You aren't very good at this.One account with some units held. Now go an do yourself a favor. Find a large cliff and jump off it because your investment here is likely about to go south. |
You repeat same rhetoric as the Ozzie Greek oh dear.... Excrement!! |
It’s become increasingly evident that the idea that you hold anything close to 3% in even the smallest listed vehicle is total fantasy. |
 Avaitor Plenty has changed over the last year kefi has been clearing hurdles till its got to the stage where only a few remain maybe only one really the banks or maybe just the second bank signing off. The rest should be just process after that.
Aim is dire which is why the company had to eventually put together a highly complex deal to fund it at project level with a lot of parties and moving parts which is probably the main reason it is taking so long. Got to the stage where kefi could well be the third cab of the rank after Akobo who have produced there first gold bar and Allied who have raised a lot of money primarily for Ethiopia.
Easier for Akobo in a way though as it a much smaller operation "boutique" and Allied gold has deeper pockets however shows it is possible to get a mine going in Ethiopia. Kefi have not really effectively highlighted the progress of either company to make this case either maybe because of the embarrassment factor of other companies making quicker progress or because of poor PR.
Kefi should however be able to get this over the line considering the money to be made due to the high gold price and I see the second bank not needing to make anymore visits and a discussion over increased lending and listing in Ethiopia as good omens.
Its a bit of a mugs game predicting exactly when due to the potential for delays but being an old style investor more than a trader not going to throw the towel in when kefi should not be a million miles from getting this done. |
You had to ask a friend to explain that a gold exploration and development company operating in frontier markets was high risk? Dear Lord. |
(Saudi mining) |
This is from a dear friend of mine who gave me permission post it and who has been invested for years. This is the reality & it makes me so so sad. Many of these folk are led by the likes of Goat to the slaughter and have been. Until finance is sorted it remains a big dubious question mark for me with "CAUTION" written all over it. If finance is sorted properly then we can talk about it. A pump and a dump likely as he will raise into it. (As always lol) |
Not so. Just a few foolish people selling.
Only 12m shares. Peanuts. |
Mm panicking me tinks ;) |
As said "Protesteth too much" Always a large warning sign. Especially since you are a new poster here Folks be careful.... |
 My take is the company has agreement in principle for the first area that it needs people to move from. Doubt there is any problem over people wanting the compensation to move, once the first trance has been paid out probably going to have people volunteer to move even before kefi needs them to.
“Community resettlement preparations: layout of a temporary construction camp now involves the compensation of small subset of the land required for the Project, which will assist the understanding and alignment of all stakeholders.”
“Q: Please explain why the compensation calculations in respect of the temporary construction camp set a useful precedent?
A: Simply that it is a small read and the relatively small area allows the precedents to be set for amounts payable per eligible item. This assists greatly in confirming our overall budget.”
The company should announce the first people to move even if its on the Q and A section (just for the symbolism if nothing else) but its more likely to happen post bank and/or consortium sign off than before though if it’s a handful of people could be done before just to show intent. |
Who cares, they will let us know if and when it has happened. No need for any free bb* speculation.
*forum |
And how am I trying to convince myself of anything of the sort? There are a few posters on here which love to make things up and struggle with basic comprehension. You didn’t answer Heliman’s question though jaylett, how do you *know* as you are stating your assertions as if they’re facts. I suggest you are guessing, unless you care to share a specific insight? |
Moving locals is not even in the list of Early Works. If you want to convince yourself they've done something that a) isn't planned and then b) chosen to not report what would be a massive development in the build of the mine at TK, then you crack on. |
It’s not me making things up though, is it Barry? See previous posts ^^^ |
They throw out RNS like confetti when nothing has happened, if it had, do you think they would be sitting on it?
Stop dreaming and making things up, if anything ever happens, you can be sure they will tell you. |
Ughhh, another poster who struggles with comprehension. Heliman quite reasonably asked how jaylett knew that “not a single inhabitant has moved anywhere” amongst other things. Of course jaylett hasn’t got a clue, he’s just got his spoon out again stirring. It could well be that a number of small landowners around key points in the site have already accepted the prescribed compensation and moved - we do not know and this is clearly not price sensitive info and thus not RNS’able in isolation. That is very different to saying “negotiations with the locals had been concluded” as you well know Barry. What’s the point of making up what’s just been said which other posters can see? It’s just pointless time wasting. |
The bloke is just stating facts, they would have confirmed that the negotiations with the locals had been concluded had they been concluded. Simple as. |
and Pray, how do you know this ?
or are you just stirring things up again, we can see straight through you ! |
"As Kefi has commenced an "early works" programme (moving inhabitants, building accommodation etc. etc)"
Another blatant lie from Mr. Truth Is My Byword. Not a single inhabitant has moved anywhere, other than probably into retirement waiting for these wasters to secure funding. |