I had this sell off attributed to the legal difficulties currently being experienced by AZN big wigs in China,this was then followed by the appointment of a Health Secretly in the USA who is as deluded as trump.
I will just bide my time conserve my funds and top up when I feel it is appropriate but not at this present moment in time.
'This too shall pass'. But my holdings might take a beating in the meantime.
Grow some fellow investors. |
 First UK case was jan 2020. Part of the problem with Covid whilst obviously a serious virus, was the misinformation given by the likes of Zero Hedge and reposted by useful idiots on other forums. Doing Russia's bidding, but too thick to realise. Would have helped of course if the Chinese had been more honest and open.
If you want to see how much damage was done by vaccines compared to Covid then you need to look at populations that had the vaccine first (ie New Zealand). What also gets me is that there were of course several different vaccines that had different modes of action - according to the antivaxxers the all seem to cause the same issues, thats highly unlikely from a physiology point of view.
Of course for the best protection you need to have a vaccine with a similar antigen to the prevalent strain. A vaccine will do that, or of course a recent covid infection. Testing for the latest antibodies isn't a quick or easy process.
GeckotheGlorious15 Nov '24 - 17:44 - 33707 of 33733
I had Covid in December 2019, recovered.
Why do I need a vaccine oh intelligent one?
FYI. Each time a vaccine came out it was for a strain that was dominant 6 to 9 months prior!!!!! That's why so many who get a Covid 19 vaccine still get Covid!! Because theyre vaccinated against the wrong strain.
Additionally, if you've had Covid and recovered your immune system is well set - you dont need a forced Covid19 vaccine.
After things changed. Sadly you have no such actual knowledge |
Washingmachine 16 Nov '24 - 07:08 - 33722
" I can see GSK getting slammed from here Wouldn’t surprise me 3 to 500 pence And I’m serious "
Just entered the rinse cycle? |
And he’s still had a far better life than 99 percent .. |
Oh and Taylor swift for the teenys |
This whole USA democrat party Is basically big pharmaceutical With gates and soros in the background All those billions earned thru Covid will be raided under trump God bless TRUMP !! |
Keyno - maybe burgers are the secret to a healthy long life.
I'd say it's a fact that Trump is in pretty good shape for a 78 year old. |
EI - you get a tick up for that one! |
Washingmachine16 Nov '24 - 07:08 - 33722 of 33722 (Filtered) |
I can see GSK getting slammed from here Wouldn’t surprise me 3 to 500 pence And I’m serious |
>Trump anti-vax health appointment wipes £7bn from AstraZeneca & GSK
Almost £7 billion was wiped from the combined market values of GSK PLC and AstraZeneca PLC on Friday after Donald Trump unveiled his new health secretary. President-elect Donald Trump announced the controversial appointment of Robert F Kennedy Junior, an outward anti-vaxer, on Thursday. Trump said the new Department of Health and Human Services head had the “most important role” in any administration. “[He] will play a big role in helping ensure that everybody will be protected from harmful chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, pharmaceutical products and food additives,” Trump added.
Fortunately no position ! |
Loving Winstanley have a meltdown on lse! Welcome to the real world where we didn't want men in women's toilets and teachers using us them we me unicorn profiteroles.....long overdue...
Gsk need to pull a non re hashed drug to up their game. Maybe a novel ipr... All best 👌 |
Great intraday reversal |
*cries that gecko has filtered me*
(Some of that post may not be true) |
That's the one!!! Ambulance crew member - that could refer to anything. Laughable attempt by them to appear they know anything about Virology & vaccinations.
As an aside.
The other big problem that Trump needs to get in front of is the CV19 bioweapon vax disaster. Dowd says, “We have been monitoring and tracking excess deaths, disabilities and injuries such as heart attacks, neurological problems, cancers and liver issues..."
"There is a whole host of issues that have gone off the charts since the introduction of the Covid vaccines. As of 2023, there was about 1.2 million excess deaths in the US. There were about four million disabilities and about 32 million injured. . . .
Our calculations, conservatively speaking, are 8 million to 15 million dead globally, 40 million to 60 million disabled and 500 million to 900 million injured where their immune system is so compromised that they are getting sick all the time. You’ve got to think about it as a funnel. Most of the numbers are injured, and then the next level down are disabled and then dead. People can funnel down from one category to the next. We have a problem here because we have 10% to 13% excess mortality currently running. . . . We are running once in 200 year flood numbers in 2024. . . . This is not over.
It is going to stay with us for decades. The way to mitigate that is there needs to be national awareness so people can treat the problems they have. This is the biggest healthcare failure we have ever seen. We need to pull the mRNA vaccines and have a global truth moment...
We continue to go along with a wink and a nod to pretend there is not a problem. We are not going to talk about Covid and the mRNA vaccines, and in my mind, this is unethical, immoral and criminal.” |
“I had Covid in December 2019, recovered.”
Such a shame. I could have carried your body instead of reading your nonsense. |
No volume or heavy selling commensurate with share price markdown. What an opportunity. |
U mean Robert Bobath A convicted charity fraudster Aka PATT the ambulance attendant |
Geko I’ve talked to many doctors They are all saying the exact same !! Now it’s Pay back God bless Donald Trump |