1.636 on bid |
SS that was because the Mm opened with a 6 point spread |
Sudani’s latest move surely means there’s zero trust between him and Bazarni, ergo KRG and ICG.
If the amendment isn’t withdrawn, this goes nowhere. |
From Lse re my Sudani post
MP reveals the reason for postponing the vote on amending the budge...21 Jan 2025 16:48 MP reveals the reason for postponing the vote on amending the budget law
Baghdad Today - Baghdad
Today, Tuesday (January 21, 2025), MP for the Fatah parliamentary bloc, Mokhtar Mahmoud, revealed the reason for postponing the vote on amending the budget law during today's session.
Mahmoud told Baghdad Today that "postponing the vote on amending the budget law during today's session, due to the government sending a new amendment to the amendment previously sent."
He added that "the new amendment needs new discussions and dialogues within the parliamentary finance committee, and therefore postponed the vote until the new amendment is discussed in the next few days."
Today, Tuesday (January 21, 2025), the parliament voted on personal status laws, the return of real estate and the general amnesty in one basket, after which the session was adjourned to further notice. |
Well Google finance has us at 169.1. Which is nice ! |
MidasX, lets hope those biscuits aren't "Biscuits, brown." Ask PeteBreeze .. :-) |
Sudani wants the gas--lol.Major Oil{BP?}just told him there's 10 Trillion+ Cuft at Shaikan{greater} |
Lots more biscuits required 😋 |
 Highlander - "You could be right Beernut. All they are doing is showing their incompetence and prejudice to the rest of the world. Including BP , who will not be impressed."
You can say that again.
Bigdog - "The fact that BP have been encouraged to take control of Kirkuk and obviously are happy with the terms offered by Baghdad how do you thickos think the oil is getting to Ceyhan? Its getting there via the pipe(s) and through the FK pumping and monitoring station which is owned by Baghdad!! It may be on Kurdistan land but FK is owned by Baghdad!! So its obvious BP must have been guaranteed the Kirkuk oil is going to get exported via Ceyhan!!!"
Miles behind as usual Sarah. The MoO have had to abandon their plans to export Kirkuk oil.
Last Wednesday in London - "The oil minister Abdul Ghani added that the deal would be bigger than a 2023 TotalEnergies deal in Basra, valued at around $27 billion."
So BP are about to sign (but haven't yet) a contract which contravenes the Iraqi constitution and is worth more than $27 billion to develop the Kirkuk fields and increase production by more than 100kbpd.
But the plan is to sell the oil locally.
"The minister also noted that under the deal, oil production would be raised by up to 100,000 barrels per day (bpd), noting that the oil would flow to refineries in the north, which are currently operating below capacity."
Last year we were told to great fanfare Sarah, including by you, that the MoO had finished refurbishing their section of the ITP pipeline and that it was ready to start exporting Kirkuk oil to Ceyhan.
So why has the plan changed, why are they now saying that Kirkuk's oil will be sold locally, why can't they sell it into the world market at world market prices.
The contract is supposedly profit sharing and BP are still negotiating the commercial terms. I bet they are, it doesn't sound like there'll be much profit to share does it.
BP will expect that oil to be sold at world market prices and generate profits accordingly.
So what or WHO is preventing them from exporting it I wonder. |
Read an article saying Sudani has caused budget delay wanting Krg oil ( and gas). ? |
You could be right Beernut. All they are doing is showing their incompetence and prejudice to the rest of the world. Including BP , who will not be impressed. |
Thanks H7
I think one way or another it will be voted in b4 weekend. Gla |
Budget amendment vote expected today or tomorrow. Some members of finance committee objected to proposed amendments so vote was moved to 4th in the agenda, but session was adjourned. |
Basra has always been part of the issue . Thats one of the reasons why the Kurds have been held back in the first place.
The questions now must be Is there enough political support for the KRG in the current parliament ? Will Trump get directly involved ? and how will BP respond ?
The pressure is on...because this "new" amendment breaches the Constitution and will be thrown out. |
Nobody cares |
Habs, yes I agree, Sudani has been spooked by the thought of losing control to all of the regions. So what does he do next ? Do you think this will revert to the original wording (unlikely). He has to do something though given the threat of Trump and the US support for the Kurds. I just can't see his next move, can you ? |
 Queen lemming sarah is completely wrong in believing the Kurds will be able to ignore Baghdad and do their own thing with Turkey.
The fact that BP have been encouraged to take control of Kirkuk and obviously are happy with the terms offered by Baghdad how do you thickos think the oil is getting to Ceyhan? Its getting there via the pipe(s) and through the FK pumping and monitoring station which is owned by Baghdad!! It may be on Kurdistan land but FK is owned by Baghdad!! So its obvious BP must have been guaranteed the Kirkuk oil is going to get exported via Ceyhan!!! That of course adds yet another problem to all those that currently exist between Erbil and Baghdad. (Additionally, Turkey have discovered a load of oil which is currently being transported by truck that could use the pipe to Ceyhan).
The question is how much of Kurdistan's quality oil will be added to the Kirkuk oil in order to achieve the better quality blend that Baghdad want top dollar for. However, will the sludge (lesser quality oil) be permitted to be blended with it as that will decrease its value. And it doesn't take much sludge for the quality to dive. Its why its been suggested many times that a lot of Kurdistan's oil could have different destinations, local sales etc.
To believe all will be just fine and that Kurdistan will be able to do what they want later this year is imho false.
Always happy to help. |
Amazing how its turned out after all that BS from the likes of shagyourgranny. GLA LTHs |
Jb sadly I think we will be stiffed.45 -75 quid a shareAll roads lead to ?100+ per share. |
Correct .We need to ignore the noiseThe company is obviously sold TBACEO STAY BONUS AWARD gets paid in January....Fill yer boots |
You may be right and if nothing better happens I hope you are. We`ll see. September is not far away
I`d rather Erbil broke free from their Shiit "brothers" and I`m sure that their secession would be supported by Turkey and The USA
Thank you for your contribution. |