Positive signs. Has the 2nd bank signed. RNS TMRW MORNING PERHAPS |
Bring your knees in tight? |
its a step to the left.... |
"lets do the time warp again" |
Estseon - to be fair on HAA it’s a well known phenomenon known as “Africa time” |
Not knicker wetting - just frustration. It took less time to dig the Channel Tunnel. Some of you may have heard the phrase 'time dilation'. There are officially two factors that slow time: gravity and speed. However, Harry appears to have contrived to create a time warp that no physicist has yet proposed: the Kefi time warp in which speed is near zero, gravity is illusory but time stops still. |
The Smiths |
Estimate MM's taken on some 44M shares in past week, Sp holds until they get shot of the lot, then a realistic price of 0.03p more realistic. |
Name one family that has agreed to move? |
Yawn thanks for permission to post. |
Rob, ref all you like, fact is residents are not moving until decent dosh paid their way.
Wollaga rules, compo insufficient, conflict Oromia expected to influence. |
Over eats imo |
 There can be potential "dark sides" or less favourable characteristics associated with someone who frequently uses metaphors :
1. Avoidance of Directness: Constant use of metaphors might be a way for someone to avoid being direct or straightforward. They might use figurative language to obscure their true meaning or to evade difficult conversations, making it hard for others to pin down their actual thoughts or intentions.
2. Manipulation: A person skilled in metaphorical language could use it to manipulate or deceive others. Metaphors can create emotional appeal, and someone who is highly persuasive may use them to cloud judgment or mislead people, especially if their metaphors are overly romanticized or exaggerated.
3. Overcomplication: While metaphors can simplify complex ideas, they can also have the opposite effect. Someone who constantly speaks in metaphors might overcomplicate communication, making it harder for others to follow their point. They may come across as evasive, pretentious, or confusing if they lean too heavily on abstract comparisons instead of being clear and concise.
4. Detachment from Reality: Overuse of metaphorical language could indicate a tendency to detach from reality or avoid confronting facts. Someone who frequently relies on metaphor may be using it as a way to intellectualize or distance themselves from real-world issues or emotions, making it harder to deal with things in a practical, grounded way.
5. Emotional Evasion: Using metaphors might also be a form of emotional shielding. Rather than confronting their own feelings directly, they may use poetic or symbolic language to obscure or downplay their true emotions. This can sometimes prevent them from addressing personal issues head-on.
6. Self-Indulgence: Some individuals who use metaphors excessively may do so out of self-indulgence or a desire to be seen as intellectually superior. Their use of elaborate or complex metaphors could reflect a need for attention or admiration, as they try to present themselves as deep or insightful, even when it isn’t necessary.
7. Inaccessibility: If metaphors are overly complex or obscure, this person could become inaccessible to others. They may alienate people who prefer clear, direct communication or who don’t understand the symbolism they’re using, leading to frustration or miscommunication. |
"I have a dream that one day Kefi (KEFI) will be taken over. Not so much as this will enrich me personally, in a modest way, but because I will no longer be swamped by emails from folks wetting their knickers at the slightest provocation. Today comes this gem:.." |
Yeah I remember "closes and hits" 3 years ago that's what I mean about him. |
Pending approvals from private investors and a consortium of African banks, Adams says construction at Tulu Kapi, about 360 km from Addis Ababa, will ramp up quickly once the cash flows.
“In principle, we’ve broken the back of the financing,” he said last month during the Gold Forum Americas in Colorado Springs. “We expect to close in the next two months completely.” |
I see Gold is $15 off the high 2 weeks ago, them ducks cmiu |
So many have been rage-investing in this emotional rollercoaster for years. At this point, their therapists get paid in stock options. But hey, if they're all in the same sinking ship, at least you're going down with some class—and matching life vests! Ride this wave of frustration, hold the smarmy comments, and hope the universe takes the Kefi'ites to the ‘Top of the Pops’ instead of ‘Rock Bottom Revisited.’
ps hope that's not too smarmy |
We've all been there at some stage & got the T-shirt somwhere Douglas. The aim isn't easy.'Tis important to keep folk aware though especially newbies. I sincerely wish you every success. Let's see... |
Fair enough Goatie. I don't think they've helped themselves but hopefully that will change. Until then.... |