I regard that as evidence - at about confidence level 7.
What "evidence" are you looking for - even photographs can be faked.
If one does not trust a word Directors say then one should certainly not be invested in a stock.
I trust Kefi; which is why I have a rather-too-large investment in them. |
Kefi make plenty of statements but as have said many times before need to see cold hard evidence. |
He said "evidence"!!!!! |
 66778899, your 2079
From Kefi website
"18 September 2024 KEFI Gold and Copper plc ("KEFI" or the "Company") Tulu Kapi Operational Update Early Works Progressing Well KEFI (AIM: KEFI), the gold and copper exploration and development company focused on the Arabian-Nubian Shield since 2008, is pleased to provide a short operational update encompassing the recent activities with respect to the Company’s Tulu Kapi Gold Project (“Tulu Kapi” or the “Project”;). Early Works at Tulu Kapi are progressing well, as follows: • Physical activities: o Security: all required inspections have now been completed satisfactorily and and no further inspections are required by any of the Tulu Kapi Project funding syndicate members ahead of investment approval. This follows the deployment of government agencies and private contractors. Independent monitoring will continue throughout the life of the Project. o Local Consultations: conducting a multitude of large and small group briefings and consultations. These have been positively received by the local stakeholders who continue to express their support for the launch of Major Works. o Community resettlement preparations: layout of a temporary construction camp now involves the compensation of small subset of the land required for the Project, which will assist the understanding and alignment of all stakeholders. • Financing activities: o Government has indicated it is ready to provide all ratifications required for detailed definitive documents to be finalised and executed. o All co-lender requests to date have been satisfied and our focus is now on optimising the equity capital segment of the financing, focusing especially on the Equity Risk Notes investment by co-lenders and local investors. Harry Anagnostaras-Adams, Executive Chairman of KEFI commented: “We steadily work through the Early Works programme and preparing for the launch of Major Works. We remain on track for entering into definitive commitments from the funding syndicate next month, enabling financial close and triggering of the Major Works. We are grateful for the support and collaboration being received from the community, government agencies and our Project syndicate. “And we are lucky that the gold price keeps setting new record highs and Ethiopia has now re-joined the world’s top 10 growth countries.” Enquiries KEFI Gold and Copper plc Harry Anagnostaras-Adams (Executive Chairman) +357 99457843 John Leach (Finance Director) +357 99208130 SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP (Nominated Adviser) +44 (0) 20 3470 0470 Jeff Keating, Adam Cowl Tavira Securities Limited (Lead Broker) +44 (0) 20 7100 5100 Oliver Stansfield, Jonathan Evans IFC Advisory Ltd (Financial PR and IR) +44 (0) 20 3934 6630 Tim Metcalfe, Florence Chandler 3PPB LLC (Institutional IR) Patrick Chidley +1 (917) 991 7701 Paul Durham +1-203-940-2538"
If you are really in doubt there are lots of phone numbers you could ring and talk to. |
Trump is what we need and Reform. The world is ashambles |
Feel sorry for Trump if he gets in going to get blamed for everything that is wrong in the US and any honeymoon period likely to be short. |
4.50 minutes in notes tied to gold..gold linked bonds.
Commodity-backed bonds are debt securities where the price of an underlying commodity directly influences the coupon payments and/or principal. Not only can commodity-backed bonds provide bondholders with a steady source of income, but they can also be a profitable vehicle for investors who speculate that the price of the commodity will rise. Because investors have the potential to earn more if the commodity gains value, commodity-backed bonds typically pay lower coupon rates than regular bonds.
Plus and minuses can probably get a much lower interest rate but could end up paying more if the gold price goes up which I expect it to do but guess if the gold price goes up kefi will be flush anyway. |
LOL LOL ;) |
goatherd what proof do you have that early works have started |
Notes tied to Gold linked bonds, local investors with money “trapped” given special dispensation to invest in local currency to allow kefi to repay in dollars or gold down the track. Looking at all the choices to dual list kefi on a international exchange.
Broken the back of the financing expect to close within the next two months completely (this was from last months Gold Forum Americas in Colorado Springs)
the presentation at the same time |
Makes sense to me. |
If Kefi are not certain that the second bank will sign up then why have they started the "early works" programme. The programme does not use vast amounts of money, but it does use quite a bit, and the works would be useless if the full cash was not available.
Kefi say the delay is while they negotiate a larger loan (from both banks) which would render any more dilution unnecessary.
Makes sense to me. |
Apart from their ultra meticulous dd protocols i don't see or understand why this sign off saga would perpetually perpetuate knowing full well the bloody life body or company they are supposed to be sponsering has been and is hanging on by it's fkng fingertips despite carrying every other fking party on it's back to make this happen to the benefit of all, any further bs delay will be pointless havoc
Bit like a people smuggler riding across in a boat with his partners for 28 hrs and deciding to forfeit payment and successfull completion in Dover by sticking a fork in the dinghy 2 miles from land, why the fk would anyone sabotage your own life and golden fkg Gooooose |
Welcome. Money under the mattress for now. |
Theaviator, so many many thanks for being here and trying to save me from my own stupidity!You are my actual hero! Forget Batman - he's a loser compared to you sir.Wonderful man! |
Correct linkhttps://ibb.co/Hznb8R1 |
The inception is here. https://imgbb.com/Indeed I have data going all the way back to 1885How cycles work is they track with future periods of time and we move the cycles slightly to find the perfect match. Can be off by a month or two. This is how we predict stock market movements. |
It is the 60 year cycle period showed tracked from posted. |
We need to get some feedback pronto. Many years in here and heavily invested. This needs to start moving and giving the people it's answers. After all we are frustrated shareholders . Stop feeding us with information and no actions. Actions now Harry |
Is that the right graph? It covers a seven year period, but you are saying it illustrates a 17 year cycle> |
Flash crash 2025 no doubt within the timeline given but I believe Benner is correct in his cycle work and 2026 will have some surprises. Also aligns with McWhirter North Nodal so property is likely to take a right battering. Fred Harrison usually pretty accurate with that. |
Well i have been right about the gold price for years Avaitor I would have been better of speculating on that admittingly.
Doubt it will be blue skys for year year and half I am amazed things have been propped up this long maybe if Trump gets in he will be a convenient fall guy or maybe Elon musk will turn things round ;-) |
You can see the cause back in 1962 https://ibb.co/JHrcHwcNow the coming cause below. Timeline marked with the red verticals between February and April 2025. We will correct but the "crash" should be only flash and thwarted off with the real high being made in 2026. Thereafter the greatest depression since 1929. Let's see if Central banks are still buying gold then ;)https://ibb.co/mbVJFNC |
https://ibb.co/jD57WGy |