One of my big disappoinments -big demand for rental , record profits but share price off its high and yield nothing to write home about. |
Cheers steve3sandal did buy a few today as I also thought it was rather cheap. |
Off the top of my head I think the proposal impacts social housing associations not Grainger which owns/rents commercially albeit affordable, and under restricted tenancies (these revert upon the demise or moving out of the tenant.). On another subject the share price is weak and some might consider this an opportunity. |
Not sure if the new plan to give private tenants the right to buy will effect GRI. |
Yeh. Computer said ………;……blah! |
Dividend yield of 6.4% ? Surely some mistake.It's c 2.0% at present as far as I know. |
Grainger is currently offering rental home services, signifying that the firm is a provider, designer, owner and operator of rental homes across the UK. Given the plausible and diversified funding structure, the group derived an attractive PRS portfolio growth of 97%. This evidence is supported by the robust £1.9bn pipeline, which is expected to deliver further growth in recurring earnings, as net rental income is likely to be 2.5 times over the medium term, since the firm is trading ahead of market expectations. Subsequently, the firm was able to finance its operating and investing activities more effectively with respect to the previous year, as illustrated from the concise P/FCF ratio of 12.8. Furthermore, Grainger has capitalised on these opportunities and optimised its financing activities, allowing the firm to provide a relatively high and plausible dividend yield of 6.4% while enabling investors to optimise returns on investment.
Keep up to date with WealthOracle AM |
Added a few at 301.5p average. Hopefully rental growth will be driven by wage growth |
Andy Brough interview with PIWORLD
Andy Brough mentions Grainger #GRI in the latest PIWORLD interview at 12m15s
Watch the video here:
Or listen to the Podcast here: |
Adjusted Profit, adjusted dividend. Everyone adjusts everything these days but it all becomes clear when I check my pockets. |
Yes that's right. I like to see PI's included in fundraising wherever possible so that what's just happened as you describe, doesn't. I also thought it was very unusual to announce a 53% rise in profits & a dividend cut at the same time. Usually divis rise when profits do, or at any rate stay the same. |
Surely it depends how you look at it dogwalker.
The increase in the number of shares (which you refer to as dilution) means there a more shares which receive the dividend (so the quantum so far as the company is concerned hasn't reduced).
It's just that individual shareholders who weren't party to the dilution (fundraising) have seen their dividend fall slightly. |
Dogwalker, cant say the yield bothers me, in fact keen for them to reinvest for capital growth. But thats the rub, its disappointing at only 4% this year |
The cut in the dividend follows logically from the dilution a few months back I presume. Not a very shareholder-friendly company , this one. Maybe something for the new 'Chief People Officer' to think about? |
Ah ha. So £3.10 Maybe able to add around there, thanks for the alert. |
Added in the auction, dont feel so annoyed not offered any in placing now. |
An accidental bonus from the extra shares issued is a place in the Ftse 250 from 7 Sept. |
Institutions, insurance companies and banks investing hugely in this space chasing a return with their access to seemingly unlimited cheap money courtesy of central bankers. This is mirroring the US. Government loves it as it props up the housing market, the flip side is it crowds out new market entrants & turns into a generation of renters. Just a matter of time before this is sold IMO. |
share price went up 5p on Tuesday alone, always bouncing around a bit. Doesnt seem too cheap a deal to me, rather a good indication by major shareholders that they see see good thing for the company. having to pay stamp and transaction costs would have pretty much negated the discount and with all the faff involved might have meant them missing the no doubt "hot deals" they want to steal quickly :} more power to the dividend! |
Badly done for us small shareholders. But at least they waited till share price was strong. |
Doh, yes, thanks steve3sandal. Slick & quick '10% dilution' achieved in a day. Thanks Grainger. Just hope it's all for the good then. I'm sure it will be, especially if you were offered the cheap shares : well done. |
New shares for institutions and insiders at 310p with no stamp or transaction costs. 317/318p new share price down from 324/325p so no bargain and I'm not topping up here. They've got away with a fairly strong show of support here so probably good in the longer term. However, why not offer new shares to us too via Primary Bid. Others seem to find it possible, easy etc. I will raise it with them. |
Another placing. I’m guessing at a best offer basis for institutions as nothing quoted. I’d have liked to buy more if the share price was lower so I’ve set my alarm for 7am. |
Please dont listern to me Banj, receipe for poor house. Last add I did was at 311p, just hoping that they are less stressful than a tenant |