Paulypilot the ramper apologises and blames managment of INVOX for his own folly...
The fact of the matter is fusebox warned that INVOX was a dog and paulypilot coud not be trusted as he was ramping it for his own ends. |
I wonder how many shareholders turned up for the AGM this year.
Anyway, has anybody set up a new thread under the new name? |
brightview, hum sounds like they are going into double glazing. lets all hope this will change things around, three name changes since ive held them, if they carry on changing there name at some point they may , i say may just get it right, but im not holding my breath.
ps, invox, its not the name that needs to be changed its your way of thinking. |
I dont think anyone imagined the enormity of the destruction of the company thats why we all got our back sides wacked with this one. £5 MILLION ANNUAL PROFITS TO £50K LOSSES OVERNIGHT?????? That is the magnitude of this incredible disaster which is quite unbelievable as these were not flash in the pan profits this company was highly profitable and cash generative for 5 years . Only Paul Parry knows how he managed to destroy 99% of shareholders funds overnight I dont think we ever will. |
What a difference a year makes on the AIM.
Who would have believed that the management here would have wrecked the company and reduced the share price to 10p? |
I think Envesta failed because the directors were a bunch of crooks. Not sure if it's the same here or if they have just been totally incompetent. They have certainly brought the company to its knees far quicker than anyone could imagine. |
i was in envesta this is begining to smell the same directors ripped that to pieces then |
Even Haystack was positive about this stock once...
This is what he said at £1.90.
Haystack - 19 May'05 - 21:10 - 387 of 406
This does look interesting. I think a medium term recovery of the share price looks likely. I am not sure about the long term yet.
It makes you laugh some of these AIM outfits. |
Huge buying by directors, none of the rest of us got a look in with the Placing. They sold out for around 30p and have bougt back in for 7 1/2p, it's the directors who have made all the money and us small share holders who are paying for it.
21st December, Name due to change to Brightview. |
glad to hear that more people are waking up to the AIM STOCK RACKETERING. LONG OVER DUE FOR AN OVERHAUL , |
This does not look too bad for new investors; new cash raised, huge buying by directors etc. But for existing holders, I am afraid the glory days of Invox are long gone. It is back to a small AIM stock, with limited cash and one product in a highly competitive market. In time, someone may buy this for 15p a share or so but the days of 300p or even 100p are gone forever. Where has all the business and money gone? How can it all go so quickly? I just do not understand .... but I do know that these unregulated AIM stocks are the fastest way to lose your dosh that I know. |
FreakNomad - If what you say is true, I think I'll have a dip in my cesspit for a bit of fresh air.
Some of these Directors sold out at around 30p, they kept the share holders 11p per share profit, and are now buying back at 7.5p. It seems to me that the INX directors have intended all along to do this to make massive, huge profits for themselves, to line their own pockets with our hard earned cash.
If they had been honest, they would have offered us, the beleaguered share holders a chance to make at last a few pennies of our losses back.
41p is my break-even point and if the directors or anyone else (Mr F) wants my shares to take INX Private, 41p they will have to pay. |
Loganair: Has anyone any idea who is likly to take up these new shares.
Yes, the directors. Quoting from kimboy at the Fool:
"David Laurie purchased 666,667 shares at a cost of £50,000 David Stirling purchased 160,000 shares at a cost of £12,000 Charles Fairbairn purchased 1,000,000 at a cost of £75,000 Steven Tucker purchased 8,000,000 at a cost of £600,000
Even the directors who are leaving are buying; Stephen Hargrave purchased 1,000,000 shares at a cost of £75,000 Jerry Reidy purchased 400,000 shares at a cost of £30,000"
This stinks. It really, really stinks. I'd guess that it might be taken out at 15 to 20p with these people doubling or better their money. |
I think the drop in earnings is because of people switching from more lucrative dial up service to broadband which has a fixed monthly fee.
Where the growth is therefore in the short term I don't know, but it seems that they have sucessfully found supporters to fund them and so we can only assume there is a growth story here somewhere. |
Has anyone any idea who is likly to take up these new shares. I was wondering if it will be our dear Mr F. If this is the case he'll own over half of the company.
Inx stated last financial year they made a profit of 11p per share, which is around £2.4m, which they kept, and now they say they do not have sufficient money to get through the next year. The Inx directors really must explain to us share holders what the hell is going on, they keeping all to very quiet, only announcing the minimum required. Like others who invested, I wished I hadn't. I suppose one rotten egg in my portfolio isn't that bad, but what a rotten egg it is. |
Post removed by ADVFN |
RBOnnier: Hi FreakNomad I thought Invox had 2.7 million in the bank todays placing news at such a low price doubling the issued share capital was not good news at all.
When I realised that Invox had gone from a net cash to a net debt position, my jaw hit the floor. IIRC, that was when I dumped my shares.
It's a good question, where has all the cash gone? It's a very good question. |
Now we know why they have shorted this to death, they will mop up the company for nought............great if you can!!!!!!! |
Hi FreakNomad I thought Invox had 2.7 million in the bank todays placing news at such a low price doubling the issued share capital was not good news at all. It appears without the placing this is going bust so what happened to the cash in the bank? |
RBonnier: This shows how inaccurate and dum some journalists and analysts are as they said 50000 subscribers value £120 each = £6 million - debt of 3.7million = 2.3million . Unfortunately the guy who wrote this forgot the 2.7 million in the bank !
That debt figure is net.
And anyway, the rate Invox is going through cash, you should probably up the debt figure. And today's announcement of a placing suggests they were about to breach their convenants. And therefore that the debt is even higher than we suppose.
I can't see why anyone is still in this dog. There is zero visibility.
The figures being bandied around here for a takeover price are way too optimistic. 40p? you must be joking!
Good luck anyway. |
Placing at a massive discount and massive dilutuion
Well done Paulypilot for ramping this dog!!! |
Many seem to think there is at least a 200% up side potential 10p to 30p or a 300% up side potential 10p to 40p. To me, it's worth putting in £1000 to see what happens. |
After falling back earlier in the year owing to offers of apparently 'free' broadband services by other suppliers, our new signups have recovered strongly in the last few months: over 5,000 net new Broadband subscribers were signed up in the quarter to 30 September 2006 taking the overall total to over 45,000. We expect to have more than 50,000 subscribers by Christmas.
'Given the aim of continuing growth in its broadband subscriber base, we are in negotiation with Barclays Bank plc to secure facilities consistent with that goal. This may involve deferral of repayments envisaged under the existing agreement.'
Recent takeovers in the market have seen broadband customers valued at £250 each.
Therefore 50,000 subscribers could be worth £12.5m.
This is nearly six times the current market cap. |